❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Presently the cracked bell tapped and a voice gave the order to “cast off.” A minute or two later the skiff’s head was standing high up, against the boat’s swell, and the voyage was begun.Tom felt happy in his success, for he knew it was the boat’s last trip for the night.At the end of a long twelve or fifteen minutes the wheels stopped, and Tom slipped overboard and swam ashore in the dusk, landing fifty yards downstream, out of danger of possible stragglers.He flew along unfrequented alleys, and shortly found himself at his aunt’s back fence.He climbed over, approached the “ell,” and looked in at the sitting-room window, for a light was burning there.There sat Aunt Polly, Sid, Mary, and Joe Harper’s mother, grouped together, talking.They were by the bed, and the bed was between them and the door.Tom went to the door and began to softly lift the latch; then he pressed gently and the door yielded a crack; he continued pushing cautiously, and quaking every time it creaked, till he judged he might squeeze through on his knees; so he put his head through and began, warily.“What makes the candle blow so?” said Aunt Polly
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Presently the cracked bell tapped / and a voice gave the order / to “cast off.” / A minute or two later / the skiff’s head was standing high up, / against the boat’s swell, / and the voyage was begun.
곧 금이 간 종이 울리고 / 누군가가 “출발”하라고 / 명령했다. / 일 분 이내에 / 보트의 머리가 높이 떠올랐고, / 배의 파도에 맞서며, / 항해가 시작되었다.
Tom felt happy / in his success, / for he knew / it was the boat’s last trip / for the night.
톰은 자신의 성공에 / 행복함을 느꼈다, / 왜냐하면 그는 알았다 / 이것이 오늘 밤 / 마지막 항해라는 것을.
At the end / of a long twelve or fifteen minutes / the wheels stopped, / and Tom slipped overboard / and swam ashore in the dusk, / landing fifty yards downstream, / out of danger / of possible stragglers.
열두 내지 십오 분의 긴 시간이 지나고 / 바퀴가 멈추었다, / 톰은 물에 뛰어들어 / 해질녘에 물가로 헤엄쳐 나갔다, / 50 야드 아래쪽에 상륙하며, / 위험에서 벗어나다 / 방황하는 사람들의.
He flew along unfrequented alleys, / and shortly found himself / at his aunt’s back fence.
그는 사람이 드문 골목을 지나 / 곧 자기 자신이 / 이모 집 뒤뜰 울타리에 도착한 것을 알았다.
He climbed over, / approached the “ell,” / and looked in at the sitting-room window, / for a light was burning there.
그는 울타리를 넘어, / “L자형 부분”에 가까이 다가섰고, / 거실 창문을 들여다보았다, / 그곳에 불이 켜져 있었기 때문이다.
There sat Aunt Polly, Sid, Mary, / and Joe Harper’s mother, / grouped together, / talking.
거기엔 앉아 있었다, 이모 폴리, 시드, 메리, / 그리고 조 하퍼의 어머니, / 함께 모여서 / 대화를 나누고 있었다.
They were by the bed, / and the bed / was between them / and the door.
그들은 침대 옆에 있었고, / 침대는 그들 사이에 있었다 / 그리고 문 사이에.
Tom went to the door / and began / to softly lift the latch; / then he pressed gently / and the door yielded a crack; / he continued pushing cautiously, / and quaking / every time it creaked, / till he judged / he might squeeze through / on his knees; / so he put his head through / and began, / warily.
톰은 문 쪽으로 가서 / 시작했다 / 살며시 빗장을 들어 올리기를; / 다음에 그는 부드럽게 밀었고 / 문이 약간 열렸다; / 그는 계속해서 조심스럽게 밀었고, / 떨며 / 문이 삐걱거릴 때마다, / 그는 판단내렸다 / 무릎으로 통과할 수 있다는 것을; / 그래서 그는 머리를 통과시켰고 / 시작했다, / 경계하면서.
“What makes the candle blow so?” / said Aunt Polly.
“왜 캔들이 그렇게 흔들리죠?” / 이모 폴리가 말했다.
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