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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


He had to keep still long after she went to bed, for she kept making broken-hearted ejaculations from time to time, tossing unrestfully, and turning over.
But at last she was still, only moaning a little in her sleep.
Now the boy stole out, rose gradually by the bedside, shaded the candle-light with his hand, and stood regarding her.
His heart was full of pity for her.
He took out his sycamore scroll and placed it by the candle.
But something occurred to him, and he lingered considering.
His face lighted with a happy solution of his thought; he put the bark hastily in his pocket.
Then he bent over and kissed the faded lips, and straightway made his stealthy exit, latching the door behind him.

He threaded his way back to the ferry landing, found nobody at large there, and walked boldly on board the boat, for he knew she was tenantless except that there was a watchman, who always turned in and slept like a graven image

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. He had to keep still / long after she went to bed, / for she kept making broken-hearted ejaculations / from time to time, / tossing unrestfully, / and turning over.

    그는 그녀가 잠자리에 든 후에도 오랫동안 가만히 있어야 했다, 왜냐하면 그녀가 때때로 단장의 소리를 내며 불편하게 뒤척이고 몸을 뒤집는 일이 계속되었기 때문이다.

  2. ⦁ keep: 유지하다 – He had to keep calm in the situation (그는 그 상황에서 침착함을 유지해야 했다).

    ⦁ unrestfully: 불안하게 – She slept unrestfully after the traumatic event (그녀는 그 충격적인 사건 후에 불안하게 잠을 잤다).

  3. But at last / she was still, / only moaning a little / in her sleep.

    그러나 마침내 그녀는 잠잠해졌고, 잠결에 약간 신음소리만 내뱉을 뿐이었다.

  4. ⦁ moaning: 신음소리 – The patient was moaning in pain (그 환자는 고통 속에서 신음하고 있었다).

    ⦁ still: 조용한 – The night was still and peaceful (그 밤은 조용하고 평화로웠다).

  5. Now the boy / stole out, / rose gradually / by the bedside, / shaded the candle-light / with his hand, / and stood regarding her.

    이제 그 소년은 몰래 빠져나가 침대 옆에서 천천히 일어나 손으로 촛불빛을 가리고 그녀를 바라보았다.

  6. ⦁ stole out: 몰래 빠져나가다 – He stole out of the meeting quietly (그는 회의에서 조용히 빠져나갔다).

    ⦁ regarding: 바라보며 – She stood regarding the beautiful scenery (그녀는 아름다운 풍경을 바라보며 서 있었다).

  7. His heart / was full of pity / for her.

    그의 마음은 그녀에 대한 연민으로 가득 차 있었다.

    He took out his sycamore scroll / and placed it by the candle.

    그는 자신의 플라타너스 두루마리를 꺼내어 촛불 옆에 놓았다.

    But something occurred to him, / and he lingered considering.

    하지만 무언가 그에게 생각이 떠올랐고, 그는 망설이며 그것을 생각했다.

    His face / lighted with a happy solution / of his thought; / he put the bark hastily / in his pocket.

    그의 얼굴이 생각의 행복한 해결책으로 빛났다; 그는 급하게 나무껍질을 주머니에 넣었다.

  8. ⦁ pity: 연민 – He felt pity for the homeless man (그는 그 노숙자에게 연민을 느꼈다).

    ⦁ lingered: 망설이며 기다리다 – She lingered at the doorstep, hesitant (그녀는 망설이며 문앞에서 기다렸다).

    ⦁ lighted: 빛나다 – His eyes lighted up with excitement (그의 눈이 흥분으로 빛났다).

  9. Then he bent over / and kissed the faded lips, / and straightway made his stealthy exit, / latching the door / behind him.

    그런 다음 그는 몸을 굽혀 그녀의 창백한 입술에 입을 맞추고 곧장 조용히 나가 뒤에서 문을 잠갔다.

  10. ⦁ stealthy: 조용한 – The cat made a stealthy approach to its prey (고양이는 먹잇감에게 조용히 접근했다).

    ⦁ latching: 잠그다 – He latched the gate before leaving (그는 떠나기 전에 문을 잠갔다).

  11. He threaded his way / back to the ferry landing, / found nobody / at large there, / and walked boldly / on board the boat, / for he knew / she was tenantless / except that there was a watchman, / who always turned in / and slept like a graven image.

    그는 다시 페리 선착장으로 향해 길을 걸었고, 거기서 아무도 없는 것을 발견하고, 배에 당당히 올라탔다. 왜냐하면 그 배가 감시자를 제외하고는 텅 비어 있다는 것을 알았기 때문이다. 그 감시자는 항상 들어가서 조각상처럼 잠이 들었다.

  12. ⦁ threaded: 길을 헤치며 나아가다 – He threaded his way through the crowd (그는 군중 사이를 헤치며 나아갔다).

    ⦁ watchman: 감시자 – The watchman patrolled the area every hour (그 감시자는 매 시간마다 그 구역을 순찰했다).

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)