❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
A little later he paused, dripping, upon the threshold of the camp, and heard Joe say:“No, Tom’s true-blue, Huck, and he’ll come back.He won’t desert.He knows that would be a disgrace to a pirate, and Tom’s too proud for that sort of thing.He’s up to something or other.Now I wonder what?”“Well, the things is ours, anyway, ain’t they?”“Pretty near, but not yet, Huck.The writing says they are if he ain’t back here to breakfast.”“Which he is!” exclaimed Tom, with fine dramatic effect, stepping grandly into camp.A sumptuous breakfast of bacon and fish was shortly provided, and as the boys set to work upon it, Tom recounted (and adorned) his adventures.They were a vain and boastful company of heroes when the tale was done.Then Tom hid himself away in a shady nook to sleep till noon, and the other pirates got ready to fish and explore
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
A little later / he paused, / dripping, / upon the threshold / of the camp, / and heard Joe say:
잠시 후 그는 진을 빼면서 캠프의 문턱에 멈춰서, 조가 말하는 것을 들었다:
“No, / Tom’s true-blue, Huck, / and he’ll come back. / He won’t desert.
“아니야, 톰은 진짜니까 돌아올 거야. 그는 떠나지 않을 거야.”
He knows / that would be a disgrace / to a pirate, / and Tom’s too proud / for that sort of thing. / He’s up to something or other. / Now I wonder what?”
해적에게 그것은 수치심일 거고, 톰은 그런 일을 하기엔 너무 자존심이 강하다는 것을 안다는 거야. 그가 무언가를 꾸미고 있어. 도대체 뭘까?”
“Well, / the things is ours, / anyway, / ain’t they?”
“글쎄, 어쨌든 물건은 우리 거 맞지?”
“Pretty near, / but not yet, Huck. / The writing says / they are / if he ain’t back here / to breakfast.”
“거의 다 되었지만, 아직 아니야, 허크. 그 글은 그가 아침 식사 시간까지 돌아오지 않으면 우리 것이라고 말해.”
“Which he is!” exclaimed Tom, / with fine dramatic effect, / stepping grandly into camp.
“그가 여기 있지!” 톰은 멋진 극적인 효과를 내며 외치며, 당당하게 캠프에 발을 들였다.
A sumptuous breakfast / of bacon and fish / was shortly provided, / and as the boys set to work / upon it, / Tom recounted / (and adorned) / his adventures.
곧 베이컨과 생선으로 구성된 호화로운 아침 식사가 준비되었고, 소년들이 먹기 시작하자, 톰이 그의 모험을 이야기하며 (꾸미면서) 말해주었다.
They were a vain / and boastful company / of heroes / when the tale was done.
이야기가 끝나자, 그들은 허영과 자랑으로 가득 찬 영웅들이 되었다.
Then Tom / hid himself away / in a shady nook / to sleep / till noon, / and the other pirates / got ready / to fish / and explore.
그 후 톰은 한낮까지 시원한 그늘에 숨어 잠을 잤고, 다른 해적들은 낚시와 탐험을 준비했다.
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