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Under the ceaseless conflagration of lightning that flamed in the skies, everything below stood out in cleancut and shadowless distinctness: the bending trees, the billowy river, white with foam, the driving spray of spumeflakes, the dim outlines of the high bluffs on the other side, glimpsed through the drifting cloudrack and the slanting veil of rain.
Every little while some giant tree yielded the fight and fell crashing through the younger growth; and the unflagging thunderpeals came now in ear-splitting explosive bursts, keen and sharp, and unspeakably appalling.
The storm culminated in one matchless effort that seemed likely to tear the island to pieces, burn it up, drown it to the treetops, blow it away, and deafen every creature in it, all at one and the same moment.
It was a wild night for homeless young heads to be out in.

But at last the battle was done, and the forces retired with weaker and weaker threatenings and grumblings, and peace resumed her sway.
The boys went back to camp, a good deal awed; but they found there was still something to be thankful for, because the great sycamore, the shelter of their beds, was a ruin, now, blasted by the lightnings, and they were not under it when the catastrophe happened.

Everything in camp was drenched, the campfire as well; for they were but heedless lads, like their generation, and had made no provision against rain.
Here was matter for dismay, for they were soaked through and chilled.
They were eloquent in their distress; but they presently discovered that the fire had eaten so far up under the great log it had been built against (where it curved upward and separated itself from the ground), that a handbreadth or so of it had escaped wetting; so they patiently wrought until, with shreds and bark gathered from the under sides of sheltered logs, they coaxed the fire to burn again

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Under the ceaseless conflagration / of lightning / that flamed in the skies, / everything below stood out / in cleancut and shadowless distinctness:

    하늘을 불타오르게 하는 / 끊임없는 번개의 화염 아래, / 아래 모든 것이 / 깨끗하고 그림자 없는 참선명하게 드러났다:

  2. ⦁ ceaseless: 끊임없는
    – The ceaseless rain lasted for days. (끊임없는 비가 며칠 동안 계속 되었다.)

    ⦁ conflagration: 대형 화재
    – A conflagration destroyed the entire forest. (대형 화재가 숲 전체를 파괴했다.)

  3. the bending trees, / the billowy river, / white with foam, / the driving spray of spumeflakes, / the dim outlines of the high bluffs / on the other side, / glimpsed through the drifting cloudrack / and the slanting veil of rain.

    구부러진 나무들, / 물결치는 강, / 거품으로 희게 덮인, / 튀어나오는 물보라, / 반대편 높은 절벽의 어렴풋한 윤곽, / 떠내려가는 구름 틈새와 / 비에 의한 비스듬한 커튼을 통해 / 얼핏 보였다.

  4. ⦁ billowy: 물결치는
    – The billowy waves crashed against the shore. (물결 치는 파도가 해변을 때렸다.)

    ⦁ spray: 물보라
    – The spray from the waterfall was refreshing. (폭포에서 뿜어져 나오는 물보라가 상쾌했다.)

  5. Every little while / some giant tree yielded / the fight and fell crashing / through the younger growth; / and the unflagging thunderpeals / came now / in ear-splitting explosive bursts, / keen and sharp, / and unspeakably appalling.

    때때로 / 어떤 거대한 나무가 쓰러졌고 / 젊은 나무들을 뚫고 / 충돌하며 쓰러졌다; / 그리고 끊임없는 천둥소리들이 / 이제는 귀를 찢을 듯이 / 폭발적인 폭음을 낳았고, / 날카롭고 / 말로 형용할 수 없이 처참했다.

  6. ⦁ yielded: 항복했다
    – The army yielded to the enemy. (군대가 적에게 항복했다.)

    ⦁ unflagging: 지칠 줄 모르는
    – Her unflagging energy impressed everyone. (그녀의 지칠 줄 모르는 에너지가 모두를 감동시켰다.)

  7. The storm culminated / in one matchless effort / that seemed likely / to tear the island to pieces, / burn it up, / drown it to the treetops, / blow it away, / and deafen every creature in it, / all at one and the same moment.

    폭풍은 절정에 이르렀고 / 하나의 비할 데 없는 노력으로 / 섬을 조각조각 내고, / 불태우고, / 나무 꼭대기까지 잠기고, / 날려버리며, / 그 안의 모든 생물을 귀먹게 만들 것으로 / 보였다, / 동시에.

  8. ⦁ culminated: 절정을 이루다
    – The event culminated in a grand finale. (행사는 대단원의 막으로 절정을 이루었다.)

    ⦁ matchless: 비할 데 없는
    – Her skill is matchless in the field. (그녀의 기술은 이 분야에서 비할 데 없다.)

  9. It was a wild night / for homeless young heads / to be out in.

    집 없는 어린아이들이 / 밖에 있기에는 / 거친 밤이었다.

  10. ⦁ homeless: 집 없는
    – The city has many homeless people. (그 도시는 많은 집 없는 사람들을 가지고 있다.)

    ⦁ wild: 거친
    – The wild storm caused severe damage. (거친 폭풍이 심각한 피해를 입혔다.)

  11. But at last / the battle was done, / and the forces retired / with weaker and weaker threatenings / and grumblings, / and peace resumed her sway.

    그러나 마침내 / 전투가 끝나고, / 힘들은 물러갔으며 / 점점 약한 위협들과 / 불평 속에서, / 평화가 그녀의 지배를 / 다시 차지했다.

  12. ⦁ retired: 물러났다
    – The troops retired to their barracks. (군대는 그들의 병영으로 물러났다.)

    ⦁ resumed: 다시 차지했다
    – He resumed his position as manager. (그는 다시 매니저 자리를 차지했다.)

  13. The boys / went back to camp, / a good deal awed; / but they found there / was still something / to be thankful for, / because the great sycamore, / the shelter of their beds, / was a ruin, now, / blasted by the lightnings, / and they were not under it / when the catastrophe happened.

    소년들은 / 캠프로 돌아갔고, / 상당히 감탄했다; / 그러나 그들은 / 여전히 고마워할 만한 것이 있었다, / 왜냐하면 큰 플라타너스가, / 그들의 잠자리의 안식처였던, / 이제 폐허가 되어버렸고, / 번개에 의해 파괴되었으며, / 그들은 그것 아래에 없었기 때문이다 / 그 재앙이 발생했을 때.

  14. ⦁ awed: 감탄한
    – The children were awed by the magician. (아이들은 마술사에게 감탄했다.)

    ⦁ blasted: 파괴된
    – The building was blasted by the explosion. (건물이 폭발로 인해 파괴되었다.)

  15. Everything in camp / was drenched, / the campfire as well; / for they were but heedless lads, / like their generation, / and had made no provision against rain.

    캠프 안의 모든 것이 / 완전히 젖었고, / 캠프파이어도 마찬가지였다; / 왜냐하면 그들은 단지 부주의한 소년들이었고, / 그들의 세대처럼, / 비에 대한 대비책을 마련하지 않았기 때문이었다.

  16. ⦁ drenched: 완전히 젖은
    – The hikers were drenched by the sudden downpour. (등산객들은 갑작스러운 소나기로 인해 완전히 젖었다.)

    ⦁ heedless: 부주의한
    – His heedless actions resulted in an accident. (그의 부주의한 행동이 사고를 초래했다.)

  17. Here was matter for dismay, / for they were soaked through / and chilled.

    여기서 낙담할 일이 있었으니, / 그들은 흠뻑 젖어 있었고 / 추위에 떨고 있었다.

  18. They were eloquent / in their distress; / but they presently discovered / that the fire had eaten / so far up under the great log / it had been built against (where it curved upward / and separated itself from the ground), / that a handbreadth or so of it / had escaped wetting;

    그들은 자신들의 괴로움을 / 명료하게 표현했다; / 그러나 그들은 곧 발견했다 / 불이 큰 통나무 아래에서 / 계속해서 타들어갔고 (그곳은 위로 휜 곳이었고 / 땅에서 떨어진 곳이었으며), / 손바닥 너비 정도의 / 불은 젖지 않았다;

  19. ⦁ distress: 고통
    – He showed signs of distress after the accident. (그는 사고 후 고통의 징후를 보였다.)

    ⦁ eloquent: 명료한
    – She gave an eloquent speech at the conference. (그녀는 회의에서 명료한 연설을 했다.)

  20. so they patiently wrought / until, / with shreds and bark gathered / from the under sides of sheltered logs, / they coaxed the fire to burn again.

    그래서 그들은 인내심을 가지고 노력해서 / 결국, / 찢어진 조각들과 나무껍질을 모아 / 비를 피할 수 있는 통나무 밑에서, / 불을 다시 타오르게 유도했다.

  21. ⦁ wrought: 노력한
    – The blacksmith wrought a beautiful gate. (대장장이가 아름다운 문을 만들었다.)

    ⦁ coaxed: 유도한
    – She coaxed her cat out of hiding. (그녀는 고양이가 숨지 않도록 유도했다.)

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