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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


This was to knock off being pirates, for a while, and be Indians for a change.
They were attracted by this idea; so it was not long before they were stripped, and striped from head to heel with black mud, like so many zebras—all of them chiefs, of course—and then they went tearing through the woods to attack an English settlement.

By and by they separated into three hostile tribes, and darted upon each other from ambush with dreadful warwhoops, and killed and scalped each other by thousands.
It was a gory day.
Consequently it was an extremely satisfactory one.

They assembled in camp toward suppertime, hungry and happy; but now a difficulty arose—hostile Indians could not break the bread of hospitality together without first making peace, and this was a simple impossibility without smoking a pipe of peace.
There was no other process that ever they had heard of.
Two of the savages almost wished they had remained pirates.
However, there was no other way; so with such show of cheerfulness as they could muster they called for the pipe and took their whiff as it passed, in due form

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. This was to knock off / being pirates, / for a while, / and be Indians / for a change.

    이것은 해적이 되는 것을 잠시 그만두고, 변화로서 인디언이 되는 것이었다.

  2. ⦁ knock off: 그만두다
    – I decided to knock off work early today. (오늘 일찍 일을 그만두기로 했다.)

    ⦁ change: 변화
    – She made a significant change in her life. (그녀는 인생에 중요한 변화를 만들었다.)

  3. They were attracted / by this idea; / so it was not long / before they were stripped, / and striped from head / to heel / with black mud, / like so many zebras /— all of them chiefs, / of course / — and then they went tearing / through the woods / to attack an English settlement.

    그들은 이 아이디어에 끌렸고, 머지않아 그들은 벗고, 머리부터 발끝까지 검은 진흙으로 얼룩졌으며, 마치 많은 얼룩말처럼, 물론 모두가 추장이었고, 그러고 나서는 영국 정착지를 공격하기 위해 숲속을 헤치고 달려갔다.

  4. ⦁ attract: 끌다
    – The flower attracts bees. (그 꽃은 벌들을 끌어들인다.)

    ⦁ attack: 공격하다
    – They planned to attack at dawn. (그들은 새벽에 공격할 계획이었다.)

  5. By and by / they separated / into three hostile tribes, / and darted / upon each other / from ambush / with dreadful warwhoops, / and killed / and scalped each other / by thousands.

    드디어 그들은 적대적인 세 부족으로 나뉘었고, 무시무시한 전투 소리와 함께 매복에서 서로에게 돌진하며 수천 명이 서로를 죽이고 두피를 벗겼다.

  6. ⦁ separate: 나누다
    – They decided to separate into teams. (그들은 팀으로 나누기로 결정했다.)

    ⦁ ambush: 매복
    – The soldiers set an ambush for the enemy. (군인들은 적을 위해 매복을 설치했다.)

  7. It was / a gory day.

    그날은 피비린내 나는 날이었다.

  8. ⦁ gory: 피비린내 나는
    – The movie was too gory for my taste. (그 영화는 내 취향에 너무 피비린내 났다.)

  9. Consequently / it was / an extremely satisfactory one.

    그 결과 / 매우 만족스러운 날이었다.

  10. ⦁ consequently: 그 결과로
    – He studied hard and consequently passed the exam. (그는 열심히 공부했고 그 결과로 시험에 합격했다.)

    ⦁ satisfactory: 만족스러운
    – The results were satisfactory. (결과는 만족스러웠다.)

  • They assembled / in camp / toward suppertime, / hungry and happy; / but now / a difficulty arose — / hostile Indians / could not break / the bread of hospitality / together / without first making peace, / and this was / a simple impossibility / without smoking / a pipe of peace.

    그들은 저녁 때쯤 배고프고 행복하게 캠프에 모였지만, 이제 어려움이 발생했다 — 적대적인 인디언들은 평화를 먼저 만들지 않고서는 함께 환대의 빵을 나눌 수 없었고, 이는 평화의 파이프를 피우지 않고는 불가능했다.

  • ⦁ assemble: 모이다
    – The team assembled in the conference room. (팀이 회의실에 모였다.)

    ⦁ peace: 평화
    – They hoped for peace in the region. (그들은 그 지역에서 평화를 희망했다.)

  • There was no other process / that ever they had heard of.

    그들이 들어본 적 있는 다른 절차는 없었다.

  • ⦁ process: 절차
    – The process was complicated. (그 절차는 복잡했다.)

    ⦁ hear: 듣다
    – Did you hear the news? (뉴스 들었니?)

  • Two of the savages / almost wished / they had remained pirates.

    두 명의 야만인들은 거의 그들이 해적으로 남아있기를 바랐다.

  • ⦁ savage: 야만인
    – The explorers encountered a group of savages. (탐험가들은 한 무리의 야만인들을 만났다.)

    ⦁ remain: 남다
    – She decided to remain at home. (그녀는 집에 남아있기로 결정했다.)

  • However, / there was no other way; / so with such show / of cheerfulness / as they could muster / they called / for the pipe / and took their whiff / as it passed, / in due form.

    그러나 다른 방법은 없었다; 그래서 가능한 한 밝은 모습을 보이며 파이프를 요청했고, 그것이 순서대로 지나갈 때 한 모금을 들이켰다.

  • ⦁ cheerfulness: 밝음
    – Her cheerfulness was contagious. (그녀의 밝음은 전염성이 있었다.)

    ⦁ form: 형식
    – Fill out this form, please. (이 양식을 작성해 주세요.)

    여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

    출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)