❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Oh, if it was to do over again, I wouldn’t say that—I wouldn’t say it for the whole world.But he’s gone now; I’ll never, never, never see him any more.”This thought broke her down, and she wandered away, with tears rolling down her cheeks.Then quite a group of boys and girls—playmates of Tom’s and Joe’s—came by, and stood looking over the paling fence and talking in reverent tones of how Tom did so-and-so the last time they saw him, and how Joe said this and that small trifle (pregnant with awful prophecy, as they could easily see now!)—and each speaker pointed out the exact spot where the lost lads stood at the time, and then added something like “and I was a-standing just so—just as I am now, and as if you was him—I was as close as that—and he smiled, just this way—and then something seemed to go all over me, like—awful, you know—and I never thought what it meant, of course, but I can see now!”Then there was a dispute about who saw the dead boys last in life, and many claimed that dismal distinction, and offered evidences, more or less tampered with by the witness; and when it was ultimately decided who did see the departed last, and exchanged the last words with them, the lucky parties took upon themselves a sort of sacred importance, and were gaped at and envied by all the rest.One poor chap, who had no other grandeur to offer, said with tolerably manifest pride in the remembrance:“Well, Tom Sawyer he licked me once.”But that bid for glory was a failure.Most of the boys could say that, and so that cheapened the distinction too much
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Oh, if it was / to do over again, / I wouldn’t say that—I wouldn’t say it / for the whole world.
오, / 만약 다시 할 수 있다면, / 나는 그렇게 말하지 않겠어. / 전 세계를 위해서도 그렇게 말하지 않겠어.
But he’s gone now; / I’ll never, / never, / never see him any more.
하지만 그는 이제 떠났어; / 나는 다시는, / 다시는, / 다시는 그를 보지 못할 거야.
This thought / broke her down, / and she wandered away, / with tears rolling down her cheeks.
이 생각이 / 그녀를 무너뜨렸다. / 그리고 그녀는 떠나갔다, / 눈물이 그녀의 볼을 타고 흘러내리며.
Then quite a group of boys and girls—playmates of Tom’s and Joe’s—came by, / and stood looking over the paling fence / and talking in reverent tones.
그리고 톰과 조의 친구들인 소년들과 소녀들의 무리가 와서 / 울타리를 바라보며 섰다 / 그리고 경외감에 찬 어조로 이야기했다.
Talking about / how Tom did so-and-so / the last time they saw him.
톰이 마지막으로 그들을 만났을 때 / 무엇을 했었는지에 대해 이야기했다.
And how Joe said this / and that small trifle /(pregnant with awful prophecy, / as they could easily see now!).
그리고 조가 이 말을 하며, / 저 작은 잡담들을 / (끔찍한 예언을 담고 있었던 걸 / 그들은 이제 쉽게 알 수 있다!).
And each speaker pointed out / the exact spot / where the lost lads stood / at the time.
그리고 각 발언자는 정확한 장소를 가리켰다 / 그 잃어버린 소년들이 / 그 당시 / 서 있던.
And then added something like, / “and I was a-standing just so—just as I am now, / and as if you was him—I was as close as that.
그리고/ “그리고 나는 바로 이렇게 서 있었어/ 지금처럼 말이야, / 마치 네가 그인 것처럼 – 나는 그만큼 가까이 있었어.
And he smiled, / just this way— and then something seemed / to go all over me, / like— awful, / you know—and I never thought what it meant, of course, but I can see now!”
그리고 그가 미소를 지었다, / 바로 이렇게— 그리고 무언가가 / 내 전신을 덮치는 것 같았어, / 끔찍하게, / 알지?— 물론 그때는 무슨 뜻인지 몰랐지만, 지금은 알겠어!”
Then there was a dispute / about who saw the dead boys / last in life, / and many claimed that dismal distinction.
그 후 논쟁이 있었다 / 누가 죽은 소년들을 / 마지막으로 보았는지에 대해, / 그리고 많은 이들이 그 음울한 구별을 주장했다.
And they offered evidences, / more or less tampered with by the witness.
그리고 그들은 증거를 제시했다, / 증인이 어느 정도 조작한.
And when it was ultimately decided / who did see the departed last, / and exchanged the last words with them, / the lucky parties took upon themselves a sort of sacred importance.
그리고 최종적으로 결정되었을 때 / 누가 마지막으로 그들을 보았는지, / 그리고 마지막으로 그들과 대화를 나누었는지, / 그 행운을 차지한 이들은 신성한 중요성을 갖게 되었다.
And were gaped at / and envied by all the rest.
그리고 모두에게 경외와 부러움을 받았다.
One poor chap, / who had no other grandeur to offer, / said with tolerably manifest pride / in the remembrance, / “Well, Tom Sawyer / he licked me once.”
다른 위엄을 내세우지 못한 / 가난한 친구가, / 어렴풋이 자랑스럽게 말했다 / 그 시절을 기억하며, / “글쎄, 톰 소여가 / 나를 한 번 때렸어.”
But that bid for glory / was a failure.
하지만 그 영예를 위한 시도는 / 실패했다.
Most of the boys / could say that, / so that cheapened the distinction / too much.
대부분의 소년들이 / 그렇게 말할 수 있었기 때문에, / 그래서 그 구별이 / 너무나 저렴해졌다.
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