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The group loitered away, still recalling memories of the lost heroes, in awed voices.When the Sunday-school hour was finished, the next morning, the bell began to toll, instead of ringing in the usual way.It was a very still Sabbath, and the mournful sound seemed in keeping with the musing hush that lay upon nature.The villagers began to gather, loitering a moment in the vestibule to converse in whispers about the sad event.But there was no whispering in the house; only the funereal rustling of dresses as the women gathered to their seats disturbed the silence there
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The group / loitered away, / still recalling memories / of the lost heroes, / in awed voices.
그 그룹은 영웅들의 추억을 떠올리면서 경외심을 표현하며 한가로이 걸어갔다.
When the Sunday-school hour / was finished, / the next morning, / the bell began to toll, / instead of ringing / in the usual way.
일요일 학교 시간이 끝났을 때, 다음 날 아침에, 종은 평소와는 다르게 울리기 시작했다.
It was a very still Sabbath, / and the mournful sound / seemed in keeping / with the musing hush / that lay upon nature.
아주 고요한 안식일이었고, 그 슬픈 소리는 자연에 깃든 사색적인 고요함과 어울리는 듯했다.
The villagers began to gather, / loitering a moment / in the vestibule / to converse in whispers / about the sad event.
마을 사람들은 모이기 시작했고, 현관에서 잠시 머물면서 슬픈 사건에 대해 속삭이면서 이야기했다.
But there / was no whispering / in the house; / only the funereal rustling / of dresses / as the women gathered / to their seats / disturbed the silence there.
그러나 집 안에서는 아무도 속삭이지 않았다. 오직 여인들이 자리에 모일 때 나는 장례식 같은 드레스의 바스락거림만이 정적을 깨뜨렸다.
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