❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
The congregation became more and more moved, as the pathetic tale went on, till at last the whole company broke down and joined the weeping mourners in a chorus of anguished sobs, the preacher himself giving way to his feelings, and crying in the pulpit.There was a rustle in the gallery, which nobody noticed; a moment later the church door creaked; the minister raised his streaming eyes above his handkerchief, and stood transfixed! First one and then another pair of eyes followed the minister’s, and then almost with one impulse the congregation rose and stared while the three dead boys came marching up the aisle, Tom in the lead, Joe next, and Huck, a ruin of drooping rags, sneaking sheepishly in the rear! They had been hid in the unused gallery listening to their own funeral sermon!Aunt Polly, Mary, and the Harpers threw themselves upon their restored ones, smothered them with kisses and poured out thanksgivings, while poor Huck stood abashed and uncomfortable, not knowing exactly what to do or where to hide from so many unwelcoming eyes.He wavered, and started to slink away, but Tom seized him and said:“Aunt Polly, it ain’t fair.Somebody’s got to be glad to see Huck.”“And so they shall.I’m glad to see him, poor motherless thing!” And the loving attentions Aunt Polly lavished upon him were the one thing capable of making him more uncomfortable than he was before
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The congregation / became more and more moved, / as the pathetic tale / went on, / till at last the whole company / broke down / and joined the weeping mourners / in a chorus of anguished sobs, / the preacher himself / giving way to his feelings, / and crying / in the pulpit.
교회 신도들은 / 점점 더 감동을 받았고, / 그 슬픈 이야기가 / 계속되면서 / 마침내 모든 사람들이 / 무너져 내렸고 / 울고 있는 장례객들과 / 고통의 울음소리 합창에 / 동참했으며, / 목사님 자체도 / 그의 감정에 항복하며 / 강단에서 울었다.
There was / a rustle / in the gallery, / which nobody noticed; / a moment later / the church door creaked; / the minister raised / his streaming eyes / above his handkerchief, / and stood transfixed!
갤러리에 / 소리가 났지만, / 아무도 눈치채지 못했다; / 잠시 후 / 교회 문이 삐걱거렸고; / 목사는 / 눈물을 닦던 손수건 위로 / 눈을 들어올리고, / 충격에 멍하니 서 있었다!
First one / and then another pair / of eyes / followed the minister’s, / and then almost / with one impulse / the congregation / rose / and stared / while the three dead boys / came marching / up the aisle, / Tom in the lead, / Joe next, / and Huck, / a ruin of drooping rags, / sneaking / sheepishly / in the rear!
처음에는 한 사람 / 그리고 또 다른 두 사람의 시선이 / 목사를 따라갔고, / 그리고 거의 / 한 본능으로 / 교회 회중들이 / 일어나서 / 바라보았다 / 그 동안 세 명의 죽은 소년들이 / 통로를 걸어 올라오고 있었기 때문이다, / 톰이 선두에, / 조가 그 다음에, / 그리고 헉은, / 낡아빠진 옷을 입은 상태로 / 부끄러워하며 / 뒤따라왔다!
They had been / hid / in the unused gallery / listening to / their own funeral sermon!
그들은 / 사용하지 않는 갤러리에 / 숨어서 / 자신들의 장례 설교를 / 듣고 있었던 것이다!
Aunt Polly, / Mary, / and the Harpers / threw themselves / upon their restored ones, / smothered them / with kisses / and poured out thanksgivings, / while poor Huck / stood abashed and uncomfortable, / not knowing / exactly / what to do / or where to hide / from so many unwelcoming eyes.
폴리 이모와 / 메리, / 그리고 하퍼 가족은 / 자신들의 살아 돌아온 아이들에게 / 달려가서, / 그들에게 / 키스를 퍼붓고 / 감사의 말을 쏟아냈다, / 한편 불쌍한 헉은 / 당황스럽고 불편하게 서 있었고, / 정확히 / 무엇을 해야 할지 / 또는 어디에 숨어야 할지 / 몰랐다 / 그렇게 많은 환영하지 않는 눈들로부터.
He wavered, / and started to / slink away, / but Tom / seized him / and said: / “Aunt Polly, / it ain’t fair. / Somebody’s got to / be glad to see Huck.” /
그는 망설이다가, / 슬금슬금 / 떠나려 했지만, / 톰이 / 그를 붙잡고 / 말했다: / “폴리 이모, / 이건 불공평해요. / 누군가는 / 헉을 보고 기뻐해야 해요.” /
“And so they shall. / I’m glad to see him, / poor motherless thing!” / And the loving attentions / Aunt Polly lavished upon him / were the one thing / capable of / making him more uncomfortable / than he was before.
“그렇게 될 거예요. / 나는 그를 보아서 기뻐요, / 불쌍한 어머니 없는 아이!” / 그리고 폴리 이모가 / 그에게 / 넘치게 베푼 사랑은 / 한 가지 일이었다 / 그를 이전보다 / 더 불편하게 만든.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)