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That was Tom’s great secret—the scheme to return home with his brother pirates and attend their own funerals.They had paddled over to the Missouri shore on a log, at dusk on Saturday, landing five or six miles below the village; they had slept in the woods at the edge of the town till nearly daylight, and had then crept through back lanes and alleys and finished their sleep in the gallery of the church among a chaos of invalided benches.At breakfast, Monday morning, Aunt Polly and Mary were very loving to Tom, and very attentive to his wants.There was an unusual amount of talk.In the course of it Aunt Polly said:“Well, I don’t say it wasn’t a fine joke, Tom, to keep everybody suffering ’most a week so you boys had a good time, but it is a pity you could be so hard-hearted as to let me suffer so.If you could come over on a log to go to your funeral, you could have come over and give me a hint some way that you warn’t dead, but only run off.”“Yes, you could have done that, Tom,” said Mary; “and I believe you would if you had thought of it.”“Would you, Tom?” said Aunt Polly, her face lighting wistfully.“Say, now, would you, if you’d thought of it?”“I—well, I don’t know
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
That was Tom’s great secret—the scheme / to return home with his brother pirates / and attend their own funerals.
그것이 톰의 큰 비밀이었다—즉, 그의 해적 형제들과 함께 집으로 돌아와 / 자신의 장례식에 참석하는 계획이었다.
They had paddled / over to the Missouri shore / on a log, at dusk on Saturday, / landing five or six miles below the village; / they had slept in the woods / at the edge of the town / till nearly daylight, / and had then crept through back lanes / and alleys / and finished their sleep in the gallery of the church / among a chaos of invalided benches.
그들은 토요일 / 땅거미가 질 때 / 통나무 위에서 패들로 밀며 / 미주리 해안으로 갔고, / 마을에서 5~6마일 정도 떨어진 곳에 착륙했다. / 그들은 마을 가장자리의 숲에서 거의 새벽까지 잠을 잤고, / 그런 다음 뒤쪽 골목길을 지나 / 교회의 갤러리에서 / 못 쓰게 된 벤치들 사이에서 / 마지막 잠을 잤다.
At breakfast, Monday morning, / Aunt Polly and Mary were very loving to Tom, / and very attentive to his wants.
월요일 아침 / 아침 식사 시간에 폴리 이모와 메리는 / 톰에게 매우 다정하게, / 그리고 그의 필요에 매우 세심하게 / 대해 주었다.
There was an unusual amount of talk.In the course of it / Aunt Polly said:“Well, I don’t say / it wasn’t a fine joke, Tom, / to keep everybody suffering ’most a week so you boys had a good time, / but it is a pity you could be so hard-hearted as to let me suffer so.
대화가 / 평소와 다르게 많았다.그 과정에서 / 폴리 이모가 말했다:“글쎄, 내 말은 / 그게 훌륭한 농담이 아니었다는 건 아니야, 톰, / 그게 모자람 없이 일주일 동안 분쟁거리가 되었어, / 하지만 너는 무정하게도 나를 그렇게 고통스럽게 했다는 거야.
If you could come over / on a log / to go to your funeral, / you could have come over / and give me a hint some way / that you warn’t dead, / but only run off.”
만약 너가 / 통나무 위에서 올 수 있었다면 / 너의 장례식을 가기 위해, / 너는 그저 와서 / 나에게 힌트를 줄 수 있었을 거야. / 즉, 너가 죽은 게 아니라, / 그냥 도망친 거라고.”
“Yes, / you could have done that, Tom,” said Mary; “and I believe / you would / if you had thought of it.”
“그래, / 네가 할 수 있었을 거야, 톰,” / 메리가 말했다; “그리고 나는 믿어 / 네가 했을 거라고 / 만약 그것을 생각했더라면.”
“Would you, Tom?” said Aunt Polly, / her face lighting wistfully. / “Say, now, / would you, / if you’d thought of it?”
“할 거니, 톰?” / 폴리 이모가 말했다, / 얼굴에 아련한 미소가 어리며. / “이제 말해봐, / 네가 그걸 생각했더라면, / 넌 할 거니?”
“I—well, / I don’t know
“나—음, / 모르겠어”
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