❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
’Twould ’a’ spoiled everything.”“Tom, I hoped you loved me that much,” said Aunt Polly, with a grieved tone that discomforted the boy.“It would have been something if you’d cared enough to think of it, even if you didn’t do it.”“Now, auntie, that ain’t any harm,” pleaded Mary; “it’s only Tom’s giddy way—he is always in such a rush that he never thinks of anything.”“More’s the pity.Sid would have thought.And Sid would have come and done it, too.Tom, you’ll look back, some day, when it’s too late, and wish you’d cared a little more for me when it would have cost you so little.”“Now, auntie, you know I do care for you,” said Tom.“I’d know it better if you acted more like it.”“I wish now I’d thought,” said Tom, with a repentant tone; “but I dreamt about you, anyway.That’s something, ain’t it?”“It ain’t much—a cat does that much—but it’s better than nothing
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
’Twould ’a’ spoiled / everything.”
모든 것을 망쳤을 텐데요.
“Tom, I hoped / you loved me / that much,” said Aunt Polly, / with a grieved tone / that discomforted the boy.
“톰, 네가 나를 그만큼 사랑해주기를 바랐단다,” 폴리 숙모가 말하며, 소년을 불편하게 하는 슬픈 억양을 띠었다.
“It would have been / something / if you’d cared enough / to think of it, / even if you didn’t do it.”
“네가 그런 생각을 했더라면 뭐라도 되었을 텐데, 비록 하지 않았다 해도 말이다.”
“Now, auntie, / that ain’t any harm,” / pleaded Mary; / “it’s only Tom’s giddy way—/he is always in such a rush / that he never thinks / of anything.”
“지금은, 숙모, / 그건 해로운 게 아니에요,” / 메리가 간청했다; / “그건 단지 톰의 경솔한 방식이에요—/항상 서두르는 바람에 / 아무것도 생각하지 않아요.”
“More’s the pity. / Sid would have thought. / And Sid would have come / and done it, / too.
“안타깝구나. / 시드는 생각했을 거다. / 그리고 시드는 와서 / 그것을 했을 거야, / 또한.
Tom, / you’ll look back, / some day, / when it’s too late, / and wish / you’d cared a little more / for me / when it would have cost you / so little.”
톰, / 언젠가 / 너무 늦었을 때 / 너는 돌아보고 / 바랄 거야 / 네가 나를 좀 더 신경 써줬으면 / 네가 거의 비용이 들지 않았을 때.”
“Now, auntie, / you know I do / care for you,” / said Tom.
“지금, 숙모, / 내가 정말 / 신경 쓰고 있다는 거 아시잖아요,” / 톰이 말했다.
“I’d know it better / if you acted / more like it.”
“네가 더 그렇게 행동하면 / 더 잘 알겠지.”
“I wish now / I’d thought,” / said Tom, / with a repentant tone; / “but I dreamt about you, / anyway. / That’s something, / ain’t it?”
“지금 생각해보니 / 생각했으면 좋았겠어요,” / 톰이 말했다, / 회개하는 목소리로; / “하지만 내가 당신에 대해 꿈꿨어요, / 어쨌든. / 그건 뭔가 되지 않나요?”
“It ain’t much—a cat / does that much—but it’s better / than nothing
“그건 별것 아니야—고양이도 / 그 정도는 해 —하지만 그것은 / 없는 것보단 나아
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