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And indeed it was; he tried not to seem to see the looks or hear the remarks as he passed along, but they were food and drink to him.
Smaller boys than himself flocked at his heels, as proud to be seen with him, and tolerated by him, as if he had been the drummer at the head of a procession or the elephant leading a menagerie into town.
Boys of his own size pretended not to know he had been away at all; but they were consuming with envy, nevertheless.
They would have given anything to have that swarthy sun-tanned skin of his, and his glittering notoriety; and Tom would not have parted with either for a circus.

At school the children made so much of him and of Joe, and delivered such eloquent admiration from their eyes, that the two heroes were not long in becoming insufferably “stuck-up.” They began to tell their adventures to hungry listeners—but they only began; it was not a thing likely to have an end, with imaginations like theirs to furnish material.
And finally, when they got out their pipes and went serenely puffing around, the very summit of glory was reached.

Tom decided that he could be independent of Becky Thatcher now

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. And indeed / it was; / he tried / not to seem / to see / the looks / or hear the remarks / as he passed along, / but they were / food and drink / to him.

    사실 그렇다; 그는 보이지 않는 척, 보는 척, 듣는 척 하지 않으려 했지만, 그들에게는 그의 행동이 음식과 음료와 같았다.

    ⦁ seem: 보이다, ~인 것 같다
    – He didn’t want to seem too eager. (그는 너무 열망하는 것으로 보이고 싶지 않았다.)

    ⦁ remarks: 발언, 말
    – His remarks were offensive. (그의 발언은 불쾌했다.)
  2. Smaller boys / than himself / flocked at his heels, / as proud to be seen / with him, / and tolerated by him, / as if he had been / the drummer / at the head of a procession / or the elephant / leading a menagerie / into town.

    자신보다 작은 소년들이 그의 발뒤꿈치에 몰려들며, 그와 함께 보이는 것을 자랑스럽게 여기고, 마치 그가 행진 대열의 선두에 있는 드러머나, 마을로 들어가는 동물원을 이끄는 코끼리인 것처럼 그에게 용인받는 것을 자랑스럽게 여겼다.

    ⦁ proud: 자랑스러워하는
    – She felt proud of her achievements. (그녀는 자신의 성취에 자부심을 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ tolerated: 용인된, 참아 넘긴
    – The noise was barely tolerated. (소음은 참아 넘길 수 없었다.)
  3. Boys of his own size / pretended / not to know / he had been away / at all; / but they were / consuming with envy, / nevertheless.

    그와 같은 크기의 소년들은 그가 어디 갔었다는 것을 몰랐던 척했지만, 그들은 여전히 질투로 타고 있었다.

    ⦁ pretended: ~인 척하다
    – He pretended to be asleep. (그는 잠든 척했다.)

    ⦁ envy: 질투
    – She couldn’t hide her envy. (그녀는 질투를 감출 수 없었다.)
  4. They would have given anything / to have that swarthy sun-tanned skin / of his, / and his glittering notoriety; / and Tom / would not have parted / with either / for a circus.

    그들은 그의 검게 탄 피부와 그 빛나는 악명을 가지기 위해 무엇이든 주었을 것이다; 그리고 톰은 서커스를 위해서라도 그것을 포기하지 않았을 것이다.

    ⦁ glittering: 반짝이는
    – The city lights were glittering in the night. (도시의 불빛이 밤에 반짝이고 있었다.)

    ⦁ notoriety: 악명
    – His notoriety spread quickly. (그의 악명은 빠르게 퍼졌다.)
  5. At school / the children / made so much of him / and of Joe, / and delivered such / eloquent admiration / from their eyes, / that the two heroes / were not long / in becoming / insufferably “stuck-up.”

    학교에서 아이들은 그와 조를 매우 중요하게 여겼고, 그들의 눈에서 그러한 웅변적인 찬사를 보냈기 때문에, 두 영웅은 오래지 않아 참을 수 없이 거드름피우기 시작했다.

    ⦁ eloquent: 웅변의
    – Her speech was eloquent. (그녀의 연설은 웅변적이었다.)

    ⦁ admiration: 찬탄, 존경
    – They looked at him in admiration. (그들은 그를 존경의 눈으로 바라보았다.)
  6. They began / to tell their adventures / to hungry listeners—but they only began; / it was not a thing / likely to have an end, / with imaginations / like theirs / to furnish material.

    그들은 모험 이야기들을 갈망하는 청중에게 전하기 시작했는데—그들은 이제 막 시작했을 뿐이었다; 그들의 상상력이 재료를 제공하는 한, 이야기가 끝날 수는 없었다.

    ⦁ adventures: 모험
    – The book is filled with thrilling adventures. (그 책은 스릴 넘치는 모험들로 가득하다.)

    ⦁ imagination: 상상력
    – Her imagination has no bounds. (그녀의 상상력에는 한계가 없다.)
  7. And finally, / when they got out / their pipes / and went serenely / puffing around, / the very summit / of glory / was reached.

    마침내 그들이 파이프를 꺼내 조용히 무를 내뿜을 때, 영광의 절정에 도달했다.

    ⦁ serenely: 고요하게
    – The lake lay serenely under the moonlight. (호수는 달빛 아래 고요히 놓여 있었다.)

    ⦁ summit: 절정, 정상
    – They reached the summit of the mountain. (그들은 산 정상에 도달했다.)
  8. Tom decided / that he could be / independent of Becky Thatcher now.

    톰은 이제 베키 대처와 독립적일 수 있다고 결심했다.

    ⦁ independent: 독립적인
    – She became independent after graduation. (그녀는 졸업 후 독립하게 되었다.)

    ⦁ decided: 결심한
    – He decided to take the job offer. (그는 일자리 제안을 받기로 결심했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)