❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
She started homeward, now, intending to find Tom and tell him; Tom would be thankful and their troubles would be healed.Before she was half way home, however, she had changed her mind.The thought of Tom’s treatment of her when she was talking about her picnic came scorching back and filled her with shame.She resolved to let him get whipped on the damaged spelling-book’s account, and to hate him forever, into the bargain.
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
She started homeward, / now, / intending to find Tom / and tell him; / Tom would be thankful / and their troubles / would be healed.
그녀는 이제 집으로 향하기 시작했고, 톰을 찾아서 그에게 이야기할 생각이었다; 톰은 고마워할 것이고 그들의 문제는 해결될 것이다.
Before / she was / half way home, / however, / she had changed / her mind.
그러나 그녀가 집으로 가는 도중 반도 되기 전에 그녀는 마음을 바꾸었다.
The thought / of Tom’s treatment / of her / when she was talking / about her picnic / came scorching back / and filled her / with shame.
그녀가 소풍 얘기를 할 때 톰이 그녀를 대하던 방식이 떠올랐고, 그것은 그녀에게 커다란 수치심을 안겨주었다.
She resolved / to let him / get whipped / on the damaged spelling-book’s account, / and to hate him / forever, / into the bargain.
그녀는 그가 손상된 스펠링 책 때문에 매를 맞도록 내버려두기로 결심했고, 덤으로 그를 영원히 미워하기로 했다.
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