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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


He hung his head and could not think of anything to say for a moment.
Then he said:

“Auntie, I wish I hadn’t done it—but I didn’t think.”

“Oh, child, you never think.
You never think of anything but your own selfishness.
You could think to come all the way over here from Jackson’s Island in the night to laugh at our troubles, and you could think to fool me with a lie about a dream; but you couldn’t ever think to pity us and save us from sorrow.”

“Auntie, I know now it was mean, but I didn’t mean to be mean.
I didn’t, honest.
And besides, I didn’t come over here to laugh at you that night.”

“What did you come for, then?”

“It was to tell you not to be uneasy about us, because we hadn’t got drownded.”

“Tom, Tom, I would be the thankfullest soul in this world if I could believe you ever had as good a thought as that, but you know you never did—and I know it, Tom.”

“Indeed and ’deed I did, auntie—I wish I may never stir if I didn’t.”

“Oh, Tom, don’t lie—don’t do it

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. He hung his head / and could not think / of anything / to say for a moment.

    그는 고개를 숙였고 / 잠시 동안 아무 말도 할 수 없었다.

  2. ⦁ hang: 걸다/매달다
    – He hung the picture on the wall. (그는 그림을 벽에 걸었다)

    ⦁ moment: 순간/잠깐
    – Wait a moment, please. (잠시만 기다려 주세요)

  3. Then he said:

    “Auntie, I wish I hadn’t done it—but I didn’t think.”

    그러고 나서 그는 말했다:

    “이모, 하지 말았어야 했는데 / 생각을 못 했어요.”

  4. ⦁ wish: 소망하다/바라다
    – I wish you happiness. (당신의 행복을 빕니다)

    ⦁ think: 생각하다
    – I think you are right. (내 생각엔 네가 맞아)

  5. “Oh, child, you never think.
    You never think of anything / but your own selfishness.
    You could think / to come all the way over here from Jackson’s Island / in the night / to laugh at our troubles,
    and you could think / to fool me with a lie about a dream;
    but you couldn’t ever think / to pity us / and save us from sorrow.”

    “오, 얘야, 너는 절대 생각을 하지 않는다.
    너는 네 이기적인 것 외에는 절대 아무것도 생각하지 않는다.
    밤에 잭슨 섬에서 여기까지 와서 / 우리의 고통을 비웃을 생각은 할 수 있었고,
    꿈에 관한 거짓말로 나를 속일 생각도 할 수 있었지만;
    우리를 동정하고 / 슬픔에서 구할 생각은 절대 하지 않았다.”

  6. ⦁ selfishness: 이기주의
    – His selfishness caused many problems. (그의 이기주의는 많은 문제를 일으켰다)

    ⦁ fool: 속이다/바보
    – Don’t let them fool you. (그들이 너를 속이지 못하게 해)

  7. “Auntie, I know now / it was mean, but I didn’t mean to be mean.
    I didn’t, honest.
    And besides, I didn’t come over here / to laugh at you that night.”

    “이모, 이제야 알아요 / 그것이 비열한 짓이었다는 걸, 하지만 나쁜 의도로 그런 것이 아니었어요.
    정말로 그런 것이 아니에요, 정말로요.
    그리고 그 밤에 여기 온 이유가 / 이모를 비웃기 위한 것이 아니었어요.”

  8. ⦁ mean: 비열한/의도하다
    – He can be really mean sometimes. (그는 가끔 정말 비열하다)

    ⦁ honest: 정직한/솔직한
    – She is an honest person. (그녀는 정직한 사람이다)

  9. “What did you come for, then?”

    “It was to tell you / not to be uneasy about us, / because we hadn’t got drownded.”

    “그렇다면, 너는 왜 왔는데?”

    “우리가 익사하지 않았으니 / 우리에 대해 불안해하지 말라고 말해주기 위해서였어요.”

  10. ⦁ uneasy: 불안한/걱정스러운
    – I felt uneasy about the exam. (시험에 대해 불안했다)

    ⦁ drown: 익사하다/물에 빠지다
    – He almost drowned in the river. (그는 강에서 거의 익사할 뻔했다)

  11. “Tom, Tom, I would be the thankfullest soul in this world / if I could believe you ever had / as good a thought as that, / but you know / you never did—and I know it, Tom.”

    “톰, 톰, 네가 그런 좋은 생각을 한 적이 있다고 믿을 수 있다면 / 나는 이 세상에서 가장 감사한 사람이 될 텐데, / 하지만 너도 알다시피 / 너는 절대 그런 적이 없었고, 나도 알고 있어 톰.”

  12. ⦁ thankful: 감사한
    – I am thankful for your help. (당신의 도움에 감사드립니다)

    ⦁ believe: 믿다
    – Do you believe in ghosts? (너 유령을 믿니?)

  13. “Indeed and ’deed I did, auntie—I wish I may never stir / if I didn’t.”

    “정말로 정말로 이모, / 내가 그렇게 하지 않았다면 절대 움직이지 않기를 바라요.”

  14. ⦁ indeed: 정말로/실제로
    – It was indeed a great day. (정말로 멋진 날이었다)

    ⦁ stir: 움직이다/자극하다
    – He didn’t stir all night. (그는 밤새 동안 움직이지 않았다)

  15. “Oh, Tom, don’t lie—don’t do it”

    “오, 톰, 거짓말하지 마—그러지 마”

  16. ⦁ lie: 거짓말하다/눕다
    – Don’t lie to me. (나한테 거짓말하지 마)

    ⦁ do: 하다
    – What are you doing? (뭐 하고 있어?)

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