❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
“Did you kiss me, Tom?”“Why, yes, I did.”“Are you sure you did, Tom?”“Why, yes, I did, auntie—certain sure.”“What did you kiss me for, Tom?”“Because I loved you so, and you laid there moaning and I was so sorry.”The words sounded like truth.The old lady could not hide a tremor in her voice when she said:“Kiss me again, Tom!—and be off with you to school, now, and don’t bother me any more.”The moment he was gone, she ran to a closet and got out the ruin of a jacket which Tom had gone pirating in.Then she stopped, with it in her hand, and said to herself:“No, I don’t dare.Poor boy, I reckon he’s lied about it—but it’s a blessed, blessed lie, there’s such a comfort come from it.I hope the Lord—I know the Lord will forgive him, because it was such good-heartedness in him to tell it.But I don’t want to find out it’s a lie
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Did you kiss me, / Tom?
Tom, 너 나에게 키스했니?
Why, / yes, / I did.
왜 그러죠, 네, 했어요.
Are you sure / you did, / Tom?
Tom, 너 정말로 키스했니?
Why, / yes, / I did, / auntie—certain sure.
왜 그러죠, 네, 했어요, 이모님—정말로 했어요.
What did you kiss me for, / Tom?
Tom, 왜 나에게 키스했니?
Because I loved you so, and you laid there moaning / and I was so sorry.
너를 너무 사랑해서, 네가 거기 누워서 신음해서 너무 미안했어.
The words / sounded like / truth.
그 말들은 / 진실처럼 / 들렸습니다.
The old lady / could not hide / a tremor / in her voice / when she said,
“Kiss me again, / Tom!—and be off with you / to school, / now, / and don’t bother me / any more.”
그 노부인은 / 감출 수 없었다 / 그녀의 목소리 속의 / 떨림을 / 그녀가 말할 때,
“다시 나에게 키스해줘, / Tom!—그리고 학교로 / 가거라, / 이제, / 더 이상 나를 괴롭히지 말고.”
The moment / he was gone, / she ran / to a closet / and got out / the ruin / of a jacket / which Tom / had gone / pirating in.
그가 떠난 / 순간, / 그녀는 달려갔다 / 옷장으로 / 그리고 꺼냈다 / 망가진 / 재킷을 / Tom이 / 입고 갔었던 / 해적질 하는.
Then / she stopped, / with it / in her hand, / and said to herself,
“No, / I don’t dare. / Poor boy, / I reckon / he’s lied / about it—but / it’s a blessed, / blessed lie, / there’s / such a comfort / come from it.
I hope / the Lord—/ I know / the Lord / will forgive him, / because / it was / such good-heartedness / in him / to tell it. / But / I don’t / want to find out / it’s a lie.”
그녀는 / 멈췄다, / 그것을 들고 / 그녀의 손에, / 그리고 혼잣말로 말했다,
“아니야, / 나는 감히 하지 못해. / 불쌍한 소년, / 나는 생각해 / 그가 거짓말을 했다고 / 그것에 대해—/ 하지만 / 그것은 축복 받은, / 축복 받은 거짓말, / 이런 / 너그러움을 가져온 / 그것으로부터.
나는 바래 / 신께서—/ 나는 알아 / 신께서 / 그를 용서해 주시길, / 왜냐하면 / 그것은 / 그런 선의에서 나온 / 그가 말한 것이다. / 그러나 / 나는 원치 않아 / 그것이 거짓임을 밝히는 것을.”
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)