❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
At that moment a shadow fell on the page and Tom Sawyer stepped in at the door and caught a glimpse of the picture.Becky snatched at the book to close it, and had the hard luck to tear the pictured page half down the middle.She thrust the volume into the desk, turned the key, and burst out crying with shame and vexation.“Tom Sawyer, you are just as mean as you can be, to sneak up on a person and look at what they’re looking at.”“How could I know you was looking at anything?”“You ought to be ashamed of yourself, Tom Sawyer; you know you’re going to tell on me, and oh, what shall I do, what shall I do! I’ll be whipped, and I never was whipped in school.”Then she stamped her little foot and said:“Be so mean if you want to! I know something that’s going to happen.You just wait and you’ll see! Hateful, hateful, hateful!”—and she flung out of the house with a new explosion of crying.Tom stood still, rather flustered by this onslaught.Presently he said to himself:“What a curious kind of a fool a girl is! Never been licked in school! Shucks! What’s a licking! That’s just like a girl—they’re so thin-skinned and chicken-hearted.Well, of course I ain’t going to tell old Dobbins on this little fool, because there’s other ways of getting even on her, that ain’t so mean; but what of it? Old Dobbins will ask who it was tore his book.Nobody’ll answer
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
At that moment a shadow fell / on the page / and Tom Sawyer stepped in / at the door / and caught a glimpse / of the picture.
그 순간 그림자 하나가 페이지 위에 떨어졌고, 톰 소여가 문을 통해 들어와 사진을 한 번 훑어보았다.
Becky snatched at the book / to close it, / and had the hard luck / to tear the pictured page / half down the middle.
베키가 책을 닫으려 잡아챔으로써, 불운하게도 사진이 있는 페이지가 반으로 찢어지고 말았다.
She thrust the volume into the desk, / turned the key, / and burst out crying / with shame and vexation.
그녀는 그 책을 책상 속에 밀어 넣고, 열쇠를 돌린 후 수치심과 분노로 울음을 터트렸다.
“Tom Sawyer, / you are just as mean / as you can be, / to sneak up / on a person / and look at / what they’re looking at.”
“톰 소여, 넌 정말로 치사하게 왜 사람 몰래 다가와서 그 사람이 보고 있는 걸 훔쳐보는 거니.”
“How could I know / you was looking / at anything?”
“내가 어떻게 네가 뭘 보고 있는지 알 수 있었겠어?”
“You ought to be ashamed / of yourself, / Tom Sawyer; / you know / you’re going to tell / on me, / and oh, / what shall I do, / what shall I do! / I’ll be whipped, / and I never was whipped / in school.”
“너 정말 부끄러운 줄 알아야 해, 톰 소여; 넌 분명히 날 고자질할 것이고, 오, 내가 어떻게 해야 되지, 어떻게 해야 되니! 난 맞을 거야, 난 학교에서 한 번도 맞아 본 적이 없는데.”
Then she stamped / her little foot / and said:
그런 후 그녀는 작은 발을 구르며 말했다:
“Be so mean / if you want to! / I know / something that’s going to happen. / You just wait and you’ll see! / Hateful, hateful, hateful!”—and she flung out / of the house / with a new explosion / of crying.
“너 그렇게 치사하게 굴고 싶으면 굴어! 난 무슨 일이 일어날지 알아. 기다려보면 알게 될 거야! 밉다, 밉다, 밉다!”—그리고 그녀는 새로운 울음소리를 터뜨리며 집 밖으로 뛰쳐나갔다.
Tom stood / still, / rather flustered / by this onslaught.
톰은 그 자리에서 가만히 서서, 이 맹공격에 다소 당황했다.
Presently he said / to himself:
잠시 후 그는 혼잣말을 했다:
“What a curious kind / of a fool / a girl is! / Never been licked / in school! / Shucks! / What’s a licking! / That’s just / like a girl—they’re so thin-skinned / and chicken-hearted.
Well, / of course I ain’t going / to tell old Dobbins / on this little fool, / because there’s other ways / of getting even / on her, / that ain’t so mean; / but what of it? / Old Dobbins will ask / who it was / tore his book. / Nobody’ll answer.
“여자애란 참 희한한 바보들이야! 학교에서 맞아본 적도 없잖아! 참! 때린다고 뭐가 달라지나! 여자애들이란 참 얇은 피부에 겁도 많고. 그래, 물론 이 바보 같은 아이를 선생님에게 알리진 않을 거야, 다른 방법으로 복수할 수 있으니까, 그게 그렇게 치사하지 않은 방법으로 말이지; 근데 뭐 어쩌겠어? 도빈스 선생님은 누가 그의 책을 찢었는지 물어볼 거야. 아무도 대답하지 않을 거야.
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