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Presently the spelling-book discovery was made, and Tom’s mind was entirely full of his own matters for a while after that.
Becky roused up from her lethargy of distress and showed good interest in the proceedings.
She did not expect that Tom could get out of his trouble by denying that he spilt the ink on the book himself; and she was right.
The denial only seemed to make the thing worse for Tom.
Becky supposed she would be glad of that, and she tried to believe she was glad of it, but she found she was not certain.
When the worst came to the worst, she had an impulse to get up and tell on Alfred Temple, but she made an effort and forced herself to keep still—because, said she to herself, “he’ll tell about me tearing the picture sure.
I wouldn’t say a word, not to save his life!”

Tom took his whipping and went back to his seat not at all broken-hearted, for he thought it was possible that he had unknowingly upset the ink on the spelling-book himself, in some skylarking bout—he had denied it for form’s sake and because it was custom, and had stuck to the denial from principle.

A whole hour drifted by, the master sat nodding in his throne, the air was drowsy with the hum of study.
By and by, Mr

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Presently / the spelling-book discovery / was made, / and Tom’s mind / was entirely full / of his own matters / for a while / after that.

    그 후 얼마 지나지 않아 철자책이 발견되었고, Tom의 마음은 한동안 그의 일로 가득 찼다.

    ⦁ presently: 곧
    – The meeting will be starting presently. (회의가 곧 시작될 것이다.)

    ⦁ discovery: 발견
    – The discovery of the new element was groundbreaking. (새로운 원소의 발견은 획기적이었다.)
  2. Becky roused up / from her lethargy / of distress / and showed good interest / in the proceedings.

    Becky는 고통으로 인한 무기력에서 깨어나 / 진행 상황에 많은 관심을 보였다.

    ⦁ rouse: 깨우다
    – The noise roused me from my sleep. (그 소음이 나를 잠에서 깨웠다.)

    ⦁ lethargy: 무기력
    – The heat induced a sense of lethargy in everyone. (더위는 모두에게 무기력감을 느끼게 했다.)
  3. She did not expect / that Tom / could get out / of his trouble / by denying / that he spilt the ink / on the book himself; / and she was right.

    그녀는 Tom이 자신의 문제에서 벗어나려고 / 잉크를 자신이 쏟지 않았다고 부인하는 것만으로 / 될 것이라고 기대하지 않았다; / 그녀는 옳았다.

    ⦁ expect: 기대하다
    – I expect the weather to improve by the weekend. (나는 주말까지 날씨가 좋아지기를 기대한다.)

    ⦁ deny: 부인하다
    – He denied the accusations against him. (그는 자신에 대한 비난을 부인했다.)
  4. The denial / only seemed / to make the thing worse / for Tom.

    부인하는 것은 Tom에게 상황을 더 악화시키는 것처럼 보였다.

    Becky supposed / she would be glad / of that, / and she tried to believe / she was glad of it, / but she found / she was not certain.

    Becky는 그것에 대해 기뻐할 것이라고 / 생각했고, / 기뻐하려고 애썼지만 / 확신할 수 없었다.

    ⦁ denial: 부인
    – Her constant denial did not convince anyone. (그녀의 지속적인 부인은 아무도 설득하지 못했다.)

    ⦁ supposed: 생각하다
    – I supposed she would be here by now. (나는 그녀가 지금쯤 여기 있을 것이라고 생각했다.)
  5. When the worst came / to the worst, / she had an impulse / to get up /and tell on / Alfred Temple, / but she made an effort / and forced herself / to keep still—because, / said she / to herself, / “he’ll tell about me / tearing the picture / sure.

    상황이 최악으로 치닫자, / 그녀는 일어나 / Alfred Temple을 고발하려는 / 충동이 들었지만 / 참고 / 조용히 하려고 애썼다. / 그녀는 자신에게 말했다, / “그는 나에 대해 말할 거야 / 그림을 찢어버린 일에 대해 / 분명히.”

    ⦁ impulse: 충동
    – She had a sudden impulse to buy the dress. (그녀는 갑자기 그 드레스를 사고 싶은 충동을 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ forced: 강제된
    – He forced a smile despite the bad news. (그는 나쁜 소식에도 불구하고 억지로 웃었다.)
  6. I wouldn’t say a word, / not to save his life!”

    나는 그의 목숨을 구하기 위해서라도 / 한 마디도 하지 않을 거야!”

    Tom took his whipping / and went back / to his seat / not at all broken-hearted, / for he thought / it was possible / that he had unknowingly upset the ink / on the spelling-book / himself, / in some skylarking bout—

    Tom은 매를 맞고 / 다시 자리로 돌아갔다 / 전혀 상심하지 않고, / 왜냐하면 / 그가 무의식적으로 철자책에 잉크를 / 쏟았을 가능성이 있다고 / 생각했기 때문이다, / 어떤 장난 중에—

    ⦁ whip: 때리다, 매질하다
    – The teacher used to whip the students for misbehaving. (선생님은 잘못한 학생들을 매질하곤 했다.)

    ⦁ unknowingly: 무의식적으로
    – He unknowingly left his phone at home. (그는 무의식적으로 자신의 전화기를 집에 두고 나왔다.)
  7. he had denied it / for form’s sake / and because it was custom, / and had stuck to the denial / from principle.

    그는 형식적으로 / 그리고 그것이 관습이라서 / 부인했고, / 원칙적으로 부인했다.

    ⦁ custom: 관습, 습관
    – It’s a custom to shake hands when you meet someone new. (새로운 사람을 만났을 때 악수하는 것은 관습이다.)

    ⦁ principle: 원칙, 신념
    – She refused on principle. (그녀는 원칙적으로 거절했다.)
  8. A whole hour / drifted by, / the master / sat nodding / in his throne, / the air / was drowsy / with the hum of study.

    한 시간이 / 흘렀고, / 선생님은 / 의자에 앉아 / 꾸벅꾸벅 졸고 있었고, / 교실의 공기는 / 공부의 윙윙거리는 소리로 / 졸음이 왔다.

    ⦁ drift: 떠다니다, 흘러가다
    – The boat drifted down the river. (보트는 강을 따라서 떠내려갔다.)

    ⦁ drowsy: 졸린
    – I felt drowsy after lunch. (점심을 먹고 나니 졸렸다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)