❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
“Rebecca Thatcher” [Tom glanced at her face—it was white with terror]—“did you tear—no, look me in the face” [her hands rose in appeal]—“did you tear this book?”A thought shot like lightning through Tom’s brain.He sprang to his feet and shouted—“I done it!”The school stared in perplexity at this incredible folly.Tom stood a moment, to gather his dismembered faculties; and when he stepped forward to go to his punishment the surprise, the gratitude, the adoration that shone upon him out of poor Becky’s eyes seemed pay enough for a hundred floggings.Inspired by the splendor of his own act, he took without an outcry the most merciless flaying that even Mr.Dobbins had ever administered; and also received with indifference the added cruelty of a command to remain two hours after school should be dismissed—for he knew who would wait for him outside till his captivity was done, and not count the tedious time as loss, either.Tom went to bed that night planning vengeance against Alfred Temple; for with shame and repentance Becky had told him all, not forgetting her own treachery; but even the longing for vengeance had to give way, soon, to pleasanter musings, and he fell asleep at last with Becky’s latest words lingering dreamily in his ear—“Tom, how could you be so noble!”
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Tom glanced at her face—it was / white with terror—“did you tear—no, / look me in the face”—“did you tear this book?”
톰이 그녀의 얼굴을 힐끗 보았다— 그것은 공포로 하얗게 변해 있었다—”너는 이 책을 찢었니—아니, 내 얼굴을 봐”—”진짜로 이 책을 찢었니?”
A thought shot like lightning / through Tom’s brain.
한 생각이 번개처럼 톰의 뇌리를 스쳤다.
He sprang to his feet / and shouted—“I done it!”
그는 벌떡 일어나 외쳤다—”제가 했어요!”
The school stared / in perplexity / at this incredible folly.
학교는 이 놀라운 어리석음에 당황해서 쳐다보았다.
Tom stood a moment, / to gather his dismembered faculties; / and when he stepped forward / to go to his punishment / the surprise, the gratitude, the adoration / that shone upon him / out of poor Becky’s eyes / seemed pay enough / for a hundred floggings.
톰은 잠시 서 있었다. 흩어진 정신을 모으기 위해서. 그리고 그는 앞으로 나아갔다. 벌을 받으러. 놀라움, 고마움, 경의가 불쌍한 베키의 눈에서 그에게 비쳤고, 그것만으로도 백 번의 매질에 대한 대가로 충분해 보였다.
Inspired by the splendor / of his own act, / he took without an outcry / the most merciless flaying / that even Mr. Dobbins had ever administered; / and also received with indifference / the added cruelty / of a command / to remain two hours / after school should be dismissed—
자신의 행위의 화려함에 영감을 받아, 그는 소리 하나 없이 역사상 가장 무자비한 매질을 견뎌냈다. 도빈 선생님이 지금까지 했던 어떤 매질보다도. 그리고 또한 무심하게 추가적인 명령의 잔혹함도 견뎌냈다. 방과 후 두 시간 더 남으라는.
for he knew who would wait / for him outside / till his captivity was done, / and not count the tedious time / as loss, either.
왜냐하면 그가 누가 기다릴지를 알았기 때문이다. 외부에서. 그의 감금이 끝날 때까지. 그 지루한 시간을 손실로 계산하지도 않고.
Tom went to bed that night / planning vengeance against Alfred Temple; / for with shame and repentance / Becky had told him all, / not forgetting her own treachery;
톰은 그 밤에 복수를 계획하며 잠자리에 들었다. 알프레드 템플에 대한. 수치심과 회한을 갖고 베키는 그에게 모든 것을 말했다. 자신의 배신도 잊지 않고.
but even the longing for vengeance / had to give way, / soon, / to pleasanter musings, / and he fell asleep at last / with Becky’s latest words / lingering dreamily in his ear—
하지만 복수에 대한 열망조차 soon, 더 유쾌한 생각들로 자리를 양보해야 했고, 그는 마침내 잠들었다. 베키의 최신 말이 그의 귀에 몽롱하게 맴도는 가운데—
“Tom, how could you be / so noble!”
“톰, 어떻게 너는 / 그렇게 고결할 수 있니!”
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