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Vacation was approaching.
The schoolmaster, always severe, grew severer and more exacting than ever, for he wanted the school to make a good showing on “Examination” day.
His rod and his ferule were seldom idle now—at least among the smaller pupils.
Only the biggest boys, and young ladies of eighteen and twenty, escaped lashing.
Dobbins’ lashings were very vigorous ones, too; for although he carried, under his wig, a perfectly bald and shiny head, he had only reached middle age, and there was no sign of feebleness in his muscle

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Vacation / was approaching.

    방학이 다가오고 있었다.

  2. ⦁ Vacation: 방학
    – The students were excited for the upcoming vacation. (학생들은 다가오는 방학을 기대하고 있었다.)

    ⦁ Approaching: 다가오다
    – The train is approaching the station. (기차가 역에 다가오고 있다.)

  3. The schoolmaster, / always severe, / grew severer / and more exacting / than ever, / for he wanted / the school / to make a good showing / on “Examination” day.

    항상 엄격한 교장은, 더욱 엄격하고 까다로워졌는데, 이는 학교가 ‘시험’ 날에 좋은 성적을 내기를 원했기 때문이다.

  4. ⦁ Schoolmaster: 교장 – The schoolmaster gave a speech at the assembly. (교장이 모임에서 연설을 했다.)

    ⦁ Exacting: 까다로운 – The exacting teacher expected his students to submit perfect work. (그 까다로운 교사는 학생들이 완벽한 숙제를 제출하길 기대했다.)

  5. His rod / and his ferule / were seldom idle now—at least / among the smaller pupils.

    그의 회초리와 자는 이제 거의 쉬지 않았으며, 적어도 어린 학생들 사이에서는 그렇다.

  6. ⦁ Rod: 회초리
    – He used a rod to discipline the students. (그는 학생들을 훈육하기 위해 회초리를 사용했다.)

    ⦁ Idle: 한가한, 사용되지 않는
    – The machine was idle during the break. (기계는 쉬는 동안 사용되지 않았다.)

  7. Only the biggest boys, / and young ladies / of eighteen and twenty, / escaped lashing.

    18세와 20세의 큰 소년들과 젊은 여학생들만이 매질을 면했다.

  8. ⦁ Escape: 피하다
    – He managed to escape the punishment. (그는 처벌을 피하는 데 성공했다.)

    ⦁ Lashing: 매질
    – The sailor received a lashing for his misconduct. (그 선원은 잘못된 행동으로 매질을 받았다.)

  9. Mr. Dobbins’ lashings / were very vigorous ones, / too; / for although he carried, / under his wig, / a perfectly bald / and shiny head, / he had only reached middle age, / and there was no sign / of feebleness / in his muscle.

    도빈스 씨의 매질은 매우 강렬했는데, 그의 가발 아래에는 완벽히 대머리이고 반짝이는 머리가 있었지만, 그는 중년일 뿐이었고 그의 근육에는 약함의 기미가 없었다.

  10. ⦁ Vigorous: 강렬한
    – The athlete followed a vigorous training program. (그 운동선수는 엄격한 훈련 프로그램을 따랐다.)

    ⦁ Feebleness: 약함
    – Despite his age, there was no feebleness in his actions. (그는 나이에도 불구하고 그의 행동에는 약함이 없었다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)