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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


The tittering rose higher and higher—the cat was within six inches of the absorbed teacher’s head—down, down, a little lower, and she grabbed his wig with her desperate claws, clung to it, and was snatched up into the garret in an instant with her trophy still in her possession! And how the light did blaze abroad from the master’s bald pate—for the signpainter’s boy had gilded it!

That broke up the meeting.
The boys were avenged.
Vacation had come.

[*] NOTE:—The pretended “compositions” quoted in this chapter are taken without alteration from a volume entitled “Prose and Poetry, by a Western Lady”—but they are exactly and precisely after the schoolgirl pattern, and hence are much happier than any mere imitations could be.

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The tittering / rose higher and higher—the cat / was within six inches / of the absorbed teacher’s head—down, down, a little lower, / and she grabbed his wig / with her desperate claws, / clung to it, / and was snatched up / into the garret / in an instant / with her trophy / still in her possession! / And how the light / did blaze abroad / from the master’s bald pate—for the signpainter’s boy / had gilded it!

    킥킥거림이 점점 더 커졌다—고양이는 몰두한 선생님의 머리에서 여섯 인치 거리에 있었다—더 내려가다, 조금 더 내려가서, 그녀는 그의 가발을 절박한 발톱으로 붙잡았고, 거기에 매달렸고, 눈 깜짝할 사이에 그녀의 전리품을 들고 다락방으로 낚아채였다! 그리고 어떻게 빛이 선생님의 대머리 두피에서 찬란히 빛났던가—간판 그리는 소년이 그것을 금박으로 했기 때문이다!

  2. ⦁ tittering: 킥킥거리다
    – The audience’s tittering grew louder. (관객들의 킥킥거림이 점점 더 커졌다.)

    ⦁ desperate: 절박한
    – She made a desperate attempt to catch the bus. (그녀는 버스를 잡기 위해 절박하게 시도했다.)

  3. That broke up / the meeting.

    그것이 회의를 끝내버렸다.

  4. ⦁ broke: 끝내다
    – The noise broke his concentration. (소음이 그의 집중을 깨트렸다.)

    ⦁ meeting: 회의
    – The meeting lasted for two hours. (회의는 두 시간 동안 진행됐다.)

  5. The boys / were avenged.

    소년들은 복수를 했다.

  6. ⦁ avenged: 복수하다
    – They avenged their friend’s humiliation. (그들은 친구의 치욕을 복수했다.)

    ⦁ boys: 소년들
    – The boys played soccer after school. (소년들은 방과 후에 축구를 했다.)

  7. Vacation / had come.

    방학이 시작되었다.

  8. ⦁ vacation: 방학
    – The family is planning a vacation. (가족은 방학 계획을 세우고 있다.)

    ⦁ come: 오다
    – The bus will come soon. (버스가 곧 올 것이다.)

  9. The pretended “compositions” / quoted in this chapter / are taken without alteration / from a volume / entitled “Prose and Poetry, / by a Western Lady”—but they are / exactly and precisely / after the schoolgirl pattern, / and hence are much happier / than any mere imitations / could be.

    이 장에서 인용된 가짜 “작문”들은 “서부 여성의 산문과 시”라는 책에서 변형 없이 가져온 것이다—하지만 그것들은 정확히 여학생의 패턴을 따르고 있으므로 어떤 단순한 모방보다도 훨씬 더 잘된 것이다.

  10. ⦁ pretended: 가짜의
    – He made a pretended laugh. (그는 가짜 웃음을 지었다.)

    ⦁ alteration: 변형, 변화
    – The plan went ahead without alteration. (계획은 변형 없이 진행됐다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)