❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
He handed in his resignation at once—and that night the Judge suffered a relapse and died.Tom resolved that he would never trust a man like that again.The funeral was a fine thing.The Cadets paraded in a style calculated to kill the late member with envy.Tom was a free boy again, however—there was something in that.He could drink and swear, now—but found to his surprise that he did not want to.The simple fact that he could, took the desire away, and the charm of it.Tom presently wondered to find that his coveted vacation was beginning to hang a little heavily on his hands.He attempted a diary—but nothing happened during three days, and so he abandoned it
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
He handed in / his resignation / at once /—and that night / the Judge / suffered a relapse / and died.
그는 즉시 사표를 제출했다 / 그날 밤에 / 판사님이 병이 도져서 / 돌아가셨다.
Tom resolved / that he would never / trust a man / like that / again.The funeral / was a fine thing.
톰은 결심했다 / 절대 다시 / 그런 남자를 / 믿지 않겠다고.장례식은 훌륭한 행사였다.
The Cadets / paraded / in a style / calculated / to kill the late member / with envy.Tom was a free boy / again, however /—there was something / in that.
사관 생도들은 / 행진을 했다 / 스타일로 / 고인의 질투를 불러일으킬.톰은 다시 / 자유로운 소년이 되었다 / 그러나 / 거기에는 무언가가 있었다.
He could drink / and swear, now /—but found to his surprise / that he did not want to.The simple fact / that he could / took the desire away / and the charm / of it.
그는 이제 / 술을 마시고 / 욕을 할 수 있었다 / 그러나 놀랍게 / 그가 그러고 싶지 않다는 것을 알았다.단순히 / 할 수 있다는 사실이 / 욕망과 / 매력을 앗아갔다.
Tom presently wondered / to find / that his coveted vacation / was beginning / to hang a little heavily / on his hands.He attempted a diary /—but nothing happened / during three days / and so he abandoned it.
톰은 곧 알게 되어 / 놀랐다 / 그가 그토록 원했던 휴가가 / 시작했음을 / 손에서 무겁게 느껴졌음을.그는 일기를 쓰려 했으나 / 세 일 동안 / 아무 일도 일어나지 않았고 / 그것을 포기했다.
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