❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
The dreadful secret of the murder was a chronic misery.It was a very cancer for permanency and pain.Then came the measles.During two long weeks Tom lay a prisoner, dead to the world and its happenings.He was very ill, he was interested in nothing.When he got upon his feet at last and moved feebly downtown, a melancholy change had come over everything and every creature.There had been a “revival,” and everybody had “got religion,” not only the adults, but even the boys and girls.Tom went about, hoping against hope for the sight of one blessed sinful face, but disappointment crossed him everywhere.He found Joe Harper studying a Testament, and turned sadly away from the depressing spectacle
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The dreadful secret / of the murder /was a chronic misery.
그 살인의 끔찍한 비밀은 / 만성적인 고통이었다.
It was a very cancer / for permanency / and pain.
그것은 영구적인 고통과 / 고통을 위한 일종의 암이었다.
Then came / the measles.
그리고 / 홍역이 왔다.
During two long weeks / Tom lay a prisoner, / dead to the world / and its happenings.
길고 긴 이 주 동안 / 톰은 포로로 있었고, / 세상과 / 그 일들에 무관한 채 / 있었다.
He was very ill, / he was interested in nothing.
그는 매우 아팠고, / 아무것에도 관심이 없었다.
When he got upon his feet / at last / and moved feebly downtown, / a melancholy change / had come over everything / and every creature.
마침내 그가 / 일어나서 / 느릿하게 다운타운으로 / 걸음을 옮겼을 때, / 모든 것과 / 모든 생명체에 / 우울한 변화가 / 온 것 같았다.
There had been a “revival,” / and everybody had “got religion,” / not only the adults, / but even the boys and girls.
“부흥회”가 열렸고, / 모든 사람이 / 신앙을 갖게 되었다, / 어른들뿐만 아니라, / 소년 소녀들조차도.
Tom went about, / hoping against hope / for the sight / of one blessed sinful face, / but disappointment crossed him / everywhere.
톰은 떠돌아다녔다, / 희망을 갖지 말아야 할 상황에서도 / 하나의 축복받은 죄악의 얼굴을 / 볼 수 있기를 바라며, / 하지만 그에게는 실망뿐이었다 / 어디서나.
He found Joe Harper / studying a Testament, / and turned sadly away / from the depressing spectacle.
그는 조 하퍼가 / 성서를 공부하는 것을 발견했고, / 우울한 장면에서 / 슬프게 돌아섰다.
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