❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
It was hours before he got to sleep.All the village flocked to the courthouse the next morning, for this was to be the great day.Both sexes were about equally represented in the packed audience.After a long wait the jury filed in and took their places; shortly afterward, Potter, pale and haggard, timid and hopeless, was brought in, with chains upon him, and seated where all the curious eyes could stare at him; no less conspicuous was Injun Joe, stolid as ever.There was another pause, and then the judge arrived and the sheriff proclaimed the opening of the court.The usual whisperings among the lawyers and gathering together of papers followed.These details and accompanying delays worked up an atmosphere of preparation that was as impressive as it was fascinating.Now a witness was called who testified that he found Muff Potter washing in the brook, at an early hour of the morning that the murder was discovered, and that he immediately sneaked away.After some further questioning, counsel for the prosecution said:“Take the witness.”The prisoner raised his eyes for a moment, but dropped them again when his own counsel said:“I have no questions to ask him.”The next witness proved the finding of the knife near the corpse
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
It was hours / before he got to sleep.
그가 잠들기까지 몇 시간이 걸렸다.
All the village flocked / to the courthouse / the next morning, / for this was / to be the great day.
다음날 아침, 마을 전체가 법원으로 모여들었다. 왜냐하면 이 날이 중요한 날이었기 때문이다.
Both sexes / were about equally represented / in the packed audience.
포장된 청중에서 남녀 모두 거의 동일하게 대표되었다.
After a long wait / the jury filed in / and took their places; / shortly afterward, / Potter, pale and haggard, / timid and hopeless, / was brought in, / with chains upon him, / and seated / where all the curious eyes / could stare at him; / no less conspicuous / was Injun Joe, / stolid as ever.
긴 기다림 뒤에 배심원들이 들어와 자리를 잡았다. 곧이어, 창백하고 초췌한, 겁먹고 절망적인 Potter가 사슬에 묶인 채 들어와 모든 호기심 어린 눈들이 바라볼 수 있는 곳에 앉았다. Injun Joe도 여전히 무표정하게 눈에 띄게 있었다.
There was another pause, / and then the judge arrived / and the sheriff proclaimed / the opening of the court.
중간에 또 다른 멈춤이 있었고, 그 후 판사가 도착하고 보안관이 법원의 개원을 선언했다.
The usual whisperings / among the lawyers / and gathering together of papers / followed.
변호사들 사이의 평소의 속삭임과 서류를 모아 정리하는 과정이 뒤따랐다.
These details / and accompanying delays / worked up / an atmosphere of preparation / that was as impressive / as it was fascinating.
이러한 세부 사항과 지연되는 과정이 준비의 분위기를 만들어냈는데, 이는 인상적이기도 하고 매력적이기도 했다.
Now / a witness was called / who testified / that he found Muff Potter / washing in the brook, / at an early hour of the morning / that the murder was discovered, / and that he immediately sneaked away.
이제 한 증인이 호출되었고, 그는 Muff Potter가 살인 사건이 발견된 아침 일찍 개울에서 씻고 있는 것을 보았으며, 그가 즉시 몰래 도망쳤다고 증언했다.
After some further questioning, / counsel for the prosecution said: / “Take the witness.”
몇 가지 추가 질문 후에, 검찰 측 변호사는 “증인을 데려가세요.”라고 말했다.
The prisoner / raised his eyes / for a moment, / but dropped them again / when his own counsel said: / “I have no questions to ask him.”
죄수가 잠시 동안 눈을 들어 올렸지만, 자신의 변호사가 “그에게 물어볼 질문이 없습니다.”라고 말하자 다시 눈을 내렸다.
The next witness / proved / the finding of the knife / near the corpse.
다음 증인은 시체 근처에서 칼을 발견한 사실을 증명했다.
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