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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


The audience listened breathless, but the words refused to come.
After a few moments, however, the boy got a little of his strength back, and managed to put enough of it into his voice to make part of the house hear:

“In the graveyard!”

“A little bit louder, please.
Don’t be afraid.
You were—”

“In the graveyard.”

A contemptuous smile flitted across Injun Joe’s face.

“Were you anywhere near Horse Williams’ grave?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Speak up—just a trifle louder.
How near were you?”

“Near as I am to you.”

“Were you hidden, or not?”

“I was hid.”


“Behind the elms that’s on the edge of the grave.”

Injun Joe gave a barely perceptible start.

“Any one with you?”

“Yes, sir.
I went there with—”

“Wait—wait a moment.
Never mind mentioning your companion’s name

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. The audience / listened breathless, / but the words refused / to come.

    청중은 숨죽여 들었지만, 그의 말들이 나오지 않았다.

  2. ⦁ audience: 청중
    – The audience clapped loudly. (청중들은 크게 박수를 쳤다.)

    ⦁ refused: 거부했다
    – The offer was refused. (제안이 거절되었다.)

  3. After a few moments, / however, / the boy got / a little of his strength back, / and managed to put / enough of it / into his voice / to make part of / the house hear:

    그러나 잠시 후, 소년은 약간의 힘을 되찾았고, 그것을 목소리에 담아, 집 안의 일부가 들을 수 있게 했다:

  4. ⦁ strength: 힘
    – He regained his strength. (그는 힘을 되찾았다.)

    ⦁ managed: 해냈다
    – She managed to finish on time. (그녀는 제시간에 끝낼 수 있었다.)

  5. “In the graveyard!”


  6. ⦁ graveyard: 묘지
    – They visited the graveyard. (그들은 묘지를 방문했다.)

    ⦁ in: ~에서
    – In the morning. (아침에)

  7. “A little bit louder, / please. / Don’t be afraid. / You were—”

    “좀 더 크게 말씀해 주세요. 두려워하지 마세요. 당신은—”

  8. ⦁ louder: 더 크게
    – Please speak louder. (좀 더 크게 말씀해 주세요.)

    ⦁ afraid: 두려운
    – She is afraid of dogs. (그녀는 개를 두려워한다.)

  9. “In the graveyard.”


  10. ⦁ in: ~에서
    – In the room. (방 안에서)

    ⦁ graveyard: 묘지
    – They found the cemetery. (그들은 묘지를 찾았다.)

  11. A contemptuous smile / flitted across / Injun Joe’s face.

    경멸스러운 웃음이 인디언 조의 얼굴을 스쳤다.

  12. ⦁ contemptuous: 경멸스러운
    – He gave a contemptuous look. (그는 경멸스러운 표정을 지었다.)

    ⦁ flitted: 스쳤다
    – A shadow flitted across the wall. (그림자가 벽을 스쳐 지나갔다.)

  13. “Were you / anywhere near / Horse Williams’ grave?”

    “말 윌리엄스의 묘지 가까이에 있었나요?”

  14. ⦁ anywhere: 어느 곳이든
    – You can find it anywhere. (어느 곳에서든지 찾을 수 있다.)

    ⦁ near: 가까이에
    – They live near the park. (그들은 공원 근처에 산다.)

  15. “Yes, sir.”
    “Speak up—just / a trifle louder. / How near / were you?”

    “네, 선생님.”
    “조금만 더 크게 말해 주세요. 얼마나 가까이에 있었나요?”

  16. ⦁ speak: 말하다
    – She can speak French. (그녀는 프랑스어를 할 수 있다.)

    ⦁ trifle: 사소한
    – It’s just a trifle. (그건 사소한 일이다.)

  17. “Near / as I am / to you.”

    “당신만큼 가까이에 있었습니다.”

  18. ⦁ near: 가까이에
    – She sat near the window. (그녀는 창가에 앉았다.)

    ⦁ as: ~처럼
    – She’s as tall as her brother. (그녀는 그녀의 형만큼 키가 크다.)

  19. “Were you hidden, / or not?”

    “숨어 있었습니까, 아니면 아닙니까?”

  20. ⦁ hidden: 숨겨진
    – The treasure was hidden. (보물은 숨겨져 있었다.)

    ⦁ or: 또는
    – Would you like tea or coffee? (차나 커피를 드시겠어요?)

  21. “I was hid.”

    “숨어 있었습니다.”

  22. ⦁ hid: 숨다 (과거형)
    – He hid behind the door. (그는 문 뒤로 숨었다.)

    ⦁ was: 있었다
    – She was happy. (그녀는 행복했다.)

  23. “Where?”


  24. ⦁ where: 어디
    – Where is the station? (역이 어디인가요?)

    ⦁ were: 있었다
    – You were right. (당신이 옳았다.)

  25. “Behind the elms / that’s on the edge / of the grave.”

    “묘지 가장자리에 있는 느릅나무 뒤에 있었습니다.”

  26. ⦁ behind: 뒤에
    – He stood behind the tree. (그는 나무 뒤에 서 있었다.)

    ⦁ edge: 가장자리
    – She sat on the edge of the bed. (그녀는 침대 가장자리에 앉았다.)

  27. Injun Joe gave / a barely perceptible / start.

    인디언 조는 거의 눈에 띄지 않는 놀라움을 보였다.

  28. ⦁ barely: 거의 ~않다
    – He barely passed the exam. (그는 거의 시험에 합격하지 못했다.)

    ⦁ perceptible: 감지할 수 있는
    – The change was perceptible. (변화는 감지할 수 있었다.)

  29. “Any one with you?”

    “누군가 같이 있었나요?”

  30. ⦁ any: 어떤
    – Do you have any questions? (질문 있으세요?)

    ⦁ with: 함께
    – She came with her friend. (그녀는 친구와 함께 왔다.)

  31. “Yes, sir. / I went there / with—”
    “Wait—wait a moment. / Never mind mentioning / your companion’s name.”

    “네, 선생님. / 저는 거기 갔어요 / 와—”
    “잠깐만요. / 동행의 이름을 / 언급하지 않아도 됩니다.”

  32. ⦁ mentioning: 언급
    – He kept mentioning her name. (그는 계속 그녀의 이름을 언급했다.)

    ⦁ companion: 동행
    – She was a good companion. (그녀는 좋은 동행자였다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)