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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


Let’s hide the tools in the bushes.”

The boys were there that night, about the appointed time.
They sat in the shadow waiting.
It was a lonely place, and an hour made solemn by old traditions.
Spirits whispered in the rustling leaves, ghosts lurked in the murky nooks, the deep baying of a hound floated up out of the distance, an owl answered with his sepulchral note.
The boys were subdued by these solemnities, and talked little.
By and by they judged that twelve had come; they marked where the shadow fell, and began to dig.
Their hopes commenced to rise.
Their interest grew stronger, and their industry kept pace with it.
The hole deepened and still deepened, but every time their hearts jumped to hear the pick strike upon something, they only suffered a new disappointment

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Let’s hide / the tools / in the bushes.

    도구를 덤불 속에 숨기자.

  2. ⦁ hide: 숨기다
    – He tried to hide behind the tree. (그는 나무 뒤에 숨으려고 했다.)

    ⦁ tools: 도구
    – The carpenter carries his tools everywhere. (그 목수는 도구를 어디든 가지고 다닌다.)

  3. The boys / were there / that night, / about the appointed time.

    소년들은 그날 밤 약속한 시간에 그곳에 있었다.

  4. ⦁ appointed: 지정된
    – We met at the appointed place. (우리는 지정된 장소에서 만났다.)

    ⦁ time: 시간
    – Time flies when you’re having fun. (즐거운 시간을 보내면 시간이 빨리가요.)

  5. They sat / in the shadow / waiting.

    그들은 그림자 속에 앉아 기다리고 있었다.

  6. ⦁ shadow: 그림자
    – The cat hid in the shadow. (고양이는 그림자 속에 숨었다.)

    ⦁ waiting: 기다림
    – The waiting room was crowded. (대기실은 붐볐다.)

  7. It was a lonely place, / and an hour / made solemn / by old traditions.

    그곳은 외딴곳이었고, 오래된 전통으로 인해 시간이 엄숙해졌다.

  8. ⦁ lonely: 외로운
    – She felt lonely in the big house. (그녀는 큰 집에서 외로움을 느꼈다.)

    ⦁ solemn: 엄숙한
    – The ceremony was very solemn. (그 의식은 매우 엄숙했다.)

  9. Spirits whispered / in the rustling leaves, / ghosts lurked / in the murky nooks.

    영혼들은 바스락거리는 나뭇잎 속에서 속삭였고, 유령들은 흐릿한 구석에 숨어 있었다.

  10. ⦁ whispered: 속삭였다
    – She whispered in his ear. (그녀는 그의 귀에 속삭였다.)

    ⦁ murky: 흐릿한
    – The water was murky and unclear. (물은 탁하고 불투명했다.)

  11. The deep baying / of a hound / floated up / out of the distance, / an owl answered / with his sepulchral note.

    멀리서 들리는 늑대의 깊은 울부짖음 소리에 부엉이는 묘하게 응답했다.

  12. ⦁ baying: 울부짖는
    – The constant baying of the dog was annoying. (계속되는 개의 울부짖음이 짜증났다.)

    ⦁ distance: 거리
    – The mountains were visible in the distance. (산들이 먼 곳에서 보였다.)

  13. The boys / were subdued / by these solemnities, / and talked little.

    소년들은 이러한 엄숙함에 압도되어 거의 말하지 않았다.

  14. ⦁ subdued: 억제된
    – His laughter was subdued. (그의 웃음은 억제되었다.)

    ⦁ solemnities: 엄숙함
    – They felt the solemnities of the moment. (그들은 그 순간의 엄숙함을 느꼈다.)

  15. By and by / they judged / that twelve had come; / they marked / where the shadow fell, / and began to dig.

    그들은 자정이 되었다고 판단하고 그림자가 드리워진 곳을 표시한 뒤 파기 시작했다.

  16. ⦁ judged: 판단한
    – She judged the situation quickly. (그녀는 상황을 빠르게 판단했다.)

    ⦁ marked: 표시한
    – He marked the location on the map. (그는 지도에 위치를 표시했다.)

  17. Their hopes commenced / to rise. / Their interest grew stronger, / and their industry kept pace / with it.

    그들의 희망이 커져가기 시작했다. 그들의 관심이 커질수록 그들의 노력도 함께 늘었다.

  18. ⦁ commenced: 시작한
    – The ceremony commenced at noon. (그 의식은 정오에 시작되었다.)

    ⦁ interest: 관심
    – His interest in science grew. (그의 과학에 대한 관심이 커졌다.)

  19. The hole / deepened / and still deepened, / but every time / their hearts jumped / to hear / the pick strike / upon something, / they only suffered / a new disappointment.

    구멍은 점점 깊어졌지만, 그들이 무언가를 치는 소리를 들을 때마다 그들은 새로운 실망을 겪었다.

  20. ⦁ deepened: 깊어진
    – The mystery deepened as more clues emerged. (더 많은 단서가 나타나면서 미스터리는 깊어졌다.)

    ⦁ disappointment: 실망
    – The team’s loss caused great disappointment. (그 팀의 패배는 큰 실망을 불러일으켰다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)