❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
About noon the next day the boys arrived at the dead tree; they had come for their tools.Tom was impatient to go to the haunted house; Huck was measurably so, also—but suddenly said:“Lookyhere, Tom, do you know what day it is?”Tom mentally ran over the days of the week, and then quickly lifted his eyes with a startled look in them—“My! I never once thought of it, Huck!”“Well, I didn’t neither, but all at once it popped onto me that it was Friday.”“Blame it, a body can’t be too careful, Huck.We might ’a’ got into an awful scrape, tackling such a thing on a Friday.”“Might! Better say we would! There’s some lucky days, maybe, but Friday ain’t.”“Any fool knows that.I don’t reckon you was the first that found it out, Huck.”“Well, I never said I was, did I? And Friday ain’t all, neither.I had a rotten bad dream last night—dreampt about rats.”“No! Sure sign of trouble.Did they fight?”“No.”“Well, that’s good, Huck.When they don’t fight it’s only a sign that there’s trouble around, you know.All we got to do is to look mighty sharp and keep out of it.We’ll drop this thing for today, and play
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
About noon / the next day / the boys arrived / at the dead tree; / they had come / for their tools. Tom was impatient / to go / to the haunted house; / Huck was measurably so, also—but suddenly said:
다음 날 정오쯤, 소년들은 죽은 나무에 도착했다; 그들은 도구를 가지러 온 것이었다. 톰은 귀신의 집에 가고 싶어 안달이었다; 헉도 어느 정도 그러했지만, 갑자기 말했다:
“Lookyhere, Tom, / do you know / what day it is?”
“톰, 잘 봐, 오늘이 무슨 날인지 알고 있어?”
Tom mentally ran over / the days of the week, / and then quickly lifted / his eyes / with a startled look in them—
톰은 머릿속으로 요일을 떠올리고, 곧바로 놀란 표정으로 눈을 들었다—
“My! I never once thought / of it, Huck!”
“어머! 전혀 생각하지 못했네, 헉!”
“Well, I didn’t neither, / but all at once / it popped onto me / that it was Friday.”
“나도 몰랐어, 하지만 갑자기 오늘이 금요일이라는 게 떠올랐어.”
“Blame it, a body can’t be / too careful, Huck. We might ’a’ got into / an awful scrape, / tackling such a thing / on a Friday.”
“정말, 사람은 너무 조심할 수 없어, 헉. 금요일에 그런 일을 하다간 / 큰 곤경에 처했을지도 몰라.”
“Might! Better say / we would! There’s some lucky days, / maybe, but Friday / ain’t.”
“할 뻔 했지! 우리가 했다고 하는 게 더 나을걸! 운 좋은 날도 있겠지만, 금요일은 아니야.”
“Any fool knows that. I don’t reckon / you was the first / that found it out, Huck.”
“누구나 그걸 알아. 네가 처음으로 알아낸 건 아닐 거야, 헉.”
“Well, I never said / I was, did I? And Friday ain’t all, neither. I had a rotten bad dream / last night—dreampt about rats.”
“글쎄, 내가 그랬다고 한 적 없잖아? 그리고 금요일만 있는 것도 아니야. 어젯밤에 끔찍한 꿈을 꿨어—쥐들에 관한 꿈이었어.”
“No! Sure sign / of trouble. Did they fight?”
“정말! 확실히 곤란의 징조야. 싸웠어?”
“Well, that’s good, Huck. When they don’t fight / it’s only a sign / that there’s trouble around, / you know.
“그럼, 잘된 일이야, 헉. 그들이 싸우지 않으면 / 그건 주위에 문제가 있다는 신호일 뿐이야, 알잖아.”
All we got to do / is to look mighty sharp / and keep out of it. We’ll drop this thing / for today, and play
우리가 해야 할 일은 철저히 주위를 경계하고 / 문제를 피하는 것뿐이야. 오늘은 이 일은 접어두고 / 놀자
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