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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


He could lick any man in England, with one hand tied behind him; and he could take his yew bow and plug a ten-cent piece every time, a mile and a half.”

“What’s a yew bow?”

“I don’t know.
It’s some kind of a bow, of course.
And if he hit that dime only on the edge he would set down and cry—and curse.
But we’ll play Robin Hood—it’s nobby fun.
I’ll learn you.”

“I’m agreed.”

So they played Robin Hood all the afternoon, now and then casting a yearning eye down upon the haunted house and passing a remark about the morrow’s prospects and possibilities there.
As the sun began to sink into the west they took their way homeward athwart the long shadows of the trees and soon were buried from sight in the forests of Cardiff Hill.

On Saturday, shortly after noon, the boys were at the dead tree again.
They had a smoke and a chat in the shade, and then dug a little in their last hole, not with great hope, but merely because Tom said there were so many cases where people had given up a treasure after getting down within six inches of it, and then somebody else had come along and turned it up with a single thrust of a shovel.
The thing failed this time, however, so the boys shouldered their tools and went away feeling that they had not trifled with fortune, but had fulfilled all the requirements that belong to the business of treasure-hunting

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. He could lick any man in England, / with one hand / tied behind him; / and he could take his yew bow / and plug a ten-cent piece / every time, / a mile and a half.

    그는 한 손을 등 뒤로 묶고도 / 잉글랜드의 모든 남자를 때릴 수 있었고, / 주목 나무 활을 가지고 / 매번 / 10센트 동전을 / 1.5마일 거리에서 / 맞출 수 있었다.

  2. ⦁ lick: 때리다
    – He could lick anyone in the room. (그는 방 안의 누구든 때릴 수 있었다.)

    ⦁ plug: 맞추다
    – She managed to plug the target from 20 yards away. (그녀는 20야드 떨어진 곳에서 목표물을 맞출 수 있었다.)

  3. What’s a yew bow?

    주목 나무 활이 뭐야?

  4. ⦁ yew: 주목 나무
    – The yew tree is known for its strong wood. (주목 나무는 강한 목재로 유명하다.)

    ⦁ bow: 활
    – He crafted his own bow and arrow. (그는 직접 만든 활과 화살을 사용했다.)

  5. I don’t know.
    It’s some kind of a bow, / of course.

    모르겠어. / 당연히 / 어떤 종류의 활이겠지.

  6. ⦁ some kind: 어떤 종류
    – It’s some kind of a miracle. (그건 어떤 종류의 기적이다.)

    ⦁ course: 물론
    – Of course, you can come with us. (물론, 너도 우리와 함께 갈 수 있어.)

  7. And if he hit that dime / only on the edge / he would set down / and cry — / and curse.

    그리고 만약 그가 10센트 동전을 / 가장자리만 맞춘다면 / 그는 앉아서 / 울고 / 저주할 것이다.

  8. ⦁ hit: 맞추다
    – He hit the target perfectly. (그는 목표물을 완벽히 맞췄다.)

    ⦁ edge: 가장자리
    – Be careful of the sharp edge. (날카로운 가장자리를 조심해라.)

  9. But we’ll play Robin Hood /— it’s nobby fun.
    I’ll learn you.

    하지만 우리는 로빈 후드 놀이를 할 거야 / — 재미있어. / 너에게 가르쳐 줄게.

  10. ⦁ nobby: 재미있는
    – That was a nobby trick. (그건 재미있는 속임수였다.)

    ⦁ learn: 가르치다
    – I’ll learn you the moves. (내가 너에게 동작을 가르쳐 줄게.)

  11. I’m agreed.
    So they played Robin Hood / all the afternoon, / now and then / casting a yearning eye / down upon the haunted house
    and passing a remark / about the morrow’s prospects and possibilities there.

    나도 동의해. / 그래서 그들은 / 오후 내내 / 로빈 후드 놀이를 했고, / 가끔씩 / 유령이 나오는 집을 / 내려다 보면서 / 다음 날의 전망과 가능성에 대해 / 말을 했다.

  12. ⦁ casting: 던지기
    – She was casting her fishing line. (그녀는 낚싯줄을 던지고 있었다.)

    ⦁ prospect: 전망
    – The prospect of a promotion excited him. (승진의 전망이 그를 흥분시켰다.)

  13. As the sun began to sink into the west / they took their way homeward / athwart the long shadows of the trees
    and soon were buried from sight / in the forests of Cardiff Hill.

    해가 서쪽으로 기울기 시작할 때 / 그들은 / 긴 나무 그림자를 가로지르면서 / 집으로 가는 길을 / 떠났고, 곧 / 카디프 언덕의 / 숲 속에 / 숨어 사라졌다.

  14. ⦁ sink: 가라앉다
    – The sun slowly sank below the horizon. (해가 천천히 지평선 아래로 가라앉았다.)

    ⦁ shadow: 그림자
    – His shadow was long in the afternoon sun. (그의 그림자는 오후 햇빛 속에 길게 드리워졌다.)

  15. On Saturday, shortly after noon, / the boys were / at the dead tree again.
    They had a smoke and a chat / in the shade, and then dug a little / in their last hole, / not with great hope, / but merely because Tom said / there were so many cases / where people had given up a treasure / after getting down / within six inches of it,
    and then somebody else had come along / and turned it up / with a single thrust of a shovel.
    The thing failed this time, however, / so the boys shouldered their tools / and went away / feeling that they had not trifled with fortune, / but had fulfilled all the requirements / that belong to the business / of treasure-hunting.

    토요일, 정오가 지나자마자 / 소년들은 / 다시 죽은 나무 주위에 있었다. / 그들은 / 그늘에서 담배를 피우고 / 대화를 나누었고, / 마지막 구멍에서 / 약간을 팠지만, / 큰 기대는 아니었다. / 단지 톰이 말했기 때문이었다 / 많은 경우에 사람들이 보물 찾기를 포기한 것은 / 보물로부터 6인치 이내에 도달한 / 후였고, / 그러면 다른 누군가가 와서 / 삽 한 번의 찌르기로 / 그것을 발견했었다고.
    그러나 이번에는 실패했다, / 그래서 소년들은 도구를 어깨에 메고 / 떠났다 / 운명을 가지고 놀지 않았다고 느끼며, / 모든 요구를 다 충족시켰다고 / 보물 찾기라는 사업에 속한.

  16. ⦁ hope: 희망
    – They dug with hope in their hearts. (그들은 마음 속에 희망을 담고 팠다.)

    ⦁ fulfill: 충족하다
    – They aimed to fulfill the mission’s requirements. (그들은 임무의 요구 사항을 충족시키려 했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)