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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


When they reached the haunted house there was something so weird and grisly about the dead silence that reigned there under the baking sun, and something so depressing about the loneliness and desolation of the place, that they were afraid, for a moment, to venture in.
Then they crept to the door and took a trembling peep.
They saw a weedgrown, floorless room, unplastered, an ancient fireplace, vacant windows, a ruinous staircase; and here, there, and everywhere hung ragged and abandoned cobwebs.
They presently entered, softly, with quickened pulses, talking in whispers, ears alert to catch the slightest sound, and muscles tense and ready for instant retreat.

In a little while familiarity modified their fears and they gave the place a critical and interested examination, rather admiring their own boldness, and wondering at it, too.
Next they wanted to look upstairs.
This was something like cutting off retreat, but they got to daring each other, and of course there could be but one result—they threw their tools into a corner and made the ascent.
Up there were the same signs of decay.
In one corner they found a closet that promised mystery, but the promise was a fraud—there was nothing in it

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. When they reached the haunted house / there was something so weird and grisly about / the dead silence / that reigned there / under the baking sun, / and something so depressing / about the loneliness / and desolation of the place, / that they were afraid, / for a moment, / to venture in.

    그들이 유령의 집에 도착했을 때, 쨍쨍한 태양 아래 그곳에 깃든 죽음의 침묵과 그곳의 외로움과 황폐함에 대해 무엇인가 이상하고 섬뜩한 것이 있었기에, 잠시 동안 그들은 안으로 들어갈 용기를 내지 못했다.

  2. ⦁ weird: 이상한, 기괴한
    – The movie was really weird. (그 영화는 정말 이상했어요.)

    ⦁ venture: 모험하다, 감히 ~하다
    – He ventured into the dark cave. (그는 어두운 동굴로 모험을 떠났다.)

  3. Then they crept to the door / and took a trembling peep.

    그러고 나서 그들은 문까지 기어가서 떨리는 눈으로 엿보았다.

  4. ⦁ crept: 살금살금 움직이다, 기어가다
    – The cat crept up on the mouse. (고양이가 쥐에게 살금살금 다가갔다.)

    ⦁ trembling: 떨리는, 진동하는
    – She spoke in a trembling voice. (그녀는 떨리는 목소리로 말했다.)

  5. They saw a weedgrown, floorless room, / unplastered, an ancient fireplace, / vacant windows, a ruinous staircase; / and here, there, and everywhere / hung ragged and abandoned cobwebs.

    그들은 잡초가 자란 바닥이 없는 방과, 미완성된 골격의 방, 오래된 벽난로, 빈 창문, 허물어져가는 계단을 보았다. 그리고 여기저기, 온갖 곳에 버려진 거미줄이 걸려 있었다.

  6. ⦁ ruinous: 황폐한, 파괴적인
    – The ruinous storm destroyed many homes. (파괴적인 폭풍이 많은 집을 파괴했다.)

    ⦁ abandoned: 버려진, 유기된
    – The abandoned house was eerie. (버려진 집은 으스스했다.)

  7. They presently entered, / softly, / with quickened pulses, / talking in whispers, / ears alert / to catch the slightest sound, / and muscles tense / and ready for instant retreat.

    그들은 곧 부드럽게 들어섰다. 빠른 맥박과 함께 속삭이며, 작은 소리라도 듣기 위해 귀를 곤두세우고, 근육을 긴장시키고 즉시 퇴각할 준비가 되어 있었다.

  8. ⦁ retreat: 후퇴, 철수
    – The soldiers made a quick retreat. (군인들은 신속히 후퇴했다.)

    ⦁ alert: 깨어 있는, 경계하는
    – Stay alert for any danger. (위험을 대비해 경계하고 있어라.)

  9. In a little while / familiarity modified their fears / and they gave the place / a critical and interested examination, / rather admiring their own boldness, / and wondering at it, too.

    잠시 후 익숙함이 그들의 두려움을 다소 누그러뜨렸고, 그들은 그곳을 신중히 흥미롭게 조사하며 자신의 대담함에 감탄하고, 동시에 의아해하기도 했다.

  10. ⦁ familiarity: 익숙함, 친숙함
    – Familiarity with the rules is necessary. (규칙에 익숙한 것이 필요하다.)

    ⦁ examination: 조사, 고찰
    – The examination revealed many issues. (조사 결과 많은 문제가 드러났다.)

  11. Next they wanted to look upstairs.
    This was something like cutting off retreat, / but they got to daring each other, / and of course there could be but one result—they threw their tools / into a corner / and made the ascent.

    다음으로 그들은 위층을 살펴보고 싶어졌다. 이것은 마치 퇴로를 차단하는 것과 같았지만, 그들은 서로를 격려하며 용기를 냈고, 당연히 한 가지 결과만 있을 수 있었다—그들은 도구를 한 구석에 내던지고 계단을 올랐다.

  12. ⦁ daring: 대담한, 용감한
    – The daring stunt took everyone’s breath away. (대담한 묘기에 모두가 숨을 멈췄다.)

    ⦁ ascent: 상승, 오름
    – The ascent up the mountain was challenging. (산을 오르는 것은 도전적이었다.)

  13. Up there were / the same signs of decay.
    In one corner / they found a closet / that promised mystery, / but the promise was a fraud—there was nothing in it.

    위층에도 동일한 황폐함의 흔적이 있었다. 한 구석에서 그들은 미스터리를 약속하는 옷장을 발견했지만, 그 약속은 사기였다—그 안에는 아무것도 없었다.

  14. ⦁ decay: 부패, 쇠퇴
    – The smell of decay filled the room. (부패의 냄새가 방에 가득했다.)

    ⦁ fraud: 사기, 기만
    – The scheme was a complete fraud. (그 계획은 완전히 사기였다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)