❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
No use to take it away till we start south.Six hundred and fifty in silver’s something to carry.”“Well—all right—it won’t matter to come here once more.”“No—but I’d say come in the night as we used to do—it’s better.”“Yes: but look here; it may be a good while before I get the right chance at that job; accidents might happen; ’tain’t in such a very good place; we’ll just regularly bury it—and bury it deep.”“Good idea,” said the comrade, who walked across the room, knelt down, raised one of the rearward hearth-stones and took out a bag that jingled pleasantly.He subtracted from it twenty or thirty dollars for himself and as much for Injun Joe, and passed the bag to the latter, who was on his knees in the corner, now, digging with his bowie-knife.The boys forgot all their fears, all their miseries in an instant.With gloating eyes they watched every movement.Luck!—the splendor of it was beyond all imagination! Six hundred dollars was money enough to make half a dozen boys rich! Here was treasure-hunting under the happiest auspices—there would not be any bothersome uncertainty as to where to dig.They nudged each other every moment—eloquent nudges and easily understood, for they simply meant—“Oh, but ain’t you glad now we’re here!”Joe’s knife struck upon something.“Hello!” said he.“What is it?” said his comrade
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
No use / to take it away / till we start south.
남쪽으로 떠나기 전까지 가져갈 필요가 없어.
Six hundred and fifty in silver’s / something to carry.
은화 650달러는 들고 다니기 부담스러울 정도로 많아.
Well—all right—it won’t matter / to come here / once more.
좋아—그래도 괜찮아, 여기 다시 오는 것도 문제 없어.
No—but I’d say / come in the night / as we used to do—it’s better.
아니—하지만 밤에 오는 게 더 나을 것 같아. 우리가 예전에 했던 것처럼 말이야.
Yes: but look here; it may be a good while / before I get / the right chance at that job;
그래: 그런데 이봐; 그 일에서 제대로된 기회를 얻기까지 시간이 좀 걸릴 거야;
accidents might happen; ’tain’t in / such a very good place; we’ll just / regularly bury it—and bury it deep.
사고가 발생할 수도 있어; 여기가 아주 좋은 장소는 아니야; 그냥 정기적으로 묻어두자—깊이 묻어.
Good idea, said the comrade, / who walked across the room, / knelt down, / raised one of the rearward hearth-stones / and took out a bag / that jingled pleasantly.
“좋은 생각이야,” 라고 동료가 말했다, / 방을 건너가서, / 무릎을 꿇고, / 뒤쪽의 난로 돌 중 하나를 들어올리고 / 가방을 꺼냈다 / 기분 좋게 짤랑거렸다.
He subtracted from it / twenty or thirty dollars / for himself / and as much for Injun Joe, / and passed the bag / to the latter, / who was on his knees in the corner, / now, digging with his bowie-knife.
그는 거기서 / 20 또는 30달러를 / 자신을 위해 / 그리고 마찬가지로 인디언 조를 위해 / 그리고 가방을 건넸다 / 후자에게, / 지금은 모서리에 무릎 꿇고 / 보위 나이프로 파고 있었다.
The boys forgot / all their fears, / all their miseries / in an instant.
소년들은 잊어버렸다 / 모든 두려움을, / 모든 고통을 / 순간적으로.
With gloating eyes / they watched every movement.
탐욕스러운 눈으로 / 그들은 모든 움직임을 지켜보았다.
Luck!—the splendor of it / was beyond all imagination!
행운!—그 화려함은 / 모든 상상을 초월했다!
Six hundred dollars / was money enough / to make half a dozen boys rich!
600달러면 / 반 더즌의 소년들을 부자로 만들기에 충분한 돈이야!
Here was treasure-hunting / under the happiest auspices—there would not be / any bothersome uncertainty / as to where to dig.
여기에 보물을 찾는 일이 있었다 / 최고의 조건에서—팔 장소에 대한 / 귀찮은 불확실성은 없을 것이다.
They nudged / each other / every moment—eloquent nudges / and easily understood, / for they simply meant—“Oh, but ain’t you glad / now we’re here!”
그들은 팔꿈치로 찔렀다 / 서로 / 매 순간—설득력 있는 찌르기 / 쉽사리 이해되었다, / 왜냐하면 단순하게 의미하니까—“오, 그런데 정말 기쁘지 않니 / 우리가 여기 있다는 게!”
Joe’s knife struck / upon something.
조의 칼이 / 무언가에 맞았다.
“Hello!” said he. “What is it?” said his comrade
“안녕하세요!” 그가 말했다. “무슨 일이야?” 그의 동료가 말했다.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)