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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


“Half-rotten plank—no, it’s a box, I believe.
Here—bear a hand and we’ll see what it’s here for.
Never mind, I’ve broke a hole.”

He reached his hand in and drew it out—

“Man, it’s money!”

The two men examined the handful of coins.
They were gold.
The boys above were as excited as themselves, and as delighted.

Joe’s comrade said:

“We’ll make quick work of this.
There’s an old rusty pick over amongst the weeds in the corner the other side of the fireplace—I saw it a minute ago.”

He ran and brought the boys’ pick and shovel.
Injun Joe took the pick, looked it over critically, shook his head, muttered something to himself, and then began to use it.
The box was soon unearthed

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Half-rotten plank—no, it’s a box, I believe.

    반쯤 썩은 널빤지—아니, 그건 상자인 것 같아.

  2. Here—bear a hand / and we’ll see / what it’s here for.

    자—도와줘 / 우리가 여기 있는 이유를 / 알아보자.

  3. Never mind, I’ve broke a hole.

    신경 쓰지 마, 구멍을 냈어.

  4. He reached his hand in and drew it out— / Man, it’s money!

    그는 손을 넣어 그것을 꺼냈어— / 친구, 그건 돈이야!

  5. The two men / examined the handful of coins.

    두 남자는 / 한 줌의 동전을 / 살펴보았다.

  6. They were gold.

    그것들은 금이었다.

  7. The boys above / were as excited as themselves, / and as delighted.

    위에 있던 소년들은 / 그들만큼 흥분했고, / 기뻐했다.

  8. Joe’s comrade said: / We’ll make quick work of this.

    Joe의 동료는 말했다: / 우리는 이것을 빠르게 처리할 거야.

  9. There’s an old rusty pick / over amongst the weeds / in the corner the other side of the fireplace / —I saw it a minute ago.

    불가의 반대쪽 구석의 잡초들 사이에 / 낡고 녹슨 곡괭이가 있어 / —방금 전에 봤어.

  10. He ran / and brought the boys’ pick and shovel.

    그는 달려가 / 소년들의 곡괭이와 삽을 가져왔다.

  11. Injun Joe / took the pick, / looked it over critically, / shook his head, / muttered something to himself, / and then began to use it.

    Injun Joe는 / 곡괭이를 집어 들고, / 비판적으로 살펴본 후, / 고개를 흔들며, / 혼잣말로 뭐라고 중얼거린 다음, / 그것을 사용하기 시작했다.

  12. The box / was soon / unearthed.

    상자는 / / 발굴되었다.

⦁ bear: 도와주다
– He couldn’t bear another day at the office. (그는 사무실에서 하루 더 견딜 수 없었다.)

⦁ examine: 조사하다
– The detective examined the evidence. (탐정은 증거를 조사했다.)

⦁ mutter: 중얼거리다
– She muttered something under her breath. (그녀는 낮게 중얼거렸다.)

⦁ unearth: 발굴하다
– They unearthed an ancient tomb. (그들은 고대 무덤을 발굴했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)