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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


When it’s finished—then Texas.
Go home to your Nance and your kids, and stand by till you hear from me.”

“Well—if you say so; what’ll we do with this—bury it again?”

[Ravishing delight overhead.] No! by the great Sachem, no! [Profound distress overhead.] I’d nearly forgot.
That pick had fresh earth on it! [The boys were sick with terror in a moment.] What business has a pick and a shovel here? What business with fresh earth on them? Who brought them here—and where are they gone? Have you heard anybody?—seen anybody? What! bury it again and leave them to come and see the ground disturbed? Not exactly—not exactly.
We’ll take it to my den.”

“Why, of course! Might have thought of that before.
You mean Number One?”

“No—Number Two—under the cross.
The other place is bad—too common.”

“All right.
It’s nearly dark enough to start.”

Injun Joe got up and went about from window to window cautiously peeping out.
Presently he said:

“Who could have brought those tools here? Do you reckon they can be upstairs?”

The boys’ breath forsook them

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. When it’s finished—then Texas. / Go home to your Nance and your kids, / and stand by till you hear from me.

    끝나면—그때 텍사스로 가라. 네 아내와 아이들에게 돌아가서, 내 소식을 들을 때까지 기다려라.

  2. ⦁ finished: 끝난
    – She finished her homework. (그녀는 숙제를 끝냈다.)

    ⦁ stand by: 기다리다
    – Please stand by for further instructions. (추가 지시를 기다려주세요.)

  3. Well—if you say so; / what’ll we do with this? / Bury it again?

    좋아—네가 그렇게 말한다면; 이걸 어떻게 할까? 다시 묻을까?

  4. ⦁ bury: 묻다
    – They decided to bury the treasure. (그들은 보물을 묻기로 결정했다.)

    ⦁ again: 다시
    – Can you explain that again? (다시 설명해줄 수 있니?)

  5. Yes. / [Ravishing delight overhead.] / No! by the great Sachem, no! / [Profound distress overhead.] / I’d nearly forgot.

    그래. / [위에서 들려오는 기쁨의 소리.] / 아니! 대추장신이여, 아니! / [위에서 들려오는 깊은 고뇌의 소리.] / 거의 잊을 뻔했어.

  6. ⦁ delight: 기쁨
    – Her smile was full of delight. (그녀의 미소는 기쁨으로 가득 차 있었다.)

    ⦁ distress: 고뇌
    – He was in great distress. (그는 큰 고뇌 중이었다.)

  7. That pick / had fresh earth on it! / What business does a pick and a shovel have here? / What business with fresh earth on them? / Who brought them here—and where are they gone? / Have you heard anybody?—seen anybody?

    저 곡괭이에 / 신선한 흙이 묻어있어! 도대체 곡괭이와 삽이 여기에 무슨 일이야? / 신선한 흙이 묻은 채 말이지? / 누가 이곳에 가져왔지—어디로 갔을까? / 누군가 들은 적 있어?—본 적 있어?

  8. ⦁ pick: 곡괭이
    – He used a pick to break the rocks. (그는 곡괭이를 사용해 바위를 부쉈다.)

    ⦁ fresh: 신선한
    – She likes to eat fresh fruits. (그녀는 신선한 과일을 먹는 것을 좋아한다.)

  9. What! Bury it again / and leave them to come / and see the ground disturbed? / Not exactly—not exactly. / We’ll take it to my den.

    뭐! 다시 묻고 / 그들이 와서 / 땅이 뒤틀린 것을 보게 한다고? / 그건 아니야—그건 아니야. / 내 은신처에 가져가자.

  10. ⦁ disturbed: 뒤틀린
    – The ground looked disturbed. (땅이 뒤틀린 것처럼 보였다.)

    ⦁ den: 은신처
    – The bear returned to its den. (곰이 자신의 은신처로 돌아갔다.)

  11. Why, / of course! / Might have thought of that before. / You mean / Number One?

    왜, / 당연하지! / 전에 그걸 생각했어야 했는데. / 네 말은 / 1번을 말하는거야?

  12. No—Number Two—under the cross. / The other place is bad—too common.

    아니—2번이야—십자가 아래. / 다른 곳은 별로야—너무 흔해.

  13. ⦁ thought: 생각했다
    – I thought about you yesterday. (어제 너를 생각했어.)

    ⦁ cross: 십자가
    – The cross stands in the middle of the square. (십자가가 광장 한가운데 서 있다.)

  14. All right. / It’s nearly dark enough to start.

    알겠어. / 거의 어두워졌어 출발하기에 충분해.

  15. ⦁ dark: 어두운
    – The room became dark. (방이 어두워졌다.)

    ⦁ enough: 충분한
    – Is there enough food for everyone? (모두를 위한 음식이 충분한가요?)

  16. Injun Joe got up / and went about / from window / to window / cautiously peeping out. / Presently he said:

    인디언 조는 일어나서 / 돌아다니며 / 창문 / 창문을 / 신중하게 내다보았다. / 곧 그는 말했다:

  17. ⦁ cautiously: 신중하게
    – He cautiously opened the door. (그는 신중하게 문을 열었다.)

    ⦁ peeping: 엿보기
    – She was caught peeping through the window. (그녀는 창문을 엿보다가 잡혔다.)

  18. Who could have brought those tools here? / Do you reckon they can be upstairs?

    누가 저 도구들을 여기로 가져왔지? / 네가 생각하기에 그들이 위층에 있을까?

  19. ⦁ tools: 도구들
    – He has various tools for his work. (그는 그의 일을 위한 다양한 도구들을 가지고 있다.)

    ⦁ reckon: 생각하다
    – Do you reckon it’s possible? (그게 가능하다고 생각하니?)

  20. The boys’ breath / forsook them

    소년들의 숨이 / 멎었다

  21. ⦁ breath: 숨
    – She took a deep breath. (그녀는 깊게 숨을 들이쉬었다.)

    ⦁ forsook: 버렸다
    – She forsook her old friends. (그녀는 옛 친구들을 버렸다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)