❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Follow? Not they.They were content to reach ground again without broken necks, and take the townward track over the hill.They did not talk much.They were too much absorbed in hating themselves—hating the ill luck that made them take the spade and the pick there.But for that, Injun Joe never would have suspected.He would have hidden the silver with the gold to wait there till his “revenge” was satisfied, and then he would have had the misfortune to find that money turn up missing.Bitter, bitter luck that the tools were ever brought there!They resolved to keep a lookout for that Spaniard when he should come to town spying out for chances to do his revengeful job, and follow him to “Number Two,” wherever that might be.Then a ghastly thought occurred to Tom.“Revenge? What if he means us, Huck!”“Oh, don’t!” said Huck, nearly fainting
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Follow? Not they.
따라 갔을까? 아니야, 그들은.
They were content / to reach ground again / without broken necks, / and take the townward track / over the hill.
그들은 목이 부러지지 않고 다시 땅에 도착하고 언덕을 넘어 마을로 가는 길을 잡은 것에 만족했다.
They did not talk much. / They were too much absorbed / in hating themselves—hating the ill luck / that made them take / the spade and the pick there.
그들은 말을 많이 하지 않았다. / 그들은 자신을 증오하는 데 너무 몰두했다—그들을 삽과 곡괭이를 들고 거기에 가게 만든 불운을 증오하는 데.
But for that, / Injun Joe never would have suspected. / He would have hidden / the silver with the gold / to wait there / till his “revenge” / was satisfied, / and then he would have had the misfortune / to find that money turn up missing.
그 일만 아니었다면, / 인디언 조는 절대 의심하지 않았을 것이다. / 그는 은을 금과 함께 숨겨서 / 그의 ‘복수’가 만족될 때까지 / 그곳에서 기다렸을 것이고, / 그런 후 그는 그 돈이 사라진 것을 / 발견하게 되는 불운을 겪었을 것이다.
Bitter, / bitter luck / that the tools / were ever brought there!
쓰디쓴, / 쓰디쓴 행운 / 도구들이 / 거기에 가져왔다는 것!
They resolved / to keep a lookout / for that Spaniard / when he should come to town / spying out for chances / to do his revengeful job, / and follow him / to “Number Two,” / wherever that might be.
그들은 결심했다 / 그 스페인 사람이 마을로 올 때 / 복수할 기회를 엿보고, / 그를 따라가기로 / “넘버 투”가 어디든지간에.
Then a ghastly thought / occurred to Tom.
그때 무서운 생각이 / 톰에게 떠올랐다.
“Revenge? / What if he means us, Huck!”
“복수? / 그가 우리를 의미한다면 어떻게, 허크!”
“Oh, don’t!” / said Huck, / nearly fainting.
“오, 그러지 마!” / 허크가 말했다, / 거의 기절하며.
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