❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Huck stood sentry and Tom felt his way into the alley.Then there was a season of waiting anxiety that weighed upon Huck’s spirits like a mountain.He began to wish he could see a flash from the lantern—it would frighten him, but it would at least tell him that Tom was alive yet.It seemed hours since Tom had disappeared.Surely he must have fainted; maybe he was dead; maybe his heart had burst under terror and excitement.In his uneasiness Huck found himself drawing closer and closer to the alley; fearing all sorts of dreadful things, and momentarily expecting some catastrophe to happen that would take away his breath.There was not much to take away, for he seemed only able to inhale it by thimblefuls, and his heart would soon wear itself out, the way it was beating.Suddenly there was a flash of light and Tom came tearing by him: “Run!” said he; “run, for your life!”He needn’t have repeated it; once was enough; Huck was making thirty or forty miles an hour before the repetition was uttered
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Huck / stood sentry / and Tom / felt his way / into the alley.
허크는 / 보초를 섰고 / 톰은 / 골목으로 / 조심스럽게 들어갔다.
Then there was / a season of waiting / anxiety / that weighed upon / Huck’s spirits / like a mountain.
그리고 / 기다림의 시간 / 불안은 / 허크의 기운에 / 산처럼 / 무겁게 내려앉았다.
He began / to wish / he could see / a flash / from the lantern—it would / frighten him, / but it would / at least tell him / that Tom / was alive / yet.
그는 / 바라고 / 있었다 그가 / 랜턴에서 나오는 / 섬광을 / 볼 수 있기를— 그것은 / 무서울 것이지만, / 적어도 그에게 / 톰이 / 살아있다는 것을 / 말해줄 것이었다.
It seemed / hours / since Tom / had disappeared.
톰이 / 사라진지 / 몇 시간 / 지난 것 같았다.
Surely / he must have / fainted; maybe / he was / dead; maybe / his heart / had burst / under terror / and excitement.
분명히 / 그는 / 기절했을 것이다; 아마도 / 그는 / 죽었다; 아마도 / 그의 심장이 / 터졌을 것이다 / 공포와 / 흥분 속에서.
In his / uneasiness Huck / found himself / drawing closer / and closer / to the alley; / fearing all sorts / of dreadful things, / and momentarily expecting / some catastrophe / to happen / that would take away / his breath.
그의 / 불안 속에서 / 허크는 / 자신이 / 점점 더 가까이 / 골목에 / 다가가고 있는 것을 / 발견했다; / 모든 종류의 / 무서운 일들이 / 일어날 것을 / 두려워하며, / 어떤 재앙이 / 일어날 것을 / 순간적으로 / 기대하면서 / 그의 숨을 / 빼앗아갈.
There was / not much / to take away, / for he seemed / only able / to inhale it / by thimblefuls, / and his heart / would soon / wear itself out, / the way / it was / beating.
빼앗을 / 공간이 많이 / 없었다, / 그는 / 마치 / 겨우 / 조그맣게 / 숨을 들이쉴 수 있는 것처럼 / 보였고, / 그의 심장은 / 곧 / 지치게 될 것이었다, / 그렇게 / 뛰고 / 있었으니.
Suddenly / there was / a flash / of light / and Tom / came tearing / by him: “Run!” said he; “run, for your life!”
갑자기 / 번쩍였다 / 빛이 / 그리고 톰은 / 달려왔다 / 그의 옆을 지나서: “도망쳐!” / 그가 말했다; “목숨을 / 위해서 / 도망가!”
He needn’t / have repeated / it; once / was enough; Huck / was making / thirty or forty / miles an hour / before / the repetition / was uttered.
그는 / 반복할 필요가 / 없었다; 한 번만으로도 / 충분했다; 허크는 / 달리고 있었다 / 시속 삼십에서 사십 마일로 / 반복이 / 말해지기 전에.
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)