❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
The boys never stopped till they reached the shed of a deserted slaughter-house at the lower end of the village.Just as they got within its shelter the storm burst and the rain poured down.As soon as Tom got his breath he said:“Huck, it was awful! I tried two of the keys, just as soft as I could; but they seemed to make such a power of racket that I couldn’t hardly get my breath I was so scared.They wouldn’t turn in the lock, either.Well, without noticing what I was doing, I took hold of the knob, and open comes the door! It warn’t locked! I hopped in, and shook off the towel, and, Great Caesar’s Ghost!”“What!—what’d you see, Tom?”“Huck, I most stepped onto Injun Joe’s hand!”“No!”“Yes! He was lying there, sound asleep on the floor, with his old patch on his eye and his arms spread out.”“Lordy, what did you do? Did he wake up?”“No, never budged.Drunk, I reckon.I just grabbed that towel and started!”“I’d never ’a’ thought of the towel, I bet!”“Well, I would.My aunt would make me mighty sick if I lost it.”“Say, Tom, did you see that box?”“Huck, I didn’t wait to look around
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
The boys / never stopped / till they reached / the shed / of a deserted slaughter-house / at the lower end / of the village.
소년들은 마을 끝에 있는 버려진 도살장의 창고에 도착할 때까지 멈추지 않았다.
Just as they got / within its shelter / the storm burst / and the rain / poured down.
그들이 그곳에 도착하자마자 폭풍이 터져 비가 쏟아졌다.
As soon as / Tom got his breath / he said:“Huck, it was awful! / I tried two of the keys, / just as soft / as I could; / but they seemed / to make such a power of racket / that / I couldn’t hardly get my breath / I was so scared.They wouldn’t turn in the lock, / either.Well, without noticing / what I was doing, / I took hold of the knob, / and open comes the door! / It warn’t locked! / I hopped in, / and shook off the towel, / and, Great Caesar’s Ghost!”
Tom은 숨을 고르자마자 말했다: “Huck, 정말 끔찍했어! 나는 열쇠 두 개를 최대한 조용히 시도했는데, 그게 너무 시끄러워서 숨을 쉴 수 없을 정도로 겁이 났어.그래도 열쇠는 자물쇠에서 돌지 않았어.그러다가 문손잡이를 잡았는데, 문이 열리는 거야! 자물쇠가 잠겨 있지 않았어! 내가 뛰어들어가서 수건을 털어내고, 대단한 일이지!”
“What!—what’d you see, Tom?”“Huck, / I most stepped / onto Injun Joe’s hand!”“No!”“Yes! He was lying there, / sound asleep on the floor, / with his old patch on his eye / and his arms / spread out.”“Lordy, / what did you do? / Did he wake up? ”“No, never budged. / Drunk, I reckon. / I just grabbed that towel / and started!”
“뭐라고!— Tom, 뭘 본 거야?” “Huck, 거의 Injun Joe의 손을 밟을 뻔했어!” “아니!” “그래! 그는 바닥에 얼굴을 가리고 팔을 벌리고 깊이 잠들어 있었어.”“맙소사, 그럼 너는 어떻게 했니? 그가 깨어났니? ” “아니, 전혀 움직이지 않았어. 아마 만취했을 거야. 나는 그저 수건을 잡고 나왔어!”
“I’d never ’a’ thought / of the towel, / I bet!”“Well, / I would. / My aunt would make me mighty sick / if I lost it.”
“수건은 생각도 못 했을 거야, 분명해!” “난 다르지. 이걸 잃어버리면 이모가 날 아주 혼내실 거야.”
“Say, Tom, / did you see / that box?”“Huck, / I didn’t wait / to look around…”
“Tom, 그 상자를 봤어?”“Huck, 나는 둘러볼 겨를이 없었어…”
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