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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


That was an impossible thing.
Most of the young men knew a portion of it, and it was not customary to venture much beyond this known portion.
Tom Sawyer knew as much of the cave as any one.

The procession moved along the main avenue some three-quarters of a mile, and then groups and couples began to slip aside into branch avenues, fly along the dismal corridors, and take each other by surprise at points where the corridors joined again.
Parties were able to elude each other for the space of half an hour without going beyond the “known” ground.

By-and-by, one group after another came straggling back to the mouth of the cave, panting, hilarious, smeared from head to foot with tallow drippings, daubed with clay, and entirely delighted with the success of the day.
Then they were astonished to find that they had been taking no note of time and that night was about at hand.
The clanging bell had been calling for half an hour.
However, this sort of close to the day’s adventures was romantic and therefore satisfactory

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. That was / an impossible thing.

    그것은 불가능한 일이었다.

  2. ⦁ impossible: 불가능한
    – It seemed like / an impossible task. (그것은 / 불가능한 일처럼 보였다.)

    ⦁ thing: 것, 일
    – What is / that thing? (저것이 / 무엇인가?)

  3. Most of the young men / knew a portion of it, / and it was not / customary / to venture much beyond / this known portion.

    젊은이들 대부분은 / 그것의 일부를 알고 있었고, / 그것이 / 통례가 아니었다 / 이 알려진 부분을 / 많이 넘어가는 것이.

  4. ⦁ portion: 일부
    – He only ate / a small portion / of his meal. (그는 / 그의 식사의 / 작은 부분만 / 먹었다.)

    ⦁ customary: 통례의
    – It is / customary / to shake hands / when meeting someone new. (새로운 사람을 만날 때 / 손을 흔드는 것이 / 통례이다.)

  5. Tom Sawyer / knew as much / of the cave / as any one.

    톰 소여는 / 그 동굴에 대해서 / 누구보다도 많이 알고 있었다.

  6. ⦁ cave: 동굴
    – The bear / hid in a cave. (곰이 / 동굴 안에 숨어있었다.)

    ⦁ know: 알다
    – She knows / the answer. (그녀는 / 그 답을 / 알고 있다.)

  7. The procession / moved along / the main avenue / some three-quarters of a mile, / and then groups and couples / began to slip aside / into branch avenues, / fly along / the dismal corridors, / and take each other / by surprise / at points / where the corridors / joined again.

    행렬은 / 메인 애비뉴를 따라 / 약 3/4마일을 이동했다, / 그리고 나서 그룹과 커플들이 / 측로로 빠져 / 지루한 복도를 따라 / 날아가며 / 서로를 / 깜짝 놀라게 있었다 / 지점들에게서 / 그 복도들이 / 다시 합해지는.

  8. ⦁ procession: 행렬
    – The wedding procession / was beautiful. (결혼식 행렬이 / 아름다웠다.)

    ⦁ dismal: 음산한, 암울한
    – The weather / was dismal. (날씨가 / 음산했다.)

  9. Parties were able / to elude each other / for the space of half an hour / without going / beyond / the “known” ground.

    파티들은 / 서로를 피할 수 있었다 / 반 시간 동안 / 넘어가지 않고 / “알려진” 영역을.

  10. ⦁ elude: 피하다, 벗어나다
    – The mouse / managed to elude / the cat. (쥐는 / 고양이를 / 성공적으로 피했다.)

    ⦁ ground: 영역, 땅
    – They tested / the ground / before starting construction. (그들은 / 시공을 시작하기 전에 / 땅을 테스트했다.)

  11. By-and-by, / one group after another / came straggling back / to the mouth of the cave, / panting, / hilarious, / smeared / from head to foot / with tallow drippings, / daubed with clay, / and entirely delighted / with the success of the day.

    차츰, / 한 그룹씩 / 동굴 입구로 / 산만하게 돌아왔다, / 헐떡이며, / 정신없이 웃으며, / 머리부터 발끝까지 / 양초 기름이 묻어 있었고, / 점토로 페인트를 칠하며, / 그리고 완전히 기뻤다 / 그날의 성공에.

  12. ⦁ hilarious: 매우 재미있는, 정신없이 웃는
    – The comedian’s performance / was hilarious. (코미디언의 공연이 / 매우 재미있었다.)

    ⦁ delight: 기쁨
    – The puppy’s antics / brought delight / to everyone. (강아지의 장난들이 / 모두에게 / 기쁨을 가져다주었다.)

  13. Then they were astonished / to find / that they had been taking / no note of time / and that night / was about at hand.

    그들이 놀란 것은 / 그들이 시간을 / 전혀 기록하지 않았다는 것과 / 밤이 다가왔다는 것이다.

  14. ⦁ astonished: 놀란
    – She was astonished / by the news. (그녀는 / 그 소식에 / 놀랐다.)

    ⦁ note: 주시하다, 기록하다
    – He took note / of the important points. (그는 / 중요한 점들을 / 기록했다.)

  15. The clanging bell / had been calling / for half an hour.

    징소리가 / 반 시간 동안 / 울리고 있었다.

  16. ⦁ clang: 쨍그랑소리
    – The door / clanged shut. (문이 / 쨍그랑 소리를 내며 / 닫혔다.)

    ⦁ call: 부르다, 호출하다
    – She called / her friend. (그녀는 / 그녀의 친구를 / 불렀다.)

  17. However, / this sort of close / to the day’s adventures / was romantic / and therefore satisfactory.

    하지만, / 이런 식으로 / 하루의 모험을 마치는 것은 / 낭만적이었고 / 따라서 만족스러웠다.

  18. ⦁ adventure: 모험
    – The book / is full of adventures. (그 책은 / 모험 이야기로 / 가득 차 있다.)

    ⦁ satisfactory: 만족스러운
    – The results / were satisfactory. (결과가 / 만족스러웠다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)