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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


As the earliest suspicion of dawn appeared on Sunday morning, Huck came groping up the hill and rapped gently at the old Welshman’s door.
The inmates were asleep, but it was a sleep that was set on a hair-trigger, on account of the exciting episode of the night.
A call came from a window:

“Who’s there!”

Huck’s scared voice answered in a low tone:

“Please let me in! It’s only Huck Finn!”

“It’s a name that can open this door night or day, lad!—and welcome!”

These were strange words to the vagabond boy’s ears, and the pleasantest he had ever heard.
He could not recollect that the closing word had ever been applied in his case before.
The door was quickly unlocked, and he entered.
Huck was given a seat and the old man and his brace of tall sons speedily dressed themselves.

“Now, my boy, I hope you’re good and hungry, because breakfast will be ready as soon as the sun’s up, and we’ll have a piping hot one, too—make yourself easy about that! I and the boys hoped you’d turn up and stop here last night.”

“I was awful scared,” said Huck, “and I run.
I took out when the pistols went off, and I didn’t stop for three mile

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. As the earliest suspicion / of dawn appeared / on Sunday morning, / Huck came groping / up the hill / and rapped gently / at the old Welshman’s door.

    일요일 아침 첫 새벽이 다가오자, / Huck은 언덕을 더듬더듬 올라가 / 늙은 웨일즈 사람의 문을 / 부드럽게 두드렸다.

  2. ⦁ earliest: 가장 이른
    – This is the earliest train. (이것이 가장 이른 기차입니다.)

    ⦁ suspicion: 의심
    – I had a suspicion he was lying. (나는 그가 거짓말하고 있다는 의심이 들었다.)

  3. The inmates were asleep, / but it was / a sleep / that was set on a hair-trigger, / on account of the exciting episode / of the night.

    그 집안 사람들은 자고 있었지만, / 그것은 / 언제 깨어날지 모르는 / 신경이 곤두선 잠이었다. / 밤의 흥미진진한 사건 때문에.

  4. ⦁ inmates: 거주자
    – The inmates of the house were quiet. (그 집의 거주자들은 조용했다.)

    ⦁ exciting: 흥미진진한
    – The movie was really exciting. (그 영화는 정말 흥미진진했다.)

  5. A call came / from a window: / “Who’s there!”

    창문으로부터 소리가 들렸다: / “누구세요!”

  6. Huck’s scared voice / answered in a low tone: / “Please let me in! / It’s only Huck Finn!”

    Huck의 겁먹은 목소리가 / 낮은 톤으로 대답했다: / “제발 문 열어주세요! / Huck Finn입니다!”

  7. ⦁ call: 외침
    – She made a call for help. (그녀는 도움을 요청했다.)

    ⦁ scared: 겁먹은
    – He was scared of the dark. (그는 어둠을 무서워했다.)

  8. “It’s a name / that can open / this door / night or day, lad!—and welcome!”

    “이름을 대면 / 이 문은 / 밤낮으로 열릴 거야, 소년! 환영한다!”

  9. ⦁ name: 이름
    – What is your name? (당신의 이름이 무엇입니까?)

    ⦁ welcome: 환영
    – They gave us a warm welcome. (그들은 우리를 따뜻하게 환영해 주었다.)

  10. These were strange words / to the vagabond boy’s ears, / and the pleasantest / he had ever heard.

    이것은 / 떠돌이 소년의 귀에 이상한 말이었고, / 그가 들어본 중 / 가장 기분 좋은 것이었다.

  11. ⦁ strange: 이상한
    – That’s a strange sound. (저것은 이상한 소리이다.)

    ⦁ pleasant: 기분 좋은
    – We had a pleasant journey. (우리는 기분 좋은 여행을 했다.)

  12. He could not recollect / that the closing word / had ever been applied / in his case before.

    그는 / 그 마지막 말이 / 자신에게 적용된 적이 / 있었는지 기억할 수 없었다.

  13. ⦁ recollect: 기억하다
    – I cannot recollect the event. (나는 그 사건을 기억할 수 없다.)

    ⦁ applied: 적용된
    – This rule is applied in all cases. (이 규칙은 모든 경우에 적용된다.)

  14. The door was / quickly unlocked, / and he entered.

    문이 / 빠르게 열렸고, / 그는 들어갔다.

  15. Huck was given a seat / and the old man / and his brace of tall sons / speedily dressed themselves.

    Huck은 자리에 앉았고, / 늙은 남자와 / 그의 키 큰 두 아들은 / 서둘러 옷을 입었다.

  16. ⦁ unlocked: 열렸다
    – The door was unlocked. (문이 열렸다.)

    ⦁ dressed: 옷을 입다
    – She dressed for the occasion. (그녀는 그 행사를 위해 옷을 입었다.)

  17. “Now, my boy, / I hope you’re good and hungry, / because breakfast will be ready / as soon as the sun’s up, / and we’ll have a piping hot one, too—make yourself easy about that! / I and the boys hoped / you’d turn up / and stop here last night.”

    “자, 소년아, / 배가 많이 고팠으면 좋겠구나, / 왜냐하면 아침 식사가 준비될 테니까 / 해가 뜨자마자, / 우리는 뜨거운 음식을 먹을 거야—걱정마! / 나와 아이들은 바랬지 / 네가 나타나 / 어젯밤에 여기에 머물기를.”

  18. ⦁ hungry: 배고픈
    – Are you hungry? (배고프니?)

    ⦁ stop: 머물다
    – He stopped at the hotel. (그는 호텔에 머물렀다.)

  19. “I was awful scared,” / said Huck, / “and I run. / I took out / when the pistols went off, / and I didn’t stop / for three mile

    “난 너무 무서웠어요,” / Huck이 말했다, / “그리고 나는 도망쳤어요. / 총이 발사되었을 때 / 내가 도망쳤어요, / 세 마일 동안 멈추지 않았어요.

  20. ⦁ scared: 무서운
    – I am scared of spiders. (나는 거미를 무서워한다.)

    ⦁ pistols: 권총
    – He loaded his pistols. (그는 권총을 장전했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)