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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


I’ve come now becuz I wanted to know about it, you know; and I come before daylight becuz I didn’t want to run across them devils, even if they was dead.”

“Well, poor chap, you do look as if you’d had a hard night of it—but there’s a bed here for you when you’ve had your breakfast.
No, they ain’t dead, lad—we are sorry enough for that.
You see we knew right where to put our hands on them, by your description; so we crept along on tiptoe till we got within fifteen feet of them—dark as a cellar that sumach path was—and just then I found I was going to sneeze.
It was the meanest kind of luck! I tried to keep it back, but no use—’twas bound to come, and it did come! I was in the lead with my pistol raised, and when the sneeze started those scoundrels a-rustling to get out of the path, I sung out, ‘Fire boys!’ and blazed away at the place where the rustling was.
So did the boys.
But they were off in a jiffy, those villains, and we after them, down through the woods.
I judge we never touched them.
They fired a shot apiece as they started, but their bullets whizzed by and didn’t do us any harm

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. I’ve come now / becuz I wanted to know about it, / you know; / and I come before daylight / becuz I didn’t want to run across them devils, / even if they was dead.

    난 이제 왔어. 왜냐면 그게 궁금했거든. 너도 알잖아. 그리고 나는 악마들을 마주치지 않으려고 해가 뜨기 전에 왔어. 그들이 죽었더라도 말이야.

  2. ⦁ daylight: 해가 뜰 무렵
    – We set out before daylight. (우리는 해가 뜨기 전에 출발했어.)

    ⦁ devils: 악마들
    – The devils were planning something. (그 악마들은 무언가를 계획하고 있었어.)

  3. Well, poor chap, / you do look as if you’d had a hard night of it – / but there’s a bed here for you / when you’ve had your breakfast.

    이봐, 불쌍한 친구야, 너 정말 힘든 밤을 보낸 것처럼 보이는구나 – 하지만 너 아침 먹고 나면 여기 침대가 있어.

  4. ⦁ chap: 친구
    – He’s a good chap. (그는 좋은 친구야.)

    ⦁ breakfast: 아침 식사
    – I usually have toast for breakfast. (나는 보통 아침으로 토스트를 먹어.)

  5. No, / they ain’t dead, lad – / we are sorry enough for that.

    아니야, 그들은 죽지 않았어, 친구 – 그게 정말 유감이야.

  6. ⦁ lad: 친구
    – He’s a brave lad. (그는 용감한 친구야.)

    ⦁ sorry: 유감스러운
    – I’m sorry to hear that. (그 얘기를 들어서 유감이야.)

  7. You see / we knew right where to put our hands on them, / by your description; / so we crept along on tiptoe / till we got within fifteen feet of them – / dark as a cellar / that sumach path was – / and just then / I found I was going to sneeze.

    네가 설명해준 덕분에 우리는 그들을 어디서 찾아야 할지 바로 알았어; 그래서 살금살금 다가갔어. 그들로부터 15피트 안쪽까지 다가갔지 – 그 sumach 길은 지하실처럼 어둡더군 – 그리고 딱 그때, 나는 재채기를 할 것 같다는 걸 깨달았어.

  8. ⦁ description: 설명
    – The description was very detailed. (그 설명은 매우 상세했어.)

    ⦁ sneeze: 재채기하다
    – I couldn’t help but sneeze. (나는 어쩔 수 없이 재채기를 했어.)

  9. It was the meanest kind of luck! / I tried to keep it back, / but no use – / ’twas bound to come, / and it did come! / I was in the lead / with my pistol raised, / and when the sneeze started / those scoundrels a-rustling / to get out of the path, / I sung out, ‘Fire boys!’ / and blazed away / at the place where the rustling was.

    정말 고약한 운이었어! 나는 재채기를 참으려고 했지만, 소용이 없었어 – 결국 나오고 말았지! 내가 앞서 있었고, 권총을 들고 있었어, 재채기가 시작되자마자 그 악당들이 길에서 달아나려고 움찔거렸어, 그래서 나는 ‘발사해, 얘들아!’ 하고 외치고, 그 움찔거리는 곳을 향해 발사했어.

  10. ⦁ rustling: 바스락거리는 소리
    – The rustling of leaves was heard. (나뭇잎이 바스락거리는 소리가 들렸어.)

    ⦁ lead: 선두
    – He took the lead. (그가 선두를 차지했어.)

  11. So did the boys. / But they were off in a jiffy, / those villains, / and we after them, / down through the woods. / I judge / we never touched them. / They fired a shot apiece / as they started, / but their bullets whizzed by / and didn’t do us any harm.

    애들도 그랬어. 하지만 그 악당들은 순식간에 도망갔고, 우리는 그들을 쫓아 숲을 지나갔어. 나는 우리가 그들을 전혀 건드리지 않았다고 판단해. 그들이 출발하면서 한 방씩 쐈지만, 그 총알은 스쳐 지나가면서 우리에게 아무런 해도 끼치지 않았어.

  12. ⦁ villains: 악당들
    – The villains were caught in the end. (악당들은 결국 잡혔다.)

    ⦁ harm: 해
    – No one came to harm. (아무도 다치지 않았어.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)