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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


As soon as we lost the sound of their feet we quit chasing, and went down and stirred up the constables.
They got a posse together, and went off to guard the river bank, and as soon as it is light the sheriff and a gang are going to beat up the woods.
My boys will be with them presently.
I wish we had some sort of description of those rascals—’twould help a good deal.
But you couldn’t see what they were like, in the dark, lad, I suppose?”

“Oh yes; I saw them downtown and follered them.”

“Splendid! Describe them—describe them, my boy!”

“One’s the old deaf and dumb Spaniard that’s ben around here once or twice, and t’other’s a mean-looking, ragged—”

“That’s enough, lad, we know the men! Happened on them in the woods back of the widow’s one day, and they slunk away.
Off with you, boys, and tell the sheriff—get your breakfast tomorrow morning!”

The Welshman’s sons departed at once.
As they were leaving the room Huck sprang up and exclaimed:

“Oh, please don’t tell anybody it was me that blowed on them! Oh, please!”

“All right if you say it, Huck, but you ought to have the credit of what you did.”

“Oh no, no! Please don’t tell!”

When the young men were gone, the old Welshman said:

“They won’t tell—and I won’t.
But why don’t you want it known?”

Huck would not explain, further than to say that he already knew too much about one of those men and would not have the man know that he knew anything against him for the whole world—he would be killed for knowing it, sure

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. As soon as / we lost the sound / of their feet / we quit chasing, / and went down / and stirred up / the constables.

    발소리가 사라지자마자 우리는 추격을 멈추고 아래로 내려가 경관들을 불러 모았다.

  2. ⦁ constables: 경관
    – The constables arrived quickly. (경관들은 빨리 도착했다.)

    ⦁ stirred: 불러 일으키다
    – He stirred up trouble. (그는 문제를 일으켰다.)

  3. They got a posse together, / and went off / to guard the river bank, / and as soon as it is light / the sheriff and a gang / are going to beat up / the woods.

    그들은 무리들을 모아 강둑을 지키러 떠났고, 날이 밝자마자 보안관과 일당들이 숲을 수색하러 갈 예정이다.

  4. ⦁ posse: 무리
    – The posse searched the area. (그 무리는 지역을 수색했다.)

    ⦁ guard: 지키다
    – He guards the entrance. (그는 입구를 지킨다.)

  5. My boys / will be / with them presently.

    내 아들들이 곧 그들과 함께 할 것이다.

  6. ⦁ presently: 곧
    – They will arrive presently. (그들은 곧 도착할 것이다.)

    ⦁ boys: 아들들
    – My boys are in the garden. (내 아들들은 정원에 있다.)

  7. I wish we had / some sort of description / of those rascals—’twould help / a good deal.

    그 악당들에 대한 어떤 묘사라도 있었으면 좋겠어—그게 큰 도움이 될 텐데.

  8. ⦁ description: 묘사
    – The description was detailed. (묘사가 상세했다.)

    ⦁ rascals: 악당들
    – Those rascals caused trouble. (그 악당들은 문제를 일으켰다.)

  9. But you couldn’t see / what they were like, / in the dark, lad, / I suppose?”

    하지만 어둠 속에서 그들이 어떤 모습이었는지 보지 못했겠지, 얘야, 그렇지?

  10. ⦁ suppose: 가정하다
    – I suppose you are right. (네가 맞다고 생각해.)

    ⦁ lad: 젊은이
    – The lad smiled. (젊은이가 미소 지었다.)

  11. “Oh yes; / I saw them / downtown / and follered them.”

    “오, 네; 저는 그들을 시내에서 보고 뒤쫓았습니다.”

  12. ⦁ downtown: 시내
    – We met downtown. (우리는 시내에서 만났다.)

    ⦁ follered (followed): 따라갔다
    – The dog followed me. (그 개는 나를 따라왔다.)

  13. “Splendid! / Describe them—describe them, / my boy!”

    “멋지구나! 그들을 묘사해봐—그들을 묘사해봐, 얘야!”

  14. ⦁ splendid: 멋진
    – The view is splendid. (경치가 멋지다.)

    ⦁ describe: 묘사하다
    – Describe the scene. (장면을 묘사해봐.)

  15. “One’s the old deaf and dumb Spaniard / that’s ben around here / once or twice, / and t’other’s a mean-looking, ragged—”

    “한 명은 여기 한두 번 왔다 갔던 청각장애 스페인 사람이고, 다른 한 명은 험상궂게 생긴 누더기 차림의—”

  16. ⦁ deaf: 청각장애의
    – She is deaf. (그녀는 청각장애가 있다.)

    ⦁ ragged: 누더기 차림의
    – He wore ragged clothes. (그는 누더기 옷을 입었다.)

  17. “That’s enough, lad, / we know the men! / Happened on them / in the woods / back of the widow’s one day, / and they slunk away.

    “됐어, 얘야, 우리는 그 남자들을 알아! 어느 날 과부 뒤쪽 숲에서 그들을 만났었고, 그들이 슬금슬금 도망갔지.

  18. Off with you, boys, / and tell the sheriff—get your breakfast / tomorrow morning!”

    자, 얘들아, 가서 보안관에게 말해—그리고 내일 아침에 아침 먹으렴!”

  19. ⦁ slunk (slink): 슬그머니 도망갔다
    – The cat slunk away. (고양이는 슬그머니 도망갔다.)

    ⦁ sheriff: 보안관
    – The sheriff arrived. (보안관이 도착했다.)

  20. The Welshman’s sons / departed at once.

    웨일즈 인의 아들들은 즉시 떠났다.

  21. ⦁ departed: 떠났다
    – The train departed. (기차가 떠났다.)

    ⦁ at once: 즉시
    – Come here at once. (여기로 즉시 와라.)

  22. As they were leaving the room / Huck sprang up / and exclaimed:

    그들이 방을 떠나려던 찰나에 허크가 벌떡 일어서서 외쳤다:

  23. “Oh, please don’t tell anybody / it was me / that blowed on them! / Oh, please!”

    “아, 제발 아무에게도 제가 그들을 밀고했다고 말하지 마세요! 아, 제발!”

  24. ⦁ sprang (spring): 벌떡 일어섰다
    – The cat sprang up. (고양이가 벌떡 일어섰다.)

    ⦁ exclaimed: 외쳤다
    – She exclaimed in surprise. (그녀는 놀라서 외쳤다.)

  25. “All right / if you say it, Huck, / but you ought to / have the credit / of what you did.”

    “너가 그렇다면 알겠어, 허크, 하지만 네가 한 일에 대한 공로를 인정받아야 해.”

  26. ⦁ credit: 공로
    – She received credit for the idea. (그녀는 그 아이디어에 대한 공로를 인정받았다.)

    ⦁ ought: 해야 한다
    – You ought to rest. (너는 쉬어야 한다.)

  27. “Oh no, no! / Please don’t tell!”

    “오, 아니에요, 제발 말하지 마세요!”

  28. ⦁ tell: 말하다
    – Please tell the truth. (제발 진실을 말해줘.)

    ⦁ please: 제발
    – Please help me. (제발 도와줘.)

  29. When the young men / were gone, / the old Welshman said:

    젊은이들이 떠나자 늙은 웨일즈 인이 말했다:

  30. “They won’t tell—and I won’t.

    “그들은 말하지 않을 거야—나도 말하지 않을 거야.

  31. But why don’t you / want it known?”

    그런데 왜 알려지길 원하지 않는 거야?”

  32. ⦁ known: 알려진
    – The truth is not known. (진실은 알려지지 않았다.)

    ⦁ want: 원하다
    – I want some water. (물을 원해.)

  33. Huck would not explain, / further than to say / that he already knew too much / about one of those men / and would not have the man / know that he knew anything / against him / for the whole world—he would be killed / for knowing it, / sure

    허크는 그 문제에 대해 그 남자에 대해 이미 너무 많이 알고 있기 때문에 그 남자가 자신이 무엇이든 알고 있다는 사실을 알게 하면 안 된다고 말할 뿐이었다—그는 분명 그 사실을 알게 되면 죽음을 면치 못할 것이다.

  34. ⦁ explain: 설명하다
    – Can you explain this to me? (이것을 나에게 설명해 줄 수 있니?)

    ⦁ further: 더 멀리
    – Let’s go further. (더 멀리 가자.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)