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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


I wanted to see what was up—they sneaked along so.
I dogged ’em to the widder’s stile, and stood in the dark and heard the ragged one beg for the widder, and the Spaniard swear he’d spile her looks just as I told you and your two—”

“What! The deaf and dumb man said all that!”

Huck had made another terrible mistake! He was trying his best to keep the old man from getting the faintest hint of who the Spaniard might be, and yet his tongue seemed determined to get him into trouble in spite of all he could do.
He made several efforts to creep out of his scrape, but the old man’s eye was upon him and he made blunder after blunder.
Presently the Welshman said:

“My boy, don’t be afraid of me.
I wouldn’t hurt a hair of your head for all the world.
No—I’d protect you—I’d protect you.
This Spaniard is not deaf and dumb; you’ve let that slip without intending it; you can’t cover that up now.
You know something about that Spaniard that you want to keep dark

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. I wanted to see / what was up—they sneaked along so.

    저는 그들이 왜 그렇게 살금살금 움직였는지 궁금했어요.

    ⦁ wanted: 원했다
    – He wanted to talk to her. (그는 그녀와 이야기 하고 싶었다.)

    ⦁ sneaked: 몰래 움직였다
    – The cat sneaked out of the house. (고양이는 집에서 몰래 나왔다.)
  2. I dogged ’em / to the widder’s stile, / and stood in the dark / and heard the ragged one / beg for the widder, / and the Spaniard swear / he’d spile her looks / just as I told you / and your two—”

    저는 과부의 집 문까지 그들을 쫓아갔고, 어둠 속에서 누더기 입은 사람이 과부에게 애걸하고 스페인 사람은 과부의 외모를 망쳐버리겠다고 맹세하는 걸 들었어요, 제가 이미 당신과 당신의 아이들에게 말한 것처럼요.

    ⦁ dogged: 쫓다
    – He dogged his friend everywhere. (그는 친구를 어디든 쫓아다녔다.)

    ⦁ swear: 맹세하다
    – He swore to tell the truth. (그는 진실을 말할 것을 맹세했다.)
  3. “What! / The deaf and dumb man / said all that!”

    “뭐라고! / 그 청각 장애인이 / 다 말했단 말이야!”

    ⦁ deaf: 청각 장애의
    – She has been deaf since birth. (그녀는 출생 때부터 청각 장애인이었다.)

    ⦁ dumb: 말 못하는
    – The dumb man used sign language. (그 말 못하는 남자는 수화로 말했다.)
  4. Huck had made / another terrible mistake! / He was trying his best / to keep the old man / from getting the faintest hint / of who the Spaniard might be, / and yet his tongue seemed determined / to get him into trouble / in spite of all he could do.

    허크는 또 하나의 끔찍한 실수를 저지르고 말았습니다! 그는 스페인 사람의 정체를 눈치채지 못하게 하기 위해 최선을 다했지만, 그의 혀는 그가 할 수 있는 모든 것에도 불구하고 그를 곤경에 빠뜨리려는 것 같았습니다.

    ⦁ mistake: 실수
    – He made a big mistake. (그는 큰 실수를 했다.)

    ⦁ determined: 결심한
    – She was determined to win. (그녀는 이기기로 결심했다.)
  5. He made several efforts / to creep out of his scrape, / but the old man’s eye / was upon him / and he made blunder after blunder.

    그는 여러 번 노력을 해서 / 곤경에서 빠져나가려고 했지만, / 노인의 눈이 / 그에게 꽂혔고 / 그는 연달아 실수를 저질렀습니다.

    ⦁ efforts: 노력
    – She made efforts to improve. (그녀는 개선하기 위해 노력했다.)

    ⦁ blunder: 실수
    – He made a blunder in the speech. (그는 연설에서 실수를 저질렀다.)
  6. Presently the Welshman said: / “My boy, / don’t be afraid of me. / I wouldn’t hurt a hair of your head / for all the world. / No—I’d protect you—I’d protect you.

    잠시 후 웨일스인은 말했습니다: / “애야, / 나를 두려워하지 마라. / 결코 네 머리카락 하나 다치게 하지 않을 것이다. / 아니—나는 널 보호할 거야—널 보호할 거야.

    ⦁ afraid: 두려운
    – He was afraid of the dark. (그는 어둠을 두려워했다.)

    ⦁ protect: 보호하다
    – The law protects the citizens. (법은 시민들을 보호한다.)
  7. This Spaniard / is not deaf and dumb; / you’ve let that slip / without intending it; / you can’t cover that up now.

    이 스페인 사람은 / 청각 장애가 아니야; / 너는 의도치 않게 그것을 흘렸어; / 이제 그것을 덮을 수 없어.

    ⦁ slip: 실수
    – He let a secret slip. (그는 비밀을 누설했다.)

    ⦁ intend: 의도하다
    – She didn’t intend to hurt him. (그녀는 그를 다치게 할 의도는 없었다.)
  8. You know something / about that Spaniard / that you want to keep dark.

    너는 스페인 사람에 대해 / 뭔가 알고 있고 / 그것을 숨기고 싶어해.

    ⦁ something: 어떤 것
    – There is something you need to see. (당신이 봐야 할 것이 있어요.)

    ⦁ dark: 어두운
    – The room was dark. (방이 어두웠다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)