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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


Now trust me—tell me what it is, and trust me—I won’t betray you.”

Huck looked into the old man’s honest eyes a moment, then bent over and whispered in his ear:

“’Tain’t a Spaniard—it’s Injun Joe!”

The Welshman almost jumped out of his chair.
In a moment he said:

“It’s all plain enough, now.
When you talked about notching ears and slitting noses I judged that that was your own embellishment, because white men don’t take that sort of revenge.
But an Injun! That’s a different matter altogether.”

During breakfast the talk went on, and in the course of it the old man said that the last thing which he and his sons had done, before going to bed, was to get a lantern and examine the stile and its vicinity for marks of blood.
They found none, but captured a bulky bundle of—

“Of what?”

If the words had been lightning they could not have leaped with a more stunning suddenness from Huck’s blanched lips.
His eyes were staring wide, now, and his breath suspended—waiting for the answer.
The Welshman started—stared in return—three seconds—five seconds—ten—then replied:

“Of burglar’s tools.
Why, what’s the matter with you?”

Huck sank back, panting gently, but deeply, unutterably grateful

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Now trust me—tell me what it is, / and trust me—I won’t betray you.”

    이제 나를 믿어줘 – 그게 뭔지 말해줘, 그리고 나를 믿어 – 나는 너를 배신하지 않을 거야.

  2. ⦁ trust: 신뢰
    – You can trust me. (너는 나를 믿을 수 있어.)

    ⦁ betray: 배신하다
    – He won’t betray you. (그는 너를 배신하지 않을 거야.)

  3. Huck looked into the old man’s honest eyes a moment, / then bent over / and whispered in his ear:

    헉은 잠시 동안 그 노인의 정직한 눈을 바라보다가, 몸을 숙여 그의 귀에 속삭였다:

  4. ⦁ honest: 정직한
    – He is an honest man. (그는 정직한 사람이다.)

    ⦁ whisper: 속삭이다
    – She whispered a secret. (그녀는 비밀을 속삭였다.)

  5. “’Tain’t a Spaniard—it’s Injun Joe!”

    “스페인 사람이 아니야, 인디언 조야!”

  6. ⦁ Spaniard: 스페인 사람
    – He is a Spaniard. (그는 스페인 사람이다.)

    ⦁ Injun: 인디언
    – They called him Injun Joe. (그들은 그를 인디언 조라고 불렀다.)

  7. The Welshman almost jumped out of his chair. /

    그 웨일스인 남자는 거의 의자에서 튀어 나올 뻔했다.

  8. ⦁ Welshman: 웨일스인
    – The Welshman smiled. (그 웨일스인이 미소지었다.)

    ⦁ jump: 뛰다
    – He jumped up. (그는 뛰어올랐다.)

  9. In a moment he said: / “It’s all plain enough, now. / When you talked about notching ears / and slitting noses / I judged that that was your own embellishment, / because white men don’t take that sort of revenge. / But an Injun! / That’s a different matter altogether.”

    잠시 후에 그는 말했다: “이제 모든 게 분명해졌네. 네가 귀를 자르고 코를 베는 이야기를 했을 때, 난 그게 너만의 과장인 줄 알았어, 왜냐하면 백인들은 그런 식으로 복수하지 않거든. 하지만 인디언이라면! 그건 완전히 다른 이야기야.”

  10. ⦁ embellishment: 과장
    – The story had embellishments. (그 이야기는 과장이 있었다.)

    ⦁ revenge: 복수
    – He sought revenge. (그는 복수를 원했다.)

  11. During breakfast the talk went on, / and in the course of it / the old man said / that the last thing / which he and his sons had done, / before going to bed, / was to get a lantern / and examine the stile / and its vicinity for marks of blood. /

    아침 식사 시간 동안 대화는 이어졌고, 그 과정에서 노인은 그가 아들들과 함께 잠자리에 들기 전에 마지막으로 한 일이 등불을 가져와 계단과 그 주변에서 혈흔을 찾는 것이었다고 말했다.

  12. ⦁ lantern: 등불
    – She carried a lantern. (그녀는 등불을 들었다.)

    ⦁ examine: 조사하다
    – The doctor examined the patient. (의사는 환자를 검사했다.)

  13. They found none, / but captured a bulky bundle of—

    그들은 아무것도 찾지 못했지만, 크고 거대한 한 묶음을 발견했어-

  14. ⦁ bulky: 부피가 큰
    – He lifted the bulky package. (그는 부피가 큰 소포를 들어올렸다.)

    ⦁ bundle: 묶음
    – She carried a bundle of clothes. (그녀는 옷 묶음을 들고 있었다.)

  15. “Of what?” / If the words had been lightning / they could not have leaped / with a more stunning suddenness / from Huck’s blanched lips. / His eyes were staring wide, / now, / and his breath suspended /—waiting for the answer.

    “뭘?” 그 말이 번개였더라면, 헉의 창백한 입술에서 더 놀랍게 튀어나올 수는 없었을 것이다. 그의 눈은 이제 크게 뜨여 있었고, 그의 호흡은 멈췄다 – 답을 기다리며.

  16. ⦁ lightning: 번개
    – The lightning flashed. (번개가 번쩍였다.)

    ⦁ blanched: 창백한
    – His face was blanched. (그의 얼굴은 창백해졌다.)

  17. The Welshman started /—stared in return—three seconds—five seconds—ten—then replied: / “Of burglar’s tools. / Why, what’s the matter with you?” /

    웨일스인이 깜짝 놀라며 – 바라봤다 – 3초 – 5초 – 10초 – 그러더니 대답했다 – “절도 도구야. 왜, 무슨 일 있어?”

  18. ⦁ burglar: 절도범
    – The burglar was caught. (절도범이 잡혔다.)

    ⦁ tool: 도구
    – He used a tool. (그는 도구를 사용했다.)

  19. Huck sank back, / panting gently, / but deeply, / unutterably grateful.

    헉은 뒷걸음질 치며, 천천히, 하지만 깊게 숨을 헐떡이며, 말할 수 없을 정도로 고마워했다.

  20. ⦁ pant: 헐떡이다
    – He was panting after running. (그는 뛰고 나서 헐떡이고 있었다.)

    ⦁ grateful: 감사하는
    – She felt grateful. (그녀는 감사함을 느꼈다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)