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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


You are very, very sick!”

Then nothing but liquor had been found; there would have been a great powwow if it had been the gold.
So the treasure was gone forever—gone forever! But what could she be crying about? Curious that she should cry.

These thoughts worked their dim way through Huck’s mind, and under the weariness they gave him he fell asleep.
The widow said to herself:

“There—he’s asleep, poor wreck.
Tom Sawyer find it! Pity but somebody could find Tom Sawyer! Ah, there ain’t many left, now, that’s got hope enough, or strength enough, either, to go on searching.”

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. You are very, / very sick!

    너는 아주, / 아주 아프구나!

  2. ⦁ sick: 아픈
    – He felt sick after eating too much. (그는 너무 많이 먹은 후에 아팠다.)

    ⦁ very: 아주
    – She is very talented. (그녀는 아주 재능이 있다.)

  3. Then nothing but liquor / had been found; / there would have been / a great powwow / if it had been / the gold.

    그때 술밖에 / 나온 것이 없었다; / 만약 그것이 / 금이었다면 / 큰 소동이 / 일어났을 것이다.

  4. ⦁ liquor: 술
    – He doesn’t drink hard liquor. (그는 독한 술을 마시지 않는다.)

    ⦁ powwow: 소동
    – They had a big powwow after the meeting. (그들은 회의 후에 큰 소동을 벌였다.)

  5. So the treasure / was gone forever—gone forever! / But what could she / be crying about? / Curious that she / should cry.

    그래서 보물은 / 영원히 사라졌다—영원히 사라졌다! / 그런데 그녀는 / 왜 울고 있는 건가? / 그녀가 울다니 / 이상하다.

  6. ⦁ treasure: 보물
    – They found a hidden treasure on the island. (그들은 섬에서 숨겨진 보물을 찾았다.)

    ⦁ curious: 이상한, 궁금한
    – She felt curious about the new neighbor. (그녀는 새 이웃에 대해 궁금해했다.)

  7. These thoughts worked / their dim way / through Huck’s mind, / and under the weariness / they gave him / he fell asleep.

    이런 생각들이 / 희미하게 / 헉의 마음을 / 지나갔고, / 피로로 / 그를 / 잠들게 했다.

  8. ⦁ thoughts: 생각들
    – Her thoughts were wandering. (그녀의 생각이 방황하고 있었다.)

    ⦁ weariness: 피로
    – He felt weariness after the long day. (그는 긴 하루 후에 피로를 느꼈다.)

  9. The widow / said to herself:

    과부가 / 혼잣말로 / 말했다:

  10. ⦁ widow: 과부
    – The widow lived alone for many years. (과부는 오랫동안 혼자 살았다.)

  11. “There—he’s asleep, / poor wreck.

    “거기—그는 잠들었어, / 불쌍한 잔해.

  12. ⦁ asleep: 잠든
    – The baby is asleep in the crib. (아기는 요람에서 잠들어 있다.)

    ⦁ wreck: 잔해, 잔인한
    – The ship was a total wreck after the storm. (폭풍 후에 배는 완전히 잔해가 되었다.)

  13. Tom Sawyer / find it! / Pity but somebody / could find Tom Sawyer!

    톰 소여가 / 그것을 찾아내! / 안타깝지만 누군가가 / 톰 소여를 찾아냈으면!

  14. ⦁ find: 찾다
    – She found her keys under the sofa. (그녀는 소파 밑에서 열쇠를 찾았다.)

    ⦁ pity: 안타까움
    – It’s a pity you missed the show. (쇼를 놓쳐서 안타까워.)

  15. Ah, there ain’t many left, / now, that’s got hope enough, / or strength enough, either, / to go on searching.

    이제는, / 희망이나, / 힘이 있는 사람이 / 많지 않다, / 계속 찾고 있는 사람이.

  16. ⦁ hope: 희망
    – She never lost hope. (그녀는 결코 희망을 잃지 않았다.)

    ⦁ strength: 힘
    – He built up his strength by exercising daily. (그는 매일 운동을 해서 힘을 길렀다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)