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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


Let’s try some other way, so as not to go through there.”

But I hope we won’t get lost.
It would be so awful!” and the girl shuddered at the thought of the dreadful possibilities.

They started through a corridor, and traversed it in silence a long way, glancing at each new opening, to see if there was anything familiar about the look of it; but they were all strange.
Every time Tom made an examination, Becky would watch his face for an encouraging sign, and he would say cheerily:

“Oh, it’s all right.
This ain’t the one, but we’ll come to it right away!”

But he felt less and less hopeful with each failure, and presently began to turn off into diverging avenues at sheer random, in desperate hope of finding the one that was wanted.
He still said it was “all right,” but there was such a leaden dread at his heart that the words had lost their ring and sounded just as if he had said, “All is lost!” Becky clung to his side in an anguish of fear, and tried hard to keep back the tears, but they would come.
At last she said:

“Oh, Tom, never mind the bats, let’s go back that way! We seem to get worse and worse off all the time.”

“Listen!” said he

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Let’s try / some other way, / so as not / to go through there.

    다른 방법을 시도해 보자, 거기로 가지 않기 위해서.

  2. ⦁ try: 시도하다
    – Try to solve this problem. (이 문제를 해결하려고 노력해봐.)

    ⦁ way: 방법
    – Is there another way to get there? (거기에 가는 다른 방법이 있나요?)

  3. “Well. / But I hope / we won’t get lost. / It would be so awful!” / and the girl shuddered / at the thought / of the dreadful possibilities.

    “음. / 하지만 우리는 길을 잃지 않기를 바래. / 정말 끔찍할 거야!” / 하고 소녀는 / 무서운 가능성을 생각하며 / 몸을 떨었다.

  4. ⦁ lost: 길을 잃다
    – He got lost in the forest. (그는 숲에서 길을 잃었다.)

    ⦁ dreadful: 끔찍한
    – The storm was dreadful. (그 폭풍은 끔찍했다.)

  5. They started / through a corridor, / and traversed it / in silence / a long way, / glancing at each new opening, / to see / if there was anything / familiar about the look of it; / but they were all strange.

    그들은 / 복도를 따라 / 출발했다 / 그리고 침묵 속에서 / 그것을 멀리 걸어갔다, / 각 새로운 문을 힐끗 보면서, / 무엇인가 / 익숙한 것이 있는지 / 보기 위해; / 그러나 그것들은 모두 낯설었다.

  6. ⦁ corridor: 복도
    – The offices are down this corridor. (사무실들은 이 복도를 따라 내려가면 있습니다.)

    ⦁ familiar: 익숙한
    – Your face looks familiar. (네 얼굴이 익숙해 보인다.)

  7. Every time / Tom made an examination, / Becky would watch / his face / for an encouraging sign, / and he would say / cheerily:

    톰이 / 검사할 때마다, / 베키는 그의 얼굴을 지켜보며 / / 격려의 신호를 찾았고, / 그러면 톰은 / 활기차게 말했다:

  8. “Oh, it’s all right. / This ain’t the one, / but we’ll come to it / right away!”

    “오, 괜찮아. / 이건 아니야, / 하지만 금방 찾을 거야!”

  9. ⦁ examination: 검사
    – The doctor made a thorough examination. (의사가 철저히 검사를 했다.)

    ⦁ cheerily: 활기차게
    – She greeted me cheerily. (그녀는 나를 활기차게 맞이했다.)

  10. But he felt / less and less hopeful / with each failure, / and presently began to turn off / into diverging avenues / at sheer random, / in desperate hope / of finding the one / that was wanted.

    하지만 그는 / 점점 희망을 잃었고 / 매번 실패할 때마다, / 곧 무작위로 / 갈림길로 빠져 들어가기 시작했다, / 절박한 희망을 품고, / 원하는 것을 / 찾기 위해.

  11. ⦁ hopeful: 희망찬
    – The team was hopeful about their chances. (팀은 그들의 가능성에 대해 희망적이었다.)

    ⦁ desperate: 절망적인
    – He was desperate for a solution. (그는 해결책을 절실히 원했다.)

  12. He still said / it was “all right,” / but there was / such a leaden dread / at his heart / that the words / had lost their ring / and sounded just as if / he had said, / “All is lost!”

    그는 여전히 / ‘괜찮아’라고 말했지만, / 그의 마음에는 / 엄청난 두려움이 있어, / 말은 의미를 잃고 / 그리고 마치 / ‘모두 잃었다!’ / 라고 말한 것처럼 들렸다.

  13. ⦁ leaden: 무거운
    – She felt a leaden weight in her chest. (그녀는 가슴에 무거운 느낌을 받았다.)

    ⦁ dread: 두려움
    – She was filled with dread before the exam. (시험 전 그녀는 두려움에 가득 차 있었다.)

  14. Becky clung / to his side / in an anguish of fear, / and tried hard / to keep back the tears, / but they would come.

    베키는 / 그의 옆에 / 두려움에 찬 고통 속에서 / 매달렸고, / 눈물을 참으려고 / 애썼지만, / 눈물은 계속 흘렀다.

  15. ⦁ cling: 매달리다
    – The child clung to her mother. (아이는 어머니에게 매달렸다.)

    ⦁ anguish: 고통
    – He was in anguish after hearing the news. (그는 그 소식을 들은 후 고통스러웠다.)

  16. At last she said:

    마침내 그녀가 말했다:

    “Oh, Tom, / never mind the bats, / let’s go back that way! / We seem to get / worse and worse off / all the time.”

    “오, 톰, / 박쥐는 신경 쓰지 말고, / 저쪽으로 돌아가자! / 우리는 / 점점 더 / 안 좋은 상황으로 가는 것 같아.”

  17. ⦁ worse: 더 나쁜
    – The situation is getting worse. (상황이 더 나빠지고 있다.)

    ⦁ off: 멀리
    – He walked off into the sunset. (그는 해질녘으로 걸어갔다.)

  18. “Listen!” / said he.

    “들어봐!” / 그가 말했다.

  19. ⦁ listen: 듣다
    – Listen to me carefully. (내 말 잘 들어.)

    ⦁ said: 말했다
    – He said he would come. (그는 올 것이라고 말했다.)

여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다.

출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)