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It was but a little while before a certain indecision in his manner revealed another fearful fact to Becky—he could not find his way back!

“Oh, Tom, you didn’t make any marks!”

“Becky, I was such a fool! Such a fool! I never thought we might want to come back! No—I can’t find the way.
It’s all mixed up.”

“Tom, Tom, we’re lost! we’re lost! We never can get out of this awful place! Oh, why did we ever leave the others!”

She sank to the ground and burst into such a frenzy of crying that Tom was appalled with the idea that she might die, or lose her reason.
He sat down by her and put his arms around her; she buried her face in his bosom, she clung to him, she poured out her terrors, her unavailing regrets, and the far echoes turned them all to jeering laughter.
Tom begged her to pluck up hope again, and she said she could not.
He fell to blaming and abusing himself for getting her into this miserable situation; this had a better effect.
She said she would try to hope again, she would get up and follow wherever he might lead if only he would not talk like that any more.
For he was no more to blame than she, she said.

So they moved on again—aimlessly—simply at random—all they could do was to move, keep moving

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. It was / but a little while / before a certain indecision / in his manner / revealed another fearful fact / to Becky—

    그의 태도가 약간의 망설임을 보이자마자, 또 다른 무서운 사실이 Becky에게 드러났다—

  2. ⦁ indecision: 망설임
    – His indecision / showed his lack of confidence. (그의 망설임은 그의 자신감 부족을 보여 주었다.)

    ⦁ revealed: 드러내다
    – The secret / was finally / revealed. (비밀이 마침내 드러났다.)

  3. he could not / find his way / back!

    그는 돌아가는 길을 찾을 수 없었다!

  4. ⦁ find: 찾다
    – She / couldn’t find / her keys. (그녀는 자신의 열쇠를 찾을 수 없었다.)

    ⦁ back: 돌아가는
    – We should go / back / home. (우리는 집으로 돌아가야 해.)

  5. Oh, Tom, / you didn’t make / any marks!

    오, Tom, / 너는 아무 표식도 안 해놨어!

  6. ⦁ marks: 표식
    – The path / had clear / marks to follow. (길은 따라가기 쉬운 표식들이 있었다.)

    ⦁ make: 만들다
    – He / likes to make / things / with his hands. (그는 손으로 물건을 만드는 것을 좋아한다.)

  7. Becky, / I was such a fool! / Such a fool!

    Becky, / 나는 정말 바보였어! / 완전 바보였어!

  8. ⦁ fool: 바보
    – Don’t be / such a fool. (그렇게 바보같이 굴지 마.)

    ⦁ such: 그런
    – It was / such a beautiful day. (그날은 정말로 아름다운 날이었다.)

  9. I never / thought / we might want to / come back!

    우리가 다시 돌아오고 싶을 거라는 / 생각을 / 전혀 하지 못했어!

  10. ⦁ thought: 생각
    – She / had the same / thought. (그녀도 같은 생각을 했다.)

    ⦁ want: 원하다
    – Do you / want / something to drink? (뭔가 마실 것을 원하시나요?)

  11. No—I can’t / find the way. / It’s all / mixed up.

    아니—나는 / 길을 찾을 수 없어. / / 엉망이야.

  12. ⦁ find: 찾다
    – It’s hard / to find / good help. (좋은 도움을 찾는 것은 어렵다.)

    ⦁ mixed: 혼합된
    – The colors / are all / mixed up. (색깔들이 모두 섞였다.)

  13. Tom, Tom, / we’re lost! / we’re lost!

    Tom, Tom, / 우리 길을 잃었어! / 우리 길을 잃었어!

  14. ⦁ lost: 잃은
    – She / felt lost / in the big city. (그녀는 큰 도시에서 길을 잃은 기분이었다.)

    ⦁ we’re: 우리는 ~이다
    – We’re / ready to leave. (우리는 떠날 준비가 되었다.)

  15. We never / can get out / of this / awful place!

    우리는 / 이 끔찍한 곳에서 / 절대로 / 나갈 수 없어!

  16. ⦁ awful: 끔찍한
    – That / was an awful / mistake. (그건 끔찍한 실수였다.)

    ⦁ place: 장소
    – This / is a nice / place to relax. (이곳은 휴식을 취하기에 좋은 장소이다.)

  17. Oh, / why did we / ever leave / the others!

    오, / 우리가 왜 / 다른 사람들을 / 떠났을까!

  18. ⦁ leave: 떠나다
    – He / had to leave / early. (그는 일찍 떠나야 했다.)

    ⦁ others: 다른 사람들
    – She / likes to help / others. (그녀는 다른 사람들을 돕는 것을 좋아한다.)

  19. She sank to the ground / and burst into / such a frenzy / of crying / that Tom was appalled / with the idea / that she might die, / or lose her reason.

    그녀는 땅에 주저앉아 / 미친 듯이 / 울음을 터뜨렸다 / Tom은 그녀가 죽을지도 모른다는 / 생각에 / 질겁했다, / 아니면 이성을 잃을 수도 있다는

  20. ⦁ sank: 주저앉다
    – He sank / into the chair / exhausted. (그는 지쳐서 의자에 주저앉았다.)

    ⦁ appalled: 질겁한
    – She was appalled / by the news. (그녀는 그 소식을 듣고 질겁했다.)

  21. He sat down by her / and put his arms / around her; / she buried her face / in his bosom, / she clung to him, / she poured out / her terrors, / her unavailing regrets, / and the far echoes / turned them all / to jeering laughter.

    그는 그녀 옆에 앉아서 / 그녀를 안았다; / 그녀는 얼굴을 그의 품에 묻고, / 그에게 매달렸으며, / 그녀의 공포와 / 헛된 후회를 / 쏟아냈고, / 멀리서 울리는 메아리는 / 모두 / 조롱 섞인 웃음으로 바뀌었다.

  22. ⦁ around: 둘러싸다
    – He / put his arm / around her. (그는 그녀를 팔로 감싸안았다.)

    ⦁ unavailing: 헛된
    – His efforts / were unavailing. (그의 노력은 헛된 것이었다.)

  23. Tom begged / her to pluck up / hope again, / and she said / she could not.

    Tom은 그녀에게 / 다시 희망을 가져보라고 / 애원했지만, / 그녀는 / 할 수 없다고 했다.

  24. ⦁ begged: 애원하다
    – He begged / for forgiveness. (그는 용서를 빌었다.)

    ⦁ hope: 희망
    – Never / lose hope. (절대 희망을 잃지 마라.)

  25. He fell to / blaming and abusing / himself for getting her / into this miserable situation; / this had a better effect.

    그는 / 자신이 그녀를 / 이 비참한 상황에 빠뜨린 것에 대해 / 자책하고 비난하기 시작했다; / 이것이 더 나은 효과를 보였다.

  26. ⦁ blaming: 비난하다
    – Stop blaming / others / for your mistakes. (너의 실수에 대해 다른 사람들을 비난하지 마라.)

    ⦁ situation: 상황
    – The situation / was under control. (상황은 통제하에 있었다.)

  27. She said / she would / try to hope again, / she would get up / and follow / wherever he might lead / if only / he would not talk / like that any more.

    그녀는 / 다시 희망을 가지려고 / 노력하겠다고 했고, / 그가 안내하는 대로 / 따라가겠다고 했다 / 단지 / 그가 / 더 이상 그렇게 / 말하지 않는다면.

  28. ⦁ follow: 따라가다
    – You should / follow / the rules. (너는 규칙을 따라야 해.)

    ⦁ lead: 이끌다
    – He led / the team / to victory. (그는 팀을 승리로 이끌었다.)

  29. For he was no more to blame / than she, / she said.

    그는 그녀보다 / 더 비난받을 것이 없다, / 그녀가 말했다.

  30. ⦁ blame: 비난하다
    – Don’t blame / yourself. (자신을 비난하지 마라.)

    ⦁ more: 더 많이
    – You need / to eat / more. (너는 더 많이 먹어야 해.)

  31. So they / moved on / again—aimlessly—simply / at random—all they / could do / was to move, / keep moving.

    그래서 그들은 / 다시 / 움직였다—목적 없이—그저 / 무작위로—그들이 / 할 수 있는 것은 / 움직이는 것이었다, / 계속 움직였다.

  32. ⦁ aimlessly: 목적 없이
    – They wandered / aimlessly / around the park. (그들은 공원 주위를 목적 없이 방황했다.)

    ⦁ random: 무작위
    – The selection / was completely / random. (선택은 완전히 무작위였다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)