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For a little while, hope made a show of reviving—not with any reason to back it, but only because it is its nature to revive when the spring has not been taken out of it by age and familiarity with failure.

By-and-by Tom took Becky’s candle and blew it out.
This economy meant so much! Words were not needed.
Becky understood, and her hope died again.
She knew that Tom had a whole candle and three or four pieces in his pockets—yet he must economize.

By-and-by, fatigue began to assert its claims; the children tried to pay attention, for it was dreadful to think of sitting down when time was grown to be so precious, moving, in some direction, in any direction, was at least progress and might bear fruit; but to sit down was to invite death and shorten its pursuit.

At last Becky’s frail limbs refused to carry her farther.
She sat down

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. For a little while, / hope made a show / of reviving—/ not with any reason / to back it, / but only / because it is its nature / to revive / when the spring / has not been taken out of it / by age and familiarity / with failure.

    잠시 동안, 희망이 살아나는 모습을 보였지만, 이유는 없었고 오직 희망의 본성이 나이가 들고 실패에 익숙해지기 전에 살아나기 때문이다.

  2. ⦁ hope: 희망
    – She never lost hope. (그녀는 결코 희망을 잃지 않았다.)

    ⦁ nature: 본성
    – It is human nature to seek happiness. (행복을 추구하는 것은 인간의 본성이다.)

  3. By-and-by / Tom took Becky’s candle / and blew it out. This economy / meant so much! Words / were not needed. Becky understood, / and her hope / died again. She knew / that Tom had / a whole candle / and three / or four pieces / in his pockets—yet / he must economize.

    이윽고 톰은 베키의 촛불을 껐다. 이 작은 절약이 의미하는 바가 컸다! 말이 필요 없었다. 베키는 이해했고, 그녀의 희망은 다시 죽었다. 그녀는 톰이 주머니에 하나의 온전한 양초와 몇 개의 조각이 있다는 것을 알았지만, 절약해야 했다.

  4. ⦁ economy: 절약
    – The economy of effort is important. (노력의 절약이 중요하다.)

    ⦁ understood: 이해하다
    – He understood the instructions. (그는 지시 사항을 이해했다.)

  5. By-and-by, / fatigue began / to assert / its claims; / the children / tried to pay attention, / for it was dreadful / to think / of sitting down / when time was grown / to be so precious, / moving, in some direction, / in any direction, / was at least progress / and might bear fruit; / but to sit down / was to invite death / and shorten its pursuit.

    이윽고, 피로가 나타나기 시작했다; 아이들은 집중하려고 노력했다, 시간이 매우 소중해졌을 때 앉아있는 것을 생각하는 것은 끔찍했기 때문에, 어느 방향이든 움직이는 것은 최소한의 진전이었고, 열매를 맺을 수도 있었다; 그러나 앉아 있는 것은 곧 죽음을 초대하는 것이며, 그것을 앞당기는 것이었다.

  6. ⦁ fatigue: 피로
    – The long journey caused fatique. (긴 여정이 피로를 초래했다.)

    ⦁ precious: 소중한
    – Time is precious. (시간은 소중하다.)

  7. At last, / Becky’s frail limbs / refused to carry her / farther. / She sat down.

    마침내, 베키의 허약한 팔다리가 그녀를 더 이상 나를 수 없었다. 그녀는 앉았다.

  8. ⦁ frail: 허약한
    – The child looks frail. (그 아이는 허약해 보인다.)

    ⦁ refused: 거부했다
    – She refused the offer. (그녀는 그 제안을 거부했다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)