❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Tom rested with her, and they talked of home, and the friends there, and the comfortable beds and, above all, the light! Becky cried, and Tom tried to think of some way of comforting her, but all his encouragements were grown thread-bare with use, and sounded like sarcasms.Fatigue bore so heavily upon Becky that she drowsed off to sleep.Tom was grateful.He sat looking into her drawn face and saw it grow smooth and natural under the influence of pleasant dreams; and by-and-by a smile dawned and rested there.The peaceful face reflected somewhat of peace and healing into his own spirit, and his thoughts wandered away to bygone times and dreamy memories.While he was deep in his musings, Becky woke up with a breezy little laugh—but it was stricken dead upon her lips, and a groan followed it.“Oh, how could I sleep! I wish I never, never had waked! No! No, I don’t, Tom! Don’t look so! I won’t say it again.”“I’m glad you’ve slept, Becky; you’ll feel rested, now, and we’ll find the way out.”“We can try, Tom; but I’ve seen such a beautiful country in my dream.I reckon we are going there.”“Maybe not, maybe not
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Tom rested with her, / and they talked of home, / and the friends there, / and the comfortable beds / and, above all, / the light!
톰은 그녀와 함께 쉬었고, / 집과 거기 있는 친구들 및 편안한 침대, / 무엇보다도 빛에 대해 이야기했다!
Becky cried, / and Tom tried to think / of some way of comforting her, / but all his encouragements / were grown thread-bare / with use, / and sounded like sarcasms.
베키는 울었고, / 톰은 그녀를 위로할 방법을 생각하려 애썼지만, / 그의 모든 격려는 / 사용하면서 / 닳아져 / 빈정댐처럼 들렸다.
Fatigue bore so heavily / upon Becky / that she drowsed off to sleep.
피로가 너무 심하게 / 베키에게 다가와서 / 그녀는 졸려서 잠이 들었다.
Tom was grateful.
He sat / looking into her drawn face / and saw it grow smooth / and natural / under the influence / of pleasant dreams; / and by-and-by a smile / dawned / and rested there.
톰은 고마움을 느꼈다.그는 그녀의 초췌한 얼굴을 보며 앉아 / 기분 좋은 꿈의 영향으로 / 얼굴이 매끄럽고 / 자연스럽게 변화되는 것을 보았다; / 그리고 머지않아 미소가 / 떠올랐고 / 거기에 머물렀다.
The peaceful face / reflected somewhat / of peace and healing / into his own spirit, / and his thoughts / wandered away / to bygone times / and dreamy memories.
그 평화로운 얼굴은 / 약간의 평화와 치유를 반영하여 / 그의 영혼으로 들어왔고, / 그의 생각은 / 과거의 시절과 / 꿈 같은 기억 속으로 / 떠돌았다.
While he was deep / in his musings, / Becky woke up / with a breezy little laugh— / but it was stricken dead / upon her lips, / and a groan followed it.
그가 깊은 생각에 잠겨 있는 동안, / 베키는 작은 바람결 같은 웃음소리로 / 잠에서 깨어났지만, / 그것은 입술 위에서 사라졌고, / 그 뒤에 신음 소리가 뒤따랐다.
“Oh, / how could I sleep! / I wish / I never, never had waked! / No! / No, I don’t, Tom! / Don’t look so! / I won’t say it again.”
“오, / 내가 어떻게 잠을 잘 수 있었지! / 나는 절대, / 절대 깨지 않았으면 좋겠어! / 안돼! / 안돼, 그렇게 생각 안 해, 톰! / 그렇게 보지 마! / 다시는 말하지 않을게.”
“I’m glad / you’ve slept, / Becky; / you’ll feel rested, / now, / and we’ll find the way out.”
“베키, / 네가 잠을 잘 자서 / 기뻐. 이제 / 네가 피곤함을 풀어주게 되었으니, / 우리는 길을 찾아낼 거야.”
“We can try, / Tom; / but I’ve seen / such a beautiful country / in my dream. I reckon / we are going there.”
“시도해볼 수 있어, / 톰; / 하지만 나는 꿈에서 / 정말 아름다운 나라를 보았어.우리가 그곳으로 갈 거라고 생각해.”
“Maybe not,maybe not
“아마도 그렇지 않을 거야,아마도 그렇지 않을 거야
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