❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Cheer up, Becky, and let’s go on trying.”They rose up and wandered along, hand in hand and hopeless.They tried to estimate how long they had been in the cave, but all they knew was that it seemed days and weeks, and yet it was plain that this could not be, for their candles were not gone yet.A long time after this—they could not tell how long—Tom said they must go softly and listen for dripping water—they must find a spring.They found one presently, and Tom said it was time to rest again.Both were cruelly tired, yet Becky said she thought she could go a little farther.She was surprised to hear Tom dissent.She could not understand it.They sat down, and Tom fastened his candle to the wall in front of them with some clay
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Cheer up, / Becky, / and let’s / go on / trying.
힘내, Becky, 우리 계속 해보자.
They rose up / and wandered along, / hand in hand / and hopeless.
그들은 일어서서 손을 잡고 절망적으로 걸어갔다.
They tried / to estimate / how long / they had been / in the cave, / but all they knew / was that / it seemed / days and weeks, / and yet / it was plain / that this / could not be, / for their candles / were not gone yet.
그들은 동굴 안에 얼마나 오래 있었는지 추정하려 했지만, 마치 며칠 혹은 몇 주 같았을 뿐, 분명 그렇지 않다는 것을 알았다. 그들의 촛불이 아직 꺼지지 않았기 때문이다.
A long time / after this—they / could not tell / how long—Tom / said they / must go / softly and listen / for dripping water—they / must find / a spring.
이후 오랜 시간이 지난 뒤, 얼마나 지났는지 알 수 없었지만, 톰은 그들이 부드럽게 걷고 물방울 소리를 들어야 한다고 말했다. 그들은 샘을 찾아야 한다.
They found / one presently, / and Tom said / it was time / to rest again.
그들은 곧 샘을 찾았고, 톰은 다시 쉴 시간이라고 말했다.
Both were / cruelly tired, / yet Becky / said she / thought she / could go / a little farther.
둘 다 지독히 피곤했지만, Becky는 조금 더 갈 수 있을 것 같다고 말했다.
She was / surprised / to hear / Tom dissent.
그녀는 톰이 반대하는 것을 듣고 놀랐다.
She could not / understand it.
그녀는 이해할 수 없었다.
They sat down, / and Tom / fastened his candle / to the wall / in front of them / with some clay.
그들은 앉아있다가 톰은 앞에 있는 벽에 점토로 촛불을 고정시켰다.
– The crowd cheered loudly. (군중이 크게 응원했다.)
⦁ trying: 힘든, 어려운
– It was a trying experience. (힘든 경험이었다.)
– She rose to speak. (그녀가 일어나서 말했다.)
⦁ hopeless: 절망적인
– It seemed hopeless. (그것은 절망적으로 보였다.)
– We need an estimate of the costs. (우리는 비용의 추정치가 필요하다.)
⦁ plain: 분명한, 명백한
– The answer is plain. (답은 분명하다.)
– She spoke softly. (그녀는 부드럽게 말했다.)
⦁ spring: 샘, 용천
– They found a natural spring. (그들은 자연 샘을 발견했다.)
– He will come presently. (그가 곧 올 것이다.)
⦁ rest: 쉬다
– She needs to rest. (그녀는 쉬어야 한다.)
– It was cruelly cold. (지독히 추웠다.)
⦁ farther: 더 멀리
– They drove farther into the town. (그들은 마을 더 깊숙이 들어갔다.)
– He was surprised by the news. (그는 그 소식에 놀랐다.)
⦁ dissent: 반대하다
– They dissented from the decision. (그들은 그 결정에 반대했다.)
– Do you understand? (이해했습니까?)
⦁ could not: ~할 수 없었다
– He could not believe it. (그는 그것을 믿을 수 없었다.)
– He fastened the seat belt. (그는 안전벨트를 고정했다.)
⦁ clay: 점토
– The pot is made of clay. (그 항아리는 점토로 만들어졌다.)
여기까지 읽어주셔서 감사합니다. 출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)