❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
No bottom.They must stay there and wait until the searchers came.They listened; evidently the distant shoutings were growing more distant! a moment or two more and they had gone altogether.The heart-sinking misery of it! Tom whooped until he was hoarse, but it was of no use.He talked hopefully to Becky; but an age of anxious waiting passed and no sounds came again.The children groped their way back to the spring.The weary time dragged on; they slept again, and awoke famished and woe-stricken.Tom believed it must be Tuesday by this time
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
No bottom. They must stay there / and wait / until the searchers came.
바닥이 없다. 그들은 거기서 기다려야 한다 / 수색자들이 올 때까지.
They listened; / evidently / the distant shoutings / were growing / more distant! a moment / or two more / and they had gone / altogether.
그들은 들었다; / 분명히 / 희미한 외침이 / 멀어지고 있었다! 잠깐 / 또는 두 번 더 / 그러자 그것들은 사라졌다 / 완전히.
The heart-sinking misery / of it! Tom whooped / until he was hoarse, / but it was / of no use.
마음이 가라앉는 / 불행이었다! 톰은 / 힘차게 소리쳤다 / 목이 쉴 때까지, / 하지만 소용없었다.
He talked hopefully / to Becky; / but an age / of anxious waiting / passed / and no sounds / came again.
그는 희망을 갖고 / 베키에게 이야기했다; / 하지만 시간이 / 불안하게 기다리며 / 흘렀고 / 어떤 소리도 / 다시 들리지 않았다.
The children groped / their way back / to the spring.
아이들은 더듬거리며 돌아갔다 / 샘물로.
The weary time / dragged on; / they slept again, / and awoke / famished / and woe-stricken.
지루한 시간은 / 계속되었고; / 그들은 다시 잠들었고, / 깨어나서 / 배고프고 / 고통스러웠다.
Tom believed / it must be Tuesday / by this time.
톰은 믿었다 / 지금쯤 화요일일 것이라고.
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