❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Now an idea struck him.There were some side passages near at hand.It would be better to explore some of these than bear the weight of the heavy time in idleness.He took a kite-line from his pocket, tied it to a projection, and he and Becky started, Tom in the lead, unwinding the line as he groped along.At the end of twenty steps the corridor ended in a “jumping-off place.” Tom got down on his knees and felt below, and then as far around the corner as he could reach with his hands conveniently; he made an effort to stretch yet a little farther to the right, and at that moment, not twenty yards away, a human hand, holding a candle, appeared from behind a rock! Tom lifted up a glorious shout, and instantly that hand was followed by the body it belonged to—Injun Joe’s! Tom was paralyzed; he could not move.He was vastly gratified the next moment, to see the “Spaniard” take to his heels and get himself out of sight.Tom wondered that Joe had not recognized his voice and come over and killed him for testifying in court.But the echoes must have disguised the voice
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Now / an idea struck / him.
지금 / 그에게 / 아이디어가 떠올랐다.
⦁ idea: 아이디어 – He has an excellent idea. (그는 훌륭한 아이디어가 있다.) ⦁ struck: 떠올랐다 – An idea struck her suddenly. (갑자기 아이디어가 떠올랐다.) -
There were / some side passages / near at hand.
가까운 곳에 / 몇 개의 측면 통로가 / 있었다.
⦁ passages: 통로 – The passages were narrow. (통로가 좁았다.) ⦁ near: 가까운 – The school is near my house. (학교가 내 집과 가깝다.) -
It would be better / to explore / some of these / than bear / the weight / of the heavy time / in idleness.
게으름 속에서 / 무거운 시간을 / 견디기보다는 / 이들 중 / 몇 개를 / 탐험하는 것이 / 더 나을 것이다.
⦁ explore: 탐험하다 – We decided to explore the cave. (우리는 동굴을 탐험하기로 결정했다.) ⦁ idleness: 게으름 – Idleness can lead to boredom. (게으름은 지루함으로 이어질 수 있다.) -
He took / a kite-line from his pocket, / tied it / to a projection, / and he and Becky started, / Tom in the lead, / unwinding the line / as he groped along.
그는 / 주머니에서 / 연 줄을 꺼냈다, / 그것을 / 돌출부에 / 묶고, / 그와 베키는 출발했다, / 톰이 앞장을 서서, / 줄을 풀며 / 더듬거리며 나아갔다.
⦁ kite-line: 연 줄 – He flew the kite with a strong kite-line. (그는 강한 연 줄로 연을 날렸다.) ⦁ groped: 더듬거리다 – He groped for the light switch in the dark. (그는 어둠 속에서 불 스위치를 더듬거렸다.) -
At the end / of twenty steps / the corridor ended / in a “jumping-off place.”
스무 걸음 끝에 / 그 복도는 / “뛰어내리는 장소”로 / 끝났다.
⦁ corridor: 복도 – The corridor was long and narrow. (복도는 길고 좁았다.) ⦁ ended: 끝났다 – The meeting ended late. (회의는 늦게 끝났다.) -
Tom / got down / on his knees / and felt below, / and then / as far around the corner / as he could / reach with his hands / conveniently; / he made an effort / to stretch / yet a little farther / to the right, / and at that moment, / not twenty yards away, / a human hand, / holding a candle, / appeared from behind a rock!
톰은 / 무릎을 꿇고 / 아래를 손으로 / 더듬었다, / 그런 다음 / 가능한 멀리 / 손을 뻗어 / 코너 둘레를 / 편리하게 / 더듬었다; / 그는 / 조금 더 오른쪽으로 / 손을 뻗기 위해 / 노력했다, / 그리고 그 순간, / 스무 야드도 되지 않는 거리에서, / 촛불을 든 / 사람의 손이 / 바위 뒤에서 / 나타났다!
⦁ effort: 노력 – She made an effort to finish the task. (그녀는 과제를 마치기 위해 노력했다.) ⦁ candle: 촛불 – The room was lit by a single candle. (방은 하나의 촛불로 밝혀졌다.) -
Tom / lifted up / a glorious shout, / and instantly / that hand was followed / by the body it belonged to—Injun Joe’s!
톰은 / 기쁜 외침을 / 질렀다, / 그리고 곧바로 / 그 손에 / 이어서 몸이 / 나타났다—주인이 / 인디언 조의 몸이었다!
⦁ glorious: 기쁜 – It was a glorious victory. (훌륭한 승리였다.) ⦁ instantly: 곧바로 – She answered the phone instantly. (그녀는 즉시 전화를 받았다.) -
Tom / was paralyzed; / he could not move.
톰은 / 마비되었다; / 그는 움직일 수 없었다.
⦁ paralyzed: 마비되다 – He was paralyzed with fear. (그는 두려움에 마비되었다.) ⦁ move: 움직이다 – She could not move her legs. (그녀는 다리를 움직일 수 없었다.) -
He was / vastly gratified / the next moment, / to see the “Spaniard” / take to his heels / and get himself / out of sight.
그는 / 매우 기뻤다 / 다음 순간에, / “스페인 사람”이 / 발길을 돌려 / 눈앞에서 / 사라지는 것을 보고.
⦁ vastly: 매우 – The situation has vastly improved. (상황이 크게 개선되었다.) ⦁ gratified: 기뻐하다 – She was gratified with the results. (그녀는 결과에 만족했다.) -
Tom / wondered / that Joe / had not recognized / his voice / and come over / and killed him / for testifying in court, / but the echoes / must have disguised / the voice.
톰은 / 의아했다 / 조가 / 그의 목소리를 / 인지하지 못하고 / 와서 / 그를 죽이지 / 않은 것이, / 법정에서 증언한 데 대한, / 하지만 메아리가 / 그의 목소리를 / 감췄을 것이다.
⦁ recognized: 인식하다 – She recognized him at once. (그녀는 그를 즉시 알아보았다.) ⦁ disguised: 변장하다 – The spy was disguised as a tourist. (그 스파이는 관광객으로 변장했다.)
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