❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.
Without doubt, that was it, he reasoned.Tom’s fright weakened every muscle in his body.He said to himself that if he had strength enough to get back to the spring he would stay there, and nothing should tempt him to run the risk of meeting Injun Joe again.He was careful to keep from Becky what it was he had seen.He told her he had only shouted “for luck.”But hunger and wretchedness rise superior to fears in the long run.Another tedious wait at the spring and another long sleep brought changes.The children awoke tortured with a raging hunger.Tom believed that it must be Wednesday or Thursday or even Friday or Saturday, now, and that the search had been given over
❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.
Without doubt, /that was it, /he reasoned.
의심할 여지 없이, /그것이 바로 그것이었다고 /그는 추론했다.
Tom’s fright /weakened /every muscle /in his body.
톰의 공포는 /약화시켰다 /그의 몸의 /모든 근육을.
He said /to himself /that if he had strength /enough /to get back /to the spring /he would stay there, /and nothing should tempt him /to run the risk /of meeting Injun Joe again.
그는 스스로에게 말했다 /만약 그가 힘이 있다면 /충분히 /샘으로 돌아가서 /그곳에 머물겠다고, /그리고 아무것도 그를 유혹해서 /위험을 감수하고 /인디언 조를 다시 만나는 일을 하지 않을 것이라고.
He was careful /to keep /from Becky /what it was he had seen.
그는 조심했다 /베키에게 숨기는 것을 /그가 본 것을.
He told her /he had only shouted /“for luck.”
그는 그녀에게 말했다 /그가 단지 소리쳤다고 /“행운을 위해.”
But hunger /and wretchedness /rise /superior /to fears /in the long run.
하지만 배고픔 /그리고 비참함은 /우세하다 /공포보다 /결국에는.
Another tedious wait /at the spring /and another long sleep /brought changes.
또 다른 지루한 기다림 /샘에서 /그리고 또 하나의 긴 잠이 /변화를 불러왔다.
The children /awoke /tortured /with a raging hunger.
아이들은 /깨어났다 /고문받은 채로 /격렬한 배고픔과 함께.
Tom /believed /that it must be /Wednesday or Thursday /or even Friday /or Saturday, /now, /and that the search /had been given over.
톰은 /믿었다 /지금이 /수요일이나 목요일이거나 /심지어 금요일이나 /토요일임에 /틀림없다고, /그리고 수색이 /중단되었을 거라고.
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