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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


Thatcher was very ill, and a great part of the time delirious.
People said it was heartbreaking to hear her call her child, and raise her head and listen a whole minute at a time, then lay it wearily down again with a moan.
Aunt Polly had drooped into a settled melancholy, and her gray hair had grown almost white.
The village went to its rest on Tuesday night, sad and forlorn.

Away in the middle of the night a wild peal burst from the village bells, and in a moment the streets were swarming with frantic half-clad people, who shouted, “Turn out! turn out! they’re found! they’re found!” Tin pans and horns were added to the din, the population massed itself and moved toward the river, met the children coming in an open carriage drawn by shouting citizens, thronged around it, joined its homeward march, and swept magnificently up the main street roaring huzzah after huzzah!

The village was illuminated; nobody went to bed again; it was the greatest night the little town had ever seen.
During the first half-hour a procession of villagers filed through Judge Thatcher’s house, seized the saved ones and kissed them, squeezed Mrs.
Thatcher’s hand, tried to speak but couldn’t—and drifted out raining tears all over the place

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Thatcher was very ill, / and a great part of the time / delirious.

    태처는 매우 아팠고, / 대부분의 시간 동안 / 혼수 상태에 있었다.

  2. ⦁ delirious: 혼수 상태의
    – The patient was delirious with fever. (환자는 열로 인해 혼수 상태에 있었다.)

    ⦁ ill: 아픈
    – She was too ill to go to school. (그녀는 너무 아파서 학교에 갈 수 없었다.)

  3. People said / it was heartbreaking / to hear her call her child, / and raise her head / and listen / a whole minute at a time, / then lay it wearily down again / with a moan.

    사람들은 말하길 / 그녀가 아이를 부르는 것을 / 듣는 것이 가슴 아팠다고 / 그리고 그녀의 머리를 들고 / 듣다가 / 한 번에 일 분 동안 / 다시 그것을 힘없이 내려놓으며 / 신음 소리를 냈다고 했다.

  4. ⦁ heartbreaking: 가슴 아픈
    – It was heartbreaking to watch the tragedy unfold. (비극이 펼쳐지는 것을 지켜보는 것은 가슴 아팠다.)

    ⦁ wearily: 힘없이
    – He sighed wearily after a long day. (그는 긴 하루를 보낸 후 힘없이 한숨을 쉬었다.)

  5. Aunt Polly had drooped / into a settled melancholy, / and her gray hair / had grown almost white.

    폴리 아주머니는 / 깊은 우울감에 빠졌고, / 그녀의 회색 머리는 / 거의 하얗게 변했다.

  6. ⦁ melancholy: 우울감
    – His voice had a melancholy tone. (그의 목소리에는 우울한 톤이 있었다.)

    ⦁ drooped: 축 늘어진
    – The flowers had drooped due to lack of water. (꽃들은 물 부족으로 인해 축 늘어졌다.)

  7. The village went to its rest / on Tuesday night, / sad and forlorn.

    마을은 화요일 밤에 / 쓸쓸하고 슬프게 / 잠자리에 들었다.

  8. ⦁ forlorn: 쓸쓸한
    – The house stood abandoned and forlorn. (그 집은 버려지고 쓸쓸히 서 있었다.)

    ⦁ rest: 휴식
    – He needed to rest after the long journey. (그는 긴 여행 후에 휴식이 필요했다.)

  9. Away in the middle of the night / a wild peal burst / from the village bells, / and in a moment / the streets were swarming / with frantic half-clad people, / who shouted, / “Turn out! turn out! they’re found! they’re found!”

    한밤중에 / 마을 종소리가 / 요란하게 울렸고, / 순식간에 / 길거리는 / 반쯤 옷을 입은 / 흥분한 사람들로 (가득 찼다), / 그들이 외쳤다, / “나와라! 나와라! 그들이 발견되었다! 그들이 발견되었다!”

  10. ⦁ frantic: 흥분한
    – She made a frantic call for help. (그녀는 도움을 요청하며 흥분한 전화통화를 했다.)

    ⦁ peal: (종 등이) 크게 울리다
    – A peal of laughter erupted from the room. (방에서 큰 웃음소리가 터져 나왔다.)

  11. Tin pans and horns / were added to the din, / the population / massed itself / and moved toward the river, / met the children / coming in an open carriage / drawn by shouting citizens, / thronged around it, / joined its homeward march, / and swept magnificently / up the main street / roaring huzzah / after huzzah!

    양철 팬과 경적이 / 소음에 더해졌고, / 인구는 / 모여서 / 강으로 향했으며, / 외치는 시민들이 이끄는 / 열린 마차를 타고 오는 / 아이들과 마주쳐, / 그 주변에 모여들고, / 집으로 가는 행진에 / 합류했으며, / 장엄하게 / 주요 거리를 / 휩쓸며 나아갔다, / 환호 소리를 내면서!

  12. ⦁ din: 소음
    – The din of the crowd was deafening. (군중의 소음이 귀청이 터질 듯 했다.)

    ⦁ massed: 모이다
    – Protesters massed in the city square. (시위대가 도시 광장에 모였다.)

  13. The village was illuminated; / nobody went to bed again; / it was the greatest night / the little town had ever seen.

    마을은 밝게 불이 켜졌고, / 아무도 다시 잠자리에 들지 않았으며, / 이것은 작은 마을이 / 경험한 최고의 밤이었다.

  14. ⦁ illuminated: 밝게 하다
    – The room was illuminated by the chandelier. (방은 샹들리에로 인해 밝아졌다.)

    ⦁ greatest: 최고의
    – She is considered the greatest artist of her generation. (그녀는 그녀의 세대에서 최고의 예술가로 여겨진다.)

  15. During the first half-hour / a procession of villagers / filed through Judge Thatcher’s house, / seized the saved ones and kissed them, / squeezed Mrs. Thatcher’s hand, / tried to speak but couldn’t—/and drifted out / raining tears / all over the place.

    처음 삼십 분 동안 / 마을 사람들의 행렬이 / 태처 판사의 집을 통과하면서, / 구조된 아이들을 / 붙잡아 키스하고, / 태처 부인의 손을 꽉 잡고, / 말하려 애썼으나 하지 못하며 / 나아갔고, / 눈물을 흘리며 / 온 사방에 이를 흩뿌렸다.

  16. ⦁ procession: 행렬
    – A procession of cars moved slowly through the town. (자동차 행렬이 마을을 천천히 통과했다.)

    ⦁ seized: 붙잡다
    – He seized her arm to prevent her from falling. (그는 그녀가 넘어지지 않도록 팔을 붙잡았다.)

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출처 : [구텐베르크프로젝트] (https://www.gutenberg.org/)