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❤️ 본문의 번역 및 자세한 설명은 본문 하단에 있습니다.


Aunt Polly’s happiness was complete, and Mrs.
Thatcher’s nearly so.
It would be complete, however, as soon as the messenger dispatched with the great news to the cave should get the word to her husband.
Tom lay upon a sofa with an eager auditory about him and told the history of the wonderful adventure, putting in many striking additions to adorn it withal; and closed with a description of how he left Becky and went on an exploring expedition; how he followed two avenues as far as his kite-line would reach; how he followed a third to the fullest stretch of the kite-line, and was about to turn back when he glimpsed a far-off speck that looked like daylight; dropped the line and groped toward it, pushed his head and shoulders through a small hole, and saw the broad Mississippi rolling by!

And if it had only happened to be night he would not have seen that speck of daylight and would not have explored that passage any more! He told how he went back for Becky and broke the good news and she told him not to fret her with such stuff, for she was tired, and knew she was going to die, and wanted to.
He described how he labored with her and convinced her; and how she almost died for joy when she had groped to where she actually saw the blue speck of daylight; how he pushed his way out at the hole and then helped her out; how they sat there and cried for gladness; how some men came along in a skiff and Tom hailed them and told them their situation and their famished condition; how the men didn’t believe the wild tale at first, “because,” said they, “you are five miles down the river below the valley the cave is in”—then took them aboard, rowed to a house, gave them supper, made them rest till two or three hours after dark and then brought them home.

Before day-dawn, Judge Thatcher and the handful of searchers with him were tracked out, in the cave, by the twine clews they had strung behind them, and informed of the great news.

Three days and nights of toil and hunger in the cave were not to be shaken off at once, as Tom and Becky soon discovered

❤️ 위 본문에 대한 번역 및 자세한 설명은 다음과 같습니다.

  1. Aunt Polly’s happiness / was complete, / and Mrs. Thatcher’s / nearly so.

    폴리 아주머니의 행복은 완전했고, 대처 부인의 행복도 거의 완전했다.

  2. ⦁ happiness: 행복
    – Walking in nature brings me happiness. (자연을 걷는 것은 나에게 행복을 줍니다.)

    ⦁ complete: 완전한
    – The project is now complete. (그 프로젝트는 이제 완전합니다.)

  3. It would be complete, however, / as soon as / the messenger dispatched / with the great news / to the cave / should get the word / to her husband.

    그러나 그 소식을 전할 사자가 동굴로 출발하여 남편에게 그 소식을 전하자마자 그것은 완전해질 것이다.

  4. ⦁ messenger: 사자
    – The king sent a messenger to deliver the news. (왕은 그 소식을 전하기 위해 사자를 보냈다.)

    ⦁ dispatched: 파견된
    – The troops were dispatched to the border. (군대는 국경으로 파견되었다.)

  5. Tom lay upon a sofa / with an eager auditory / about him / and told the history / of the wonderful adventure, / putting in many striking additions / to adorn it withal; / and closed / with a description / of how / he left Becky / and went / on an exploring expedition; / how he followed / two avenues / as far as / his kite-line would reach; / how he followed / a third / to the fullest stretch / of the kite-line, / and was about to turn back / when he glimpsed a far-off speck / that looked like daylight; / dropped the line / and groped toward it /, pushed his head and shoulders / through a small hole, / and saw the broad Mississippi rolling by!

    톰은 소파에 누워 주위의 열성적인 청중에게 멋진 모험의 이야기를 들려주며, 많은 눈에 띄는 추가적인 내용을 넣어 이야기를 꾸몄다. 그리고 어떻게 그가 베키를 남기고 탐험을 떠났는지, 연줄이 닿을 때까지 두 개의 길을 따라 어떻게 갔는지, 그리고 연줄이 닿을 수 있는 최대 거리까지 세 번째 길을 따라가다가, 멀리서 햇빛처럼 보이는 작은 점을 보고, 줄을 놓고 그것을 향해 더듬어가서, 작은 구멍을 통해 머리와 어깨를 밀고 나가서, 넓은 미시시피 강이 흐르고 있는 것을 보게 되었는지 설명하며 이야기를 마쳤다.

  6. ⦁ eager: 열렬한
    – She was eager to learn. (그녀는 배우고 싶어 안달이었다.)

    ⦁ broad: 넓은
    – The river was broad and calm. (그 강은 넓고 잔잔했다.)

  7. And if it had only happened / to be night / he would not / have seen that speck / of daylight / and would not / have explored that passage / any more!

    그리고 만약 그것이 밤이었더라면 그는 그 햇빛의 점을 보지 못했을 것이고, 더 이상 그 통로를 탐색하지 않았을 것이다!

  8. He told how / he went back / for Becky / and broke the good news, / and she told him / not to fret her / with such stuff, / for she was tired, / and knew she was going / to die, / and wanted to.

    그는 어떻게 베키를 위해 돌아가서 좋은 소식을 전했는지, 그리고 그녀가 피곤해서 자기가 죽을 것을 알고 죽고 싶다고 그에게 말하자 그를 안심시켰는지 이야기를 했다.

  9. ⦁ fret: 초조하게 하다
    – Don’t fret over the small stuff. (사소한 일에 초조해 하지 마세요.)

    ⦁ tired: 피곤한
    – After the long journey, she was tired. (긴 여행 후 그녀는 피곤했다.)

  10. He described / how he labored with her / and convinced her; / and how she almost died / for joy / when she had groped / to where she actually saw / the blue speck of daylight; / how he pushed his way out / at the hole / and then helped her out; / how they sat there / and cried / for gladness; / how some men / came along in a skiff / and Tom hailed them / and told them their situation / and their famished condition; / how the men / didn’t believe / the wild tale / at first, “because,” / said they, “you are five miles down the river / below the valley / the cave is in”—then took them aboard, / rowed to a house, / gave them supper, / made them rest / till two or three hours / after dark / and then brought them home.

  11. 그는 그녀와 함께 일하고 그녀를 설득한 이야기와, 그녀가 행복으로 거의 죽음에 이를 뻔 한 이야기, 그녀가 결국 햇빛의 푸른 점을 보고 그곳에 다다랐을 때 이야기, 그가 구멍을 통해 나가고 그녀를 도와준 이야기, 그들이 거기 앉아 기쁨에 눈물 흘린 이야기, 몇 명의 남자가 조각배를 타고 와서 톰이 그들에게 손짓하고 상황과 기아 상태를 설명한 이야기, 남자들이 처음에 그 이야기를 믿지 않았던 이유와, 왜냐하면 “너희는 동굴이 있는 계곡 아래 5마일 나왔다” 라고 했기 때문, 그리고 그들이 톰과 베키를 배에 태우고 집으로 데리고 가서 저녁을 주고 어둠 후 두세 시간 동안 쉬게 한 이야기 등을 설명하였다.

    ⦁ convinced: 설득된
    – He convinced her to go to the meeting. (그는 그녀를 회의에 가도록 설득했다.)

    ⦁ famished: 몹시 배고픈
    – After the hike, we were famished. (하이킹 후 우리는 몹시 배고팠다.)

  12. Before day-dawn, / Judge Thatcher / and the handful of searchers / with him / were tracked out, / in the cave, / by the twine clews / they had strung behind them, / and informed / of the great news.

    새벽이 오기 전에, 대처 판사와 그와 함께한 몇 명의 수색자들은 그들이 뒤에 남긴 트윈 클루를 따라 동굴에서 찾아내어 그 큰 소식을 전해 들었다.

  13. ⦁ dawn: 새벽
    – We left before dawn. (우리는 새벽 전에 떠났다.)

    ⦁ handful: 소수의
    – Only a handful of people attended the meeting. (단 몇 명의 사람들만이 회의에 참석했다.)

  14. Three days and nights / of toil and hunger / in the cave / were not to be shaken off / at once, / as Tom and Becky / soon discovered.

    동굴에서의 3일 밤낮의 고된 노동과 굶주림은 한순간에 떨쳐버릴 수 있는 것이 아니었음을 톰과 베키는 곧 발견하게 되었다.

  15. ⦁ toil: 고된 노동
    – The farmers toiled in the fields all day. (농부들은 하루 종일 들에서 일했다.)

    ⦁ discovered: 발견된
    – She discovered a hidden trail in the forest. (그녀는 숲 속에 숨겨진 길을 발견했다.)

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